Alquimia Cannabica | N°14 / Cannabis Alchemy | No. 14
Frutos de cannabis, planta del sol,
Que crece en campos y jardines,
Con tu aroma a tierra y mar,
Eres el regalo de los dioses al hombre.
Tu floración un espectáculo,
Tus hojas verdes y tricomas naranjas,
Que iluminan la oscuridad de la noche,
Con su luz interior, como un faro.
Pero tu verdadero tesoro,
Son los frutos que guardas en tu seno,
Con su sabor a miel y a especias,
Son la joya de la alquimia.
Y en el laboratorio del alquimista,
Donde se desvela tu verdadero poder,
Con su arte la transforma,
Convierte tu sangre en oro.
Frutos de cannabis, planta del sol,
Eres el secreto del maestro alquimista,
Con tu poder curativo y espiritu ansestral,
Eres el elixir de la vida.
Frutos de cannabis, planta del sol,
Eres el milagro de la naturaleza,
Con tu poder de sanación, con tu consuelo,
Eres la poesía de la vida que vuela de calada en calada.
Alquimia Cannabica | N°15 / Cannabis Alchemy | No. 15
Cannabis fruits, plant of the sun,
That grows in fields and gardens,
With your scent of earth and sea,
You are the gift of the gods to man.
Your flowering a spectacle,
Your green leaves and orange trichomes,
That light up the darkness of the night,
With your inner light, like a lighthouse.
But your true treasure,
Are the fruits you keep in your bosom,
With their taste in honey and spices,
They are the jewel of alchemy.
And in the laboratory of the alchemist,
Where your true power is revealed,
With his art, he transforms it,
Turns your blood into gold.
Fruits of cannabis, plant of the sun,
You are the secret of the master alchemist,
With your healing power and ancestral spirit,
You are the elixir of life.
Cannabis fruits, plant of the sun,
You are the miracle of nature,
With your healing power, with your comfort,
You are the poetry of life that flies from puff to puff.