New Rare Rising Star Card

in #hive-1953703 years ago

Today I unlocked a new pack in the game rising star and I have to say I was presently surprised. Although I still have not been able to pick up a card higher then rare I hope one day that becomes a thing as those legendary cards pack some serious power behind them!

That being said let's take a look into what I unlocked on this pack.


1 Rare called R127 Zapf is a brand new card.
Packing 125 fans
75 skill
3 luck
and 3 income modifier
This new rare card has a little bit of everything which will bump up the quality.

From what I've been able to figure out Income modifier right now does nothing but it actully goes by how many fans you have in terms of your income per gig being bumped up more.

If there's one thing about this game that's confusing it would be that. How to increase starbits earned for gigs and missions.

Overall I'm loving this game. I enjoy the very passive aspects of it where I can just click a few buttons and do other things as I do a gig. Some of these other games I have to say require a bit too much time so unless the value is there for earnings many of those tend to fall to the side right now for more passive earner games such as this one.

What's the best card you've picked up in Rising star?