1 Month Of Rising Star - My Earnings, Stats and Experience!

in #hive-1953702 years ago

Rising Star 1 Month.png

3 Weeks ago, in my 1 Week Earning Report, I said that at the end of my first month I would be giving my Earnings Report, and talk about how I found the game so far! Now we've reached that point, lets have a look at how I'm finding Rising Star, and how close I am to famous!

Fun Building Fans?

I'm going to start with my actual experience with the game and it's community. Very early on, I joined the Rising Star Discord server and found a fun, friendly, and extremely helpful community! I began to ask some questions to learn how to make the most of my time and energy, and everyone was happy to help me as I began! I used the information they gave me very early on, and they helped shape my initial investment into this game, which I will go over later on, and they helped me make a mission cycle which maximises my energy use per day!

The game itself is a fairly simple experience, just click a mission, wait and go. It's the community that really makes this game special, chatting in the Discord as we wait for our timers and the developers being friendly and joking around in the general chat with us. There are a few touches in the game I really like, like the radio playing smaller artist's music in the background, but the bulk of my enjoyment has come from interacting with fellow players. If you're not part of this Discord already, I would strongly recommend it!

So now, how worthwhile is this game if you're looking to earn? I'm going to go over my earnings week by week to show how quickly they ramp up, and see how we've done overall on an ROI!

Week 1


As I mentioned before, I am not entirely free to play, but I definitely did not Whale on this game! I took some of my DEC from Splinterlands, and spent about 7 Hive initally, which became about 25000 Starbits. I used these on a Pizza Box, a Cold Pizza Slice, and later in the week, the Jedd card to have the fans for the Missions I was able to run once I'd levelled up a bit. The Pizza Box and Slice helped me be able to play more and be more efficient with my time and energy, as I was able to fill up my energy once per day guaranteed, and not waste Energy by being able to store pizza slices for when I needed them. I then later on bought the Jedd card, as he was a cheap way to get Fans, but importantly had more Skill than Fans on his card. This is important to manage your Ego when you get to level 15 or 1000 Fans, so most cards I buy follow this rule of more Skill than Fans. At the end of the week, I transferred out most of my earnings and re-invested them in Vicky, building my Fans and Skill even more as I progressed through the missions. Overall in this week I earned 9665 Starbits, taking me over 1/3 of the way to my initial investment.

Week 2


During this week, I hit Level 20, and began to run the Saturday Headline Mission and begin that Mission Cycle I mentioned earlier. Thanks to the community, I found the cycle of Saturday Headline -> Music Lesson -> Illegal Busking -> Eat Pizza Slice -> Repeat. This was maximising my energy usage, and also meant I only had to check the game a few times a day, which was a lot easier than running something every 30 minutes or so! Here the earnings started to ramp up quite highly, even with having to take the time to run the Music Lessons to control my Ego bar! In this week alone, I earned 18600 Starbits, taking me over my initial investment in under 2 weeks! I used these earned starbits to pick up Romy, Frederico, and a second pizza slice, meaning I could run 12 hour days of this cycle even when I didn't get lucky and drop any pizza slices into my box!

Week 3


This week was largely uneventful - just running my cycle and levelling up towards new and better missions. I only bought the one card this week, Damien, and earned 19513 Starbits, almost my entire inital investment in 1 week! At this point I was very close to a 200% ROI in just 3 weeks, but am still using these earnings to buy NFTs and increase these earnings even more!

Week 4


In this week I decided to change my cycle up a little. As I unlocked new missions in Zone 2, I would run them 10 times each, ready to unlock the next one when I hit the required Level. This is less efficient currently, but is allowing me to be ready to be ready to run the last mission of Zone 2 when I have the fans and the Level, which will be the basis of my new cycle. Despite this, I still earned 14450 Starbits, and used these profits to get a 2nd Pizza Box, as running shorter missions currently means I need more energy refills per day, as well as a couple new cards for Fans and Skill.

End of Month Stats

So how are my stats looking right now? Here's how many Fans and Skill points I have to my name right now:


And here's my EXP bar:


I'm going to be doing much of the same until I hit level 50 and have gotten myself to at least 1500 Fans, at which point I will be able to run the last Starbit earning mission in Zone 2. From there I will be probably taking profits in this game and transferring them into more DEC and SPS to build my Splinterlands collection up into a Gold Level, at least until I am level 75 in Rising Star and can look to unlock band member slots. From there the game is unknown to me, but that is a long way off for now, and I am looking forward to finding out what's next!

All in all, I would heavily recommend this game and it's community to all people interested in Blockchain gaming, as I think it has a long way to go! I'm having a blast playing it, and if you're interested you can check it out here!

Thank you guys for reading, leave an upvote if you enjoyed, and I'll be back to you all soon with more Splinterlands and Rising Star content!


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The NFT based music career game built on HIVE

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