Lately, I've been watching with kinda ball's ache a few alarming trends happening here on Hive. And these issues have mostly something to do with the extremely low incidence and decline in activity in this "social network" on the blockhain. Fewer posts, fewer content, fewer votes, fewer comments, fewer replies, fewer interaction and fewer whatnots that can be clearly and notoriously observed for some time now.
Initially, a few months ago, this was much more public and noticeable, seeing this decline in "social" activity mostly only during the weekends. But now, and in these last days, it is more than clear that this regrettable situation starts on Thursdays and lasts throughout the weekend.
And mind you, that it's not that Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays have ever been the days of greatest activity on the blockchain, eh? Quite the opposite. Because these first three days of the week traditionally were and have always been the days of least activity on this "social network" on the blockchain since the days of Steemit, you know?
So now and next I am going to ask you only thirteen questions. ¿13? Yeah, thirteen. Because thirteen is a more cabalistic number to see if we together can decipher this great mystery that is currently plaguing and has been plaguing the "social network" of the Hive blockchain for some time:
1- Do you create?
2- Do you invest?
3- Do you curate?
4- Do you engage?
5- Do you interact?
6- Do you develop?
7- Do you socialize?
8- Do you consume?
9- Do you reblog?
10- Do you just game?
11- Do you just gamble?
12- Do you do all of the above!
13- Do you do none of the above!
¡Pump you up!
So yeah, meanwhile I think I'll await a bit patiently wandering around from here to there and from there to here in order to witness a favorable change soon over here. While at the same time, extravagantly & exuberantly I'm gonna smoke a cigarette here squatting thinking about other important stuff that could also be happening or could arise.