This Won't End Well

in #hive-1962332 years ago

It's the 6th day of the year today and an hour ago the outside temperature was 9°C. Some of you may say that is nice as it's winter and at least it's not cold. Others, who are used to warmer climate may say this is freezing. I'd say neither, or if I want to be honest, this is terrible.


Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok on Unsplash

This temperature is more common during spring, let's say March and April, when the snow is gone and nature starts to wake up. When I was a kid, March and April was the time to ditch the boots and take out our brand new spring shoes. There was an unwritten competition at school, to see who's first. Obviously this was not up to us as parents had a say in this, but they were at work when we left for school, so cheating and disobeying their orders was an everyday thing. It felt good to finally have our new shoes, way lighter than winter boot.

This winter, instead of my winter coat, I was using my autumn/spring coat as there was only one occasion when the temperature went down to -12°C. On the rest of the days the temperature was around zero, or above.

We haven't had snow yet either. There was one day when (from the window) it seemed we got some snow, but it was more like frost as we had fog the previous night. I remember I wasn't feeling well that day, but got myself together and went out for a photo shoot as I knew it may have been the one and only time to see everything covered in white. So far it seems it was.

Will we get some snow this year? Yesterday was raining all day, which is not a bad thing as rain is needed. The weather forecast said it's going to snow tomorrow. Now it says it's going to rain again, which is not a surprise as at these high temperatures there's no way to snow. There will not be snowing in the next ten days either and with that, half of January will be over already. This means we'll have around a month and a half, to get some snow.


Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

This is not a new phenomenon, it's been happening for some time now and it's getting worse every year. We're hoping to get some snow every year as kids can barely wait to get out and play in the snow once the school is over, plus Christmas is nice if we have some snow, but I haven't seen a white Christmas for years now. Kids up until school age may not even know what proper snow is.

In some years, in March, when the gardening season usually should start, we got some snow accompanied by cold, obviously. So instead of enjoying the mild weather and parading in our new spring outfits, we got our boots out and were shoveling snow.


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Strictly from individual point of view this would not be catastrophic, as we can adjust, but if you look at the bigger picture, this trend is going to lead to major catastrophes in the future. Snow has a role, a well defined one. Snow is meant to cover the land, protect the crop and moisturize the land to help seeds germinate when the time comes.

We've been having some serious droughts every single year now. Not having snow means dry land, which can lead to more drought in the summer. My dad has an irrigation system, which helps a lot, but last year, due to high temperatures, the flower of the beans got burnt and we got no beans. This is just an example and not the only one unfortunately.


Photo by Cole Farlow on Unsplash

This climate change is affecting traditional agriculture and it's going to change it forever. It's going to affect our pockets as well. All those floods, land sliding, glaciers melting, droughts, you name it. Future generations are going to be in a very difficult position.

It's still early to tell if we're going to have some snow or not. I hope we can still get some and in time, not in March or April when buds are out and the damage done by those low temperatures can affect the gardening season.

The other day I saw in TV that down south, where it's warmer, magnolia trees are budding already. Magnolia is among the first to flower, but budding in January is not normal. Nature is confused as nothing is as it used to be. This won't end well.

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Same here. The day temperatures have been around or above 10 C here in Prague since Christmas. Very unusual. I was not even wearing any coat today, just a hoodie... Very confusing for nature, not good at all, as much as we might actually enjoy the warm weather...

Looks like it's the same as here and I agree, it's not good at all.

As you said

Quote Nature is confused as nothing is as it used to be.

Totally confused and cycles are very affected by it. One can see the changes of nature from a decade to another, but this speed is insane and it is something to be concern of.

This post was upvoted by the Nature Lovers Community

Nature is confused as nothing is as it used to be.

This is climate change and it's not good at all. In our case last year, April and May used to be the hottest and driest months. But instead we were hit by a tropical storm that poured so much rain for days that caused landslides and took many lives. It was a sad scenerio on months that's supposed to be fun for us coz we get to enjoy the weather without too much rain. But all we can do is adapt to these changes.

