My Rising Star: FAI Supportive Friend

in #hive-1953702 years ago

My Rising Star: FAI Supportive Friend

As the saying goes, persistence is victory. Therefore, I believe that as long as you do the same thing every day, there will be good results.

On February 28, 4,195 tasks were completed; to level 111; 146 cards have been obtained. Today I want to share with you a card that I have.



Card 48: FAI Supportive Friend ID:1879028


Followers: 5
Skills: 5
Lucky: 0
Revenue correction: 0

A Special with a total supply of 999999
NFTs, 44,216 cards distributed. This card has a good market value. There are many sellers selling this card, and the more suitable price is 1swap.hive.


That's all for today, next time I'll continue to share the other cards I own. Thank you for reading and supporting. Thank you very much for your love. Rock it
play for free

我的新星: FAI Supportive Friend

俗话说,坚持就是胜利。 因此,我相信只要每天做同样的事情,就会有好的结果。

2月28日,完成任务4195个; 到111级; 已获得146张卡片。 今天我想和大家分享一张我拥有的卡片。

第48张牌:FAI Supportive Friend ID :1879028

追随者: 5

一个总供应量为999999的 Special
NFT,分发了44216张卡。 这张卡有良好的市场价值。 有很多卖家卖这张卡,比较合适的价格为1swap.hive。

今天就这些,下次我会继续分享我拥有的其他卡片。 感谢您的阅读和支持。 非常感谢您的爱。 摇滚吧!