A Flower a Day Can Take Your Annoyance Away!

in #hive-196233last year

Can you imagine our world without these beautiful and colorful flowers in our surroundings? Would it feel the same even without those? Or, just like the icing on a cupcake, it will be a boring-looking cupcake that just tastes sweet but has no flavor in it.


Why flowers exist in the world? Is it because they give color to our surrounding? Or maybe, they exist merely as a decorations? Or maybe there's more meaning behind it? For me, flowers is not just a decoration, but a mood booster. Seeing them in full bloom showing it's lively color is enough to make me happy, being surrounded with it is like a gift. Did we really deserve this beauty? Flowers can really do a lot for us humans.

Let me tell you some real time stories or an experience of mine, where I was saved by these beautiful flowers.

Image Edited in Canva

I saw these on the side road. It is in full bloom, with a different color. We are in the middle of short walk going to the market when I saw these. It is really hot that day, but seeing them like this is really refreshing. My head that time that already feel annoyed with the heat, cool down a little thanks to this sight. It is enough to divert my attention from it, which stops my annoyance. Mama was walking fast in front of me but I stop for a second to admire them. I am really glad that flowers was just everywhere.


Let's jump to another scenario.

I remember this one time, a couple weeks ago, when I was really annoyed because I was forced to accompany someone to get the money that was sent to them from their daughter. And it happened because Mom was meddling, volunteering over something she couldn't even do. I mean, it is still in a good way because she really wants to help the old couple, but I find that annoying.


It is to the point that it is me who has to act, it's not like she can freely move because, as you know, she has a weak knee, so the role will be passed on to me, and I am against it, I hate it to be honest. I know it's bad to feel that way, especially because Mom just wants to be of help, but I am really not a kind person, I'm different from her. Kindness should be voluntary, not forced, and I hate volunteering, lol. I'm really bad, no? "Why would I hassle myself with such a bothersome act?" just a thought.


But it's not like I can say "no" to Mom. Especially if I didn't follow what she wanted, she was really the one who would do it and walk with them in the scorching heat of the sun. And that's not good, I am her human cane. That's why she has me, because she needs support. So I really don't have a choice but to follow her, it is more of a request from her than a command or anything else. So I just did it for her, not because of anyone else. Damn! I can't really say no to her.


So this is my not-so-happy shot. I am annoyed, but of course I didn't show it to the old couple. It's really hard to pretend to be happy, but I was all smiles. I'm doing it for Mom. But you know what? My annoyance almost went up to the highest level because when we arrived at our destination, the remittance shop was still closed, and it says there they are open from 9 a.m. to something. And when I checked my phone, it was 8:02 a.m., and I was like, "WTF?" (●´⌓`●), so I was stuck there for an hour. I tried to calm down and give myself reasons, "You should not choose violence today, Ruffa."

Diverting my attention into something is hard, even my phone can't do anything to make me feel better, and even watching anime didn't do anything. So I just started to listen to some music. I feel a little better while listening to Bullet by Hollywood Undead, it has depressing lyrics but has a good beat in it. Then I saw a garden full of flowers just beside the shop where I was. They have a pretty garden, and it has different plants and flowers in it.


Thanks to that, I forgot that I was really annoyed at that time. I just focused myself on getting a good shot of those flowers I spotted. I didn't stop until I got myself a good shot. So yeah, my attention was fully diverted to it, I almost forgot that I was with the old couple. They are minding their own business too, they are trying to protect themselves from the burning heat of the sun. It was really hot that day, and I also forgot about that because I wanted to get a good shot of those pretty flowers.


Thanks to their vibrant flowers, my mood got a little better. Flowers can really do a lot of things to humans, they are not just a flower that sprouts out of nowhere, they are a flower that gives color to someone's boring life and can be a little helpful too, to those who's having a bad day, truly a mood booster.


They really exist for a lot of reasons.

After finishing what we have to do in there, we just go home. I walked past them because I badly wanted to go home. I also want to wipe the sweat I have on my face and neck. Then one of the old couple approached me, handing me $4. Maybe a reward for accompanying them. But I declined the offer. They got a lot of money from their daughter, but I still declined.

It's not like I did a lot in there, I just filled out some forms, and that's it. Also, after what I did and felt while helping them, I feel like I don't deserve that reward. I know I don't. I just treat what I felt toward them while doing those "scripted" good deeds as my payment. Is that a bad thing? What do you think?



I myself felt a mixture of feelings reading your post. It was so funny to read that today was not a day to choose violence 🤣 Sometimes you write like a very experienced person Ruffa. I like that.

Even if you didn't want to accompany that couple, it has a lot of merit that you did. Sometimes forcing ourselves a little to do what we don't want to do isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think it's just life learning 💟

HAHAHAHA, at least that made you smile (≧▽≦). Thank You (≧▽≦).

Sometimes forcing ourselves a little to do what we don't want to do isn't necessarily a bad thing. I think it's just life learning

That! └( ^ω^)」So true, and sometime they ended up good too as I gain something there in the end, like these photos here. I just treat that also as a short exercise for my legs and knee, lol.

Bad ka ng 1/4 hahaha. Yung tipong ayaw mo tlaga pero no choice ka din eh, so go ruffa!

Pero infairness ang gaganda ng mga flowers at nkaka changed mood tlga sila.

Hahahahaha at least di na whole at 1/4 lang no hahaha.

Dibaaaa, kaya iba talagang alaga mga garden nila na maraming flowers ee uwu.

Hahaha natry ko din yan ah. Tapos ang hirap pa mgsmile kasi ayaw natin🤣.

Di ako plantita pero masarap sa eyes ko pg nakakakita ako ng mga flowers sa daan.

Flowers and nature definitely are important tools for improving our mood! There’s a lot of natural reasons for that in our brain. I’m glad that you are able to decompress your mind and body with it!

Right, that's why some really put a flowers even in their house, because it can improve their mood aside from it as a decoration.

I was able to get home that day with a cool head thanks to it ( ◜‿◝ )

Still, you did the right thing although it was forced. Hehehe. We all have our fair share of bad days.😊

Haha, yeah, at the end I still enjoy it namam (≧▽≦)

Flowers are mood boosters for me too, and I think it's great when we take advantage of these little things in life:)

Simple things.jpg

Right? Flower can magically make us feel good, thanks to that thr bad day turns into something good. Thank You ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

You're very welcome. Have a nice weekend:)

you're right, the nature is so magical, and it really can improve our mood if we pay attention at it💚

Right! Appreciating them will give us something to enjoy especially on those bad days we have.

Same here dami flowers dito na wala sa Pinas kaya always ako natutuwa.

Ang gaganda ng flowers sa ibang bansa ee. Pag si Mama yan asabihin nyan makuha sya at atanim nya sa Pilipinas HAHAHA

Picturan ko nga agad pag May tulips eh. Haha

Flowers are a balm for the spirit. I also find that they have the ability to improve my mood. If I have a bad day and see a beautiful flower, I can smile.

By the way, I would also have refused money from the elderly. Favors are favors even if others have imposed us to do them, hehe ;)

Right? Their beauty and even smell is enough to make anyone smile and it's amazing (◍•ᴗ•◍).

Right, right ⟵(๑¯◡¯๑)

It´s amazing how flowers could brighten someone´s day and take whatever annoyance away. I cannot agree less with this especially when you sight beautiful flowers with good scent, they mesmerize your heart and calm your soul. That is the beauty of nature, isn´t it?

Yeah, that's why nature is really amazing. Just by existing, they already do a lot for us ( ◜‿◝ )