Infuriating VPN Challenges

in #hive-196233last year

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to absolutely rant about some annoying shit: VPN problems!!


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Infuriating VPN Challenges

Really fucking annoying VPN problems! ARGH

I'm getting really sick of encountering these ridiculous VPN problems. I signed up for a VPN and was doing so, thinking that I would be clicking one quick little button and boom I would be in good shape, connectivity established and my data secure between me and the VPN provider, hidden away from my ISP and phone provider.

What's the matter bro??? You good??

But noooo this isn't the case. The first few weeks with the VPN were great. It worked perfectly fine, no connection issues and it would connect right up. I don't know what the fuck happened but the past 2 months or so, every fucking night I have issues connecting to the damn VPN. Sometimes I need to click the button twice for it to work, other times I have to restart my computer 4 or 5 fucking times before the piece of shit will connect and stay connected. I'm really getting to my wits end with this shit..

The kicker on all of this is that I took the "deal" and paid for 1 year of VPN service hahaha. Fuck me for trying to get a decent bit of money saved to do so. That was absolutely a mistake and I don't know if I will be doing that again, particularly with a provider that is starting out on the VPN business. I don't necessarily think the provider is doing anything shady, I think it's just fucking ridiculous to have so many connection issues when it really should be simple. I've been using VPN's for a few years now, granted most of them are through work and thus quite a bit different then the one that I set up on my own but still. It shouldn't be that difficult to have a service that connects to the VPN reliably.

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I've put in tickets with their helpdesk, contacted different folks, searched the web for both people having issues with the VPN and the resolve steps that others took. None of that seems to be working for me and I'm at the point where I will try and pay for an alternate provider for a month just to see if it's my fucking laptop or something.

What really bothers me is that I don't have all the time in the world to sit down and write. I usually get an hour max every night that I have a window in which I can write some posts, hit some comments and get out there for the activity. That time is cut the fuck short though when I run into these damn freaking VPN problems. I refuse to connect to the internet pages that I need to visit like PeakD, Leo and others without being on my VPN. These days, god knows what the companies are doing with the data they are provided by snooping on us.


Thankfully the VPN that I use on my laptop started on my phone. It works perfectly fine on my phone, which is likely one of the reasons that I haven't thrown the shit out the window at this point, because it does work, just on my phone 100% of the time but not my laptop. It really burns my ass to have these things going on when all I want to do is connect up, write 2 or 3 posts, do some comments and go to bed. Writing this post here tonight, I wasted 23 minutes trying to get my VPN connected when I just said fuck it, and tethered my laptop to my phone and am running off my phone connection and VPN through my phone. I don't love doing that because the connection is a little bit slower and I already use a pretty good amount of data as it is lol but you gotta do what you gotta do in order to get fucking connected.

We pay these companies for these services because we can't come up with them ourselves and we get hamstrung like this. I guess I will have to do more digging to see if I make some changes to the hardware settings on my laptop if that will make any improvements to this disaster or not. Fingers crossed here dudes!

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So which one is it then? How are people supposed to help you if you dont say that?
I just recently signed up for Atlas VPN, which is a cheaper branch of Nord. It has some limitations though, that they didn't mention before: it only works on Windows 10 or 11, not on older Windows.
On the mobil phone (Android) I had to reinstall it once because it stopped functioning. This is known to them and recommended in the FAQs.
Else it works ok, reliable and also fast enough for video streaming.

Btw., you shouldn't expect miracles from a VPN. All it does is to change your IP adress, so your location is hidden, i.e. shown wrongly to servers you connect to. And it scans for some illegal access atempts by other websites.

Yeah I know what a VPN is for, I've used it for work for quite a while and know the basics of it. The brave browser, which is the company that operates my vpn, isn't some shit company they have come very far since I started using their software and now their VPN. I don't know what the issue is exactly with my laptop, I've researched things online and it is giving me a RAS error sometimes but the fix to that is a little weird and not really straight forward. I'm hoping that upgrading to windows 11 will somehow fix it, otherwise I'll end up fighting with it every day for a while until my year subscription is up lol

Well, I could say a few things about Windows, but that wouldn't be good for my blood pressure.
Yes, I just hope the Atlas VPN keeps working ok - because I have a 42 month subsciption that is payed in advance.

Pakistan is a poor country and the people who live here are free vpnu's that are not bought here.

I've never had a cheap one i was happy with. I got Nord now, runs all the time, everywhere.

Well the issue I’m having is it’s brave. I love their browser and it’s really easy to use it on my phone but I don’t know why it’s a PITA on my laptop. I’m wondering if upgrading to windows 11 will fix it or not lol that’s my next step.

If this falls apart I’m going to go with proton, they are a pretty solid company and have a good and trusted VPN from what I’ve read.

I use brave too.

Of course tonight my issue was 5 seconds long. I reconnected a few times and then it stuck. Other nights I'm wasting 30 minutes doing it lol. I just wish the differences weren't there!

The difference is Nord dude. Between my security, the VPN, 1 terabyte cloud space for all my Atlas clips, I pay $1.98/month. Covers both of our phones, her laptop, the iPad, and room for more. Never <- have I had a problem.

Damn that sounds like it’s a pretty good deal, I’ve got 7 months left of brave so I have a little time before I get to where I’ll be paying for a different one but I’ll keep this on my list of ones to look into!

I feel Nord is the best
Using a cheap or free VPN will only ruin the plans you have

Another Nord user haha. I'm using brave VPN and it's good on my phone but just sucks on my laptop. I love the brave browser, it works excellent! I don't know why their VPN is a bit shoddy right now.