I threw away one of my plants because it was male.

in #hive-195708last year

I had the bad luck that one of my plants ended up becoming male, this is surely because it suffered a lot of stress and could not grow as I wanted.
I am trying to grow in smaller containers and not have to harvest giant plants taller than 2 meters, plus I have a daughter and two dogs.



It was a waste but there are other plants to continue caring for, so don't lose heart and continue with the other plants.



That sucks you got a male. Hopefully your remaining plants will do great and give you lots of weed.


Yeah smaller plants are awesome!

thank god i have 5 more plants :D

Sorry to hear. He looks healthy too. Also just a heads up we made a new community that we are slowly switching too since Weedcash was abandon. Something we should of done a long time ago, since it was abandon a long time ago.


Kill that bastard!!