Hey everyone. I am now sitting in the container office, updating reports as I wait for access on the vessel.
They have taken the gangways off and are grtting ready to float the vessel and move it over to another dock.
It is a long process, a lot of services need to be decoupled and made safe. A lot of staff need to get off the vessel, and systems need to be made safe.
Outside the Dry Dock w can s the true sea level.
Meanwhile on the other side there is still a lot of the drybdock that needs to be filled. The vessel is standing on its chicks still.
The balast balancing while raising the vessel up is a delicate process.
Failure tondo this correctly can result in the ship capsizing.
This is my last round of pictures on board until the vessel is floating.
Meanwhile on the other side of the ship, the baege is still busy with its repairs.
For now we can walk across this gate, when they flood fully I doubt they would let people get on top of it, but it would have a great view.
Thank yoy for reading this post!