According to you, which is the country in the world with the highest number of sycophants & suck-ups per capita?

in #hive-1952122 months ago

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Yeah, I reckon that answering this question with extreme precision is not an easy feat to achieve. Given that there are so many diverse and varied cultures, customs, idiosyncrasies, vices and virtues in 195 total countries in the world. Nevertheless, worldwide, I have no doubt that there are some places overflowing with sycophants, suck-ups, asslickers, minions, parasites, brown-nosers and masters of rimjobs at a higher rate than others.

Therefore for the purpose of the poll and survey in this post. Which soon could potentially become into a contest with good prizes and everything. We are going to try to make things easier for the participants so that they are not afraid to show their acumen and insights in the comments section with answers and opinions in which they may feel that they have not been very accurate. Even though everyone is free to make mistakes.

So, to make things easier. Today we are going to reduce and limit the worldwide world dimension of the countries just to the Hive ecosystem. Only to the countries and their citizens that participate and make a living in the Hive ecosystem. Remarkable individuals of all kinds and species who proudly show a behavior in representation of their own countries from which we could intuit that they could easily win the Trophy and Gold Medal as the country with the highest number of sycophants & suck-ups per capita.

If you ask me why I have written this post with such a strange survey and unusual poll. Well, the short answer is, out of simple curiosity. And the long answer is, because I've realized that apparently no one in the world has openly asked this question before in the entire public World Wide Web of the information superhighway. A thing which is obviously about time someone asked and defined it. Don't you think?

So, there you have it. I would like to see if someone here would be actually capable to find official statistics, infographics and whatnot that could answer this question and incognita in the entire open WWW of internet whether using Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo or whatever, about which country in the entire world would emerge victorious in this matter. Because I still think it's possible that you can find such information if you try.

But if it is too difficult for you to find it. Well, then don't worry and just limit yourself to answering which country, which demonym, which gentilic, which citizenship, which Hive citizens around the world do you believe looks like the most proud sycophants and suck-ups of the entire planet. It's just a matter of looking deeper!

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