Looks like it's affecting every part of the world. Italy had a lot of landslides as the whole country is full of mountains and every year there's landslide somewhere, taking lives.

We don't have storms here, but had hailing in May or June, can't remember exactly, which made a lot of damage to the garden. We were lucky to get away with 10 or 20% damage, but there were others who lost everything.

I wouldn’t necessarily call it climate change because one thing about the weather on earth is that it’s been very chaotic over the long span of time. Our lifetimes are tiny blips compared to long term trends on the planet and we may be having an effect on the planet but it’s more pollution of land and soil than changing of the weather.

I’ve been listening a lot lately to Bjorn Lomberg, he’s been a very honest and pragmatic voice for the situation that’s going on right now and we have to be careful to not get caught in the trap that is being set. Do not mistake that there will be severe consequences on you and I, not the actual polluters, if we let this farce of “climate change” continue and usher in carbon taxes and other nonsense. There are far more pragmatic and proper solutions to improve things on the planet.

Just my two cents!

It is unfortunate that it does not snow. I'm sure it also affects more pests on the ground that destroy crops.

Let's hope that the whole of society will open our eyes and act to slow down global warming because unfortunately I doubt very much that we will be able to stop it.

I can't even imagine staying in a 9⁰ weather.. jeez, I'll freeze to death 🤧

It won't really end well like you said because this is tending to dry land... Drought combining with no snow will be bad
I really pray the snow finds its way to fall.
Don't worry you'll take out your new shoe soon also😅

9°C is a nice temperature and you'll manage, you jut need the right clothes.

Don't worry you'll take out your new shoe soon also😅

Don't have new shoes this year ☹️

Hive will give you a new shoe soon😅

This really isn't going to end well lol
I mean, I've seen too many cases like yours in my country (well with different kinds of weather).

Even daily weather forecasts don't work as much as it did before here... We just live each day in any weather we find ourselves, not getting surprised when it rained during dry season lol.

There was an unwritten competition at school, to see who's first

I can't believe I was one of the competitors back then lol

I don't know what it is like in those country where there's the dry season and the rainy season, but it is messed up here, big time.

Too bad!
And I wonder if there's anything that could be done about that

There are a lot of things, but not many care.

What a sad truth

Just Google How to stop global warming, see how many boxes you ✅

I admire countries that are investing in producing green energy, incentivizing citizens to walk and use bikes, not to mention electric cars, fueled by green energy and so on. However, if others don't contribute, we won't get anywhere.

Would check it out

These things are what has to be done as a country, not individually

Both actually. Individuals have a role to play in this as well, a huge one.

Electric cars are the most abysmal failure for “green” energy. There are far better ways to achieve it and this is most definitely not one of the ways. Ignoring the fact that they are using child slave labor to mine the materials for their batteries, which they’ve recently been caught red handed doing despite all kinds of virtual signaling companies saying they aren’t, the lithium mining and processes to create the batteries are magnitudes more toxic for the environment than removing petroleum and using it as a fuel, with proper efficiency taken into consideration.

Then don’t forget the fact that they are powered largely by coal plants which are atrocious at the amount of toxic waste they produce in many steps of the process.

If they are powered by “green” energy such as wind or solar there’s not enough of it to charge a fleet of the cars so they will never get charged to the capacity they need to be at to be used.

Wind turbines cannot be recycled so when they wear out and break, which they do about every 7 years or so last I looked, they have to dig massive pits to bury the waste material. They also use hundreds of gallons of oil to lubricate them and keep the turbine cool which has to be refreshed every many months, I don’t remember the schedule.

