Hello hive, hello friend and hello Afritunes community how are we all doing. And today is Sunday hope we attend church service at my place the service was good and awesome yes. This is Afritunes week 152 Am Joseph and I specialy welcome you guys to another wonderful week at Afritunes so am here to present to you all And Hausa Gospel song title "babu wani" by Abel Namadi. the song expresses a deep meaning of there's no one like our father who is in heaven yes. Me particularly I have faith and believe that there's no one like him, no one can compare to his glory he is the God of yesterday today and forever. God is so powerful and great he always provided everything for us because he is our father in heaven. when we face challenges in life we are ought to ask the breath of life to come to our rescue and also
God love is overwhelming it's an unconditional love he guided and see us, through the days of our Life God is love and God is Good.
Forever in my heart I pray that I will follow his ways, follow his will, that I may not be a slave to sin, once someone has become slave to sin it will be hard to standout against it unless you open your heart wide open to accept Jesus Christ so that he can teach you his ways. God has made us in his own likeness so that we can be with him one-day but our sins are driving us far away from God because the devil knows there is everlasting happiness in Heaven waiting for us , it's a heart cry to God so that he can save us all AMEN. I hope we will believe that there is non like him.
if you will laugh, laugh little ahbeg 😁😁
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Godiya mun kawo ga yesu, babu wani kamar da shi
Ibada mun kawo ga yesu, babuwani kamar da shi
Wakar yabo mun kawo ga yesu, babu wani kamar da shi
Rayuwar mu mun kawo ga yesu, babu wani kamar da shi
Oh babu wani kamar da yesu, babu wani kamar da shi
Oh babu wani kamar da yesu, babu wani kamar da shi
Aii babu wani kamar da yesu, babu wani kamar da shi
Oh babu wani kamar da yesu, babu wani kamar da shi
Source: Musixmatch
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