Finally the most overrated party of the year is over again. Happy 2024 guys!!

in #hive-1962339 months ago

Happy new year guys! May the crypto gods be with us this year and that health, love and an abundance of crypto may pour over all of us!

That being said...I am super happy that the most overrated party of the year is over again. All the pressure is finally off the cooker and the expectations can be lowered again. Maybe New Years eve is even more overrated that Christmas even?


Already in September or October the question starts to pop up by people already. 'Did you get tickets for party x-y-z. Do you know what you are doing with new years eve?'

I try to bounce this question for as long as possible. Sure if there is a cool event I might consider going, but often that even is just a nice event even if it was also hosted on any other day as well.

The around December the questions start to get a bit more serious on what you intend to be doing. In the week between Christmas and New Years it is like there is no option in dodging the question anymore, you have to have decided what you will be doing on new years eve and it has to be with other people and in a cozy atmosphere and a dresscode.

Eventually I decided to hook in with some buddies on a low key setting with some 'oliebollen' (I don't really know what you call them in English but these are like doughnuts coming but the fried and with some sugar on top, but we call the oliebollen, which literally translated is 'oilballs' hahah), and it was actually really nice.


But I remember in another year that I decided to go home after an evening shift of work and just the countdown moment by myself and I didn't really like it. I was good on the element of just chilling at home, but I was not really okay with the amount of times that I had to tell people I didn't do anything and just headed home and then had to absorb the very judgemental faces coming after that.

It wasn't about staying home. It was about 'telling other people that you stayed home' and I almost felt embarred by it. Not doing that again.

The funny thing is, on any regular night you can tell the world that you don't feel like going anywhere, but on new years eve, it doesn't really feel like an option? (I know...I bolt under peer pressure and opinions from others)

Did I already mention how much fireworks suck?

Nooooo...not the professional shows, those are beautiful and really are an addition to any experience especially since any pyro show now is just getting cooler and cooler.

No, I am talking about the fireworks that you buy yourself, and on a bit too windy day some a bit too drunk people decide to ignite them on a bit too crowded street. Those fireworks.

And the amount of damage coming from those fireworks. People blowing their hands off, cars set on fire, firworks ended up on wooden roofs leaving a fire. So much damage every year and we all are okay with that.

This year was the first time that the city of Eindhoven had a fireworks ban for civilians, but they were hosting a big show in the centre of the city. Fair play if you ask me. Ban something, but organize something next to it.

Yes there was a bit less fireworks...But a ban? Nehhh, you couldn't really see anything out of that.

I am just happy this is all over again. It just feels overrated...or am I just getting old??


We are also glad this is all over again - especially for all the animals. Luckily our @dog-marley is not very affraid but I know a lot of others that are.

Same here.. my dog is luckily not at all scared of fireworks but we used to have a dog that was super scared and that is no fun at all. Back to normal here!

Yeah there’s a lot of foolishness around the whole new year stuff. I don’t bother celebrating, that’s for people in their teens and early 20’s in my opinion. I don’t need some Hallmark holiday crap to say change this or drink that. Make changes in the middle of august on a Tuesday night because you want to, that will be better for you and you’ll likely keep up with it more.

I brush off the social pressure, it’s foolish lol

Have a great 2024!

Same to you there!! Wishing you all the best for the new year!

Let the Halving year begin! Happy New Year

Mr bicycle!! How are you then!!

Wishing you all the best for the new year!!

Going strong and sex🕺

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Happy New Year!

Same to you there!! All the best for the new year!

You're just getting old.


Nah, normal feeling! I enjoy the party, but actually this year the general mood was "quiet dinner with a few friends" and that's it. We'll have plenty of time for stress-free parties in 2024, hopefully. Happy New Year! ;)

Quiet dinner with some friend sound exactly how it should be in 'our' age if you ask me ;)

to stress free parties in 2024! Cheers!

Over-rated is right. I've not been able to get motivated for the holidays at all this year. It just seems so much hype and marketing pushing everywhere. I'm just sick of it all being spammed, and pushed in my face. Not to mention all the emails from every company I've ever purchased from it seems that feels the need to send me more marketing spam for each holiday. Ugh... It used to be that you got Xmas cards or holiday wishes from those that you liked, those that liked you, along with family and friends. Now it just seems like a flood of things to delete. Hahaha, wow that sounded negative. Not really intended that way, but I really just enjoyed a quiet night at home curled up by the fire, watching some old shows, catching a little buzz and then hitting bed around 10pm. I did get woken at midnight by a few neighbors popping off some firearms, but that stopped quickly and was back to sleep for the New Year sleep in. For me, much more enjoyable than being out in a room full of people I don't care about being noisy... But that's just me. Hope you had a great one and have a great new year!

neighbours popping off firearms

Hahahah that is even more a whole different ballgame if you ask me.

That is the thing exactly what you mention there.. it has to be fun and it is so in your face from every point of view. Same here..I am happy it is over and everyone can start acting a bit normal again

Yeah I hear you on that one dude. It’s so annoying how we are just a product to be sold to during the holidays. I guess it’s better than people getting mowed down fighting for some piece of shit TV in Walmart lol that was a bad batch of years..

There is only one company this year that I bought from which I appreciated the holiday email - I needed to get something from them anyway and they gave me a coupon so I obliged them and know they didn’t mark up prices to mark them down - thankfully their price hasn’t changed.

You’re not out of the norm in terms of what you think is annoying about this all!

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