Hello photography lovers,
In today's post I take the risk of not being to everyone's liking, I take the risk of not presenting different images of beautiful landscapes from different parts of the world, today I chose to share with you some photos made with sculptures that represent the image in whole or in part of finished figures, real or imaginary, allegorical, objects, an event, usually exhibited in open spaces.
Statues are generally erected or executed to show gratitude to someone, to praise someone or to eulogise someone.
The pictures I will post here in the community are taken by me with my mobile phone on my last trip through Italy.
If someone tells you that posing next to a sculpture is boring, it's only because they don't know how to do it properly.
The sculptures are alive and you just have to use your imagination to see that and go beyond what people perceive when they see a statue. Few, however, think to take pictures of them.
For many of us, a statue is something banal, something lifeless, a piece of junk we may pass by day after day without noticing it, but some people have made every statue they have come across an opportunity to smile.
A single photo can turn an otherwise normal landscape into something interesting and, at the same time, very funny.
Thank you so much for stopping by.