My point being is that this absolute green washing of electric vehicles is such a scam and meant as a way to force people into inefficient means of transportation. Combustion engines far out perform the electric vehicles on even the metrics that are used to measure “carbon footprint” of the bloody things! I think we are being led in the completely wrong direction. I want more efficient vehicles for sure! I just don’t want to be pushed in a direction that is downright foolish and will lead to worse conditions instead of better. We need to invest more into using natural gas as a fuel because it’s even more efficient than gasoline is and is unbelievably cheap to produce and is completely renewable. You can farm waste dumps for natural gas and there are millions of square feet of them throughout the world sitting there not being taken advantage of!

I can go on longer but I just think my point is the governments of the world are intentionally leading us in the wrong direction. We are far smarter than this and can create incredible solutions but they are trying to shut them down for the ones they want to use to control us far more.

Snow makes everything more magical!
Where I live the temperatures are really very hot and in winter reaching 5/7 degrees means cold cold!
However, I have lived in places where a lot of snow fell during these periods and I confess that even the Christmas climate was different, it felt more, I can't explain why... it's the magic of snow.

Probably even spending Christmas on the beach has its reason; However, I confess that I always stay for the magic of the snow heh heh!

When Christmas is covered in snow it is always more beautiful.

Just think that my wife and I are thinking of moving to a country where there is a lot of snow in the future... we're a little crazy I know, but when you like something, you like it!😉

I understand what you mean. Even the legend has it that Santa comes from the North pole ... you know. I was thinking how it is to spend Christmas on the beach, like in Australia for example. Have never done it. Christmas is more beautiful, when it's white :)

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What's more to this is that there are people that does not believe of climate change while the politicians are doing thier best not to tackle the issue because they are getting paid by the giant corporations such as fuel industries for thier campaign funds.

I agree with you, I live in a warm city and it doesn't normally snow here, but right now the temperatures are even higher than last year and every year things seem to get a bit stranger. I haven't been to my village yet so I don't know how things are there but it seems to be less affected. In winter it snows and in summer it gets warmer and the seasons seem normal. It could be because it's in a mountainous area and not many people live there. In the future, I think there will be more migration from the city to the village because the seasons are not the only thing that change. The quality of the air and sky pollution is also getting worse.

Air quality is also a factor to consider when choosing your location. We don't have any problems here yet and I hope to keep it that way but I see how catastrophic the situation is in some countries.

I wouldn’t necessarily call it climate change because one thing about the weather on earth is that it’s been very chaotic over the long span of time. Our lifetimes are tiny blips compared to long term trends on the planet and we may be having an effect on the planet but it’s more pollution of land and soil than changing of the weather.

I’ve been listening a lot lately to Bjorn Lomberg, he’s been a very honest and pragmatic voice for the situation that’s going on right now and we have to be careful to not get caught in the trap that is being set. Do not mistake that there will be severe consequences on you and I, not the actual polluters, if we let this farce of “climate change” continue and usher in carbon taxes and other nonsense. There are far more pragmatic and proper solutions to improve things on the planet.

The other thing I’ve personally thought, which isn’t backed by science of course but just my anecdotal observations, is that the seasons appear to be shifting clockwise a bit. Winter lasts a little bit longer but starts a bit later. Same with spring and summer and then fall. I think what may be occurring is a shift in seasons which would be interesting to say the least. Thankfully with plants, they are more focused on the temperatures and rainfall but what I wonder if that does occur, what does that mean for daylight hours and plants as I’m sure one of the factors for them is how long daylight hours last.

That my be true where you live, but not here, so I disagree with you. Seasons don't appear to be shifting clockwise a bit, but disappearing slowly. We used to have four seasons and that was the case for years. Now we have 3 as spring is one week if we're lucky, or two. This is terrible for agriculture as we start late most of the time due to cold and then one day you have 5 degrees, the next day you have 20. This is when all your seedlings get burnt because they didn't have time to get used to strong sun.

Summer is not longer, ends when it used to end and then we have a long autumn, and a very mild winter, that slowly can be qualified as autumn, if we continue like this.