Pain Management For Sciatica - A Bit Too Heavy For Me

in #hive-196233last year

Art by LLunasoul - All Is Now.jpg
Art On Post Card By @llunasoul


I've been having some discomforts in my hips, leg, and arm for a while and sometimes it's so bad that I can't walk, sit or lay down properly no matter how I try. I also have these tingling sensations as well as numbness. These pains usually started to appear when I forgot to take my blood pressure meds due to being too busy and then realizing it when the pains started to appear. Remember that I went to the doctor for carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms before my blood pressure issue came to light? The docs here are glad to just prescribe something without checking the cause further unless you motivate them to do so. So that's exactly what happened and with the pains appearing after forgetting the meds sometimes, 1+1 was 2 for me and I started to think the blood pressure was causing pressure on a nerve.

Lots of pain

On the weekend, pains started to appear more and more and I could not find any comfortable position anymore. I felt wrecked and started to have headaches on the same side of my body making me scared again that I was about to have something bad. I didn't feel comfortable in bed falling asleep as all sorts of scary things went through my head. I decided to see the doctor the next day and tell her that just giving me this blood pressure medication is not enough I want to be examined to find out that there was (hopefully) nothing bad coming my way without any further treatment. Sometimes blood thinners are needed, and we all know sometimes one type of blood pressure medication isn't working well for one person, while the other person benefits from this same medication.

To the doctor

I made sure to come to the doctor prepared because I know her English is limited and with these types of visits I want to make sure everything is understood. I translated my document into Spanish and handed it to her. She told me to lie down and started to move around my legs as well as check if there was any pain when pressure was applied etc. I went through the roof a few times so she checked my back and then I felt where it was coming from, she applied pressure exactly from where the pain started. Until that moment, it felt more like it was coming from my hip area but then again, I'm not a doctor. She said it was probably sciatica coming from my lower back and that I need an MRI to check it but that only a traumatologist can give the referral so she made a document for me to take to the traumatologist.

Pain meds

I remember last year when I tried to get an appointment there for the driver's license health check they had months of waiting times so I asked her can you give me something for the pain now? I was anxious for the night without any pain meds but thankfully she wrote me a prescription. She said it was a medication with tramadol combined with another medication and that I could feel nauseous from it and sleepy. I asked her if I could drive, and she said no, better not. Months after my first was born, I had tramadol in a dose of just 25 mg and I remember being all spacey from it for a week. This time she prescribed me 75mg of tramadol combined with the other medication twice a day.

kitten sleeping.png

Slept like a baby

In the evening we went for a long walk as that usually helps and the humidity was low that day so I took advantage of it. We found a place to sit for a tapa with the best chairs, for days I had not been able to sit without pain, and that really helped for a bit. When home, I took the tablet and felt it started to work within 30 minutes so I went to bed and gave in to the sleepiness. I slept like a baby and woke up without pain!

I may have made the small mistake here of taking the morning tablet a bit early as I didn't take the first one before 11 PM that evening and in the morning I took my dose at 8.30. Maybe it was this or the combination of the heavy dose but I felt woozy all day.

Too heavy to deal with

I instantly remembered how I felt after the c-sections when I was given morphine. The 12 hours I didn't realize I was falling asleep because of the morphine hitting me as they gave shots every few hours. When I realized that made me fall asleep constantly, I asked them to skip it and give me half only and then stop it as I could handle the pain without it. I started walking instead, which made the nurses laugh because normally 1 day after a c-section most are still bound to bed while I was doing everything myself, lol. But this memory made me think back about how heavy these meds are as tramadol is related to morphine so the speak.

Lack of focus, representing my sight yesterday.


I was getting super dizzy and could not fight to open my eyes anymore, I read the peak was around 2/3 hours after taking the meds so I assumed one or two hours later it would slowly become better to deal with but nothing of that happened. I stayed in this state until 8 PM, and when I finally came to my senses, I wanted to get out and not be inside, and most definitely not take another tablet instantly. We went to the beach to walk on the boulevard and I waited with the new dose until we got home as I wanted to switch the timing so I can be productive the first few hours in the morning in case I go to La-la-land again.


Pain slowly coming back

As I found the full tablet way too heavy, I decided to try it one day with half the dose as they have a good break line on the tablet, and if not enough for the pain to be manageable, I will take the full tablet again. It worked for the night, I slept very well but woke up with a bit of discomfort, nothing I could not handle though, just the pressure being there, at first. The pain was slowly building in the next hour after waking up. So I may have to move the timing to 9 AM/9 PM instead of 10 to not get to the point of feeling the pain again.

At least I got some stuff done before 10 AM before it was time for a new dose and now let's see how I can manage through the day. The doc said I was allowed to take paracetamol in the afternoon, which I did not need yesterday. I hope I can manage with half the tablets. And if not, I have to deal with being more sedated than I would prefer for the next week at least until my appointment with the traumatologist.

I found some really good exercises specifically for this type of pain, I'm hoping until the tablet works, they bring some relief.

I'm off to la-la-land now.. see you!

Do you like the header image I used? It's a postcard with art I bought from @llunasoul, she sells more of these if you're interested in her art, please reach out to her. I personally love all of the cards, but she also paints and is one heck of a ritual tattoo artist.

Pain Image Source Canva Pro

Kitten Image Source Canva Pro


I'm sorry to hear that you're in so much discomfort, never a good thing. Hopefully the MRI will reveal the real culprit causing the problems. Sounds like you are one tough cookie though to be up and around like that after a C-section!

Another day later I have to say that I tried halving the dose without much success because the pain didn't disappear and it took much longer before the pill gave a bit of relief as well, so since yesterday evening I went back to the prescribed dose, had to try, but the doctor was right so it seems, lol.

The first two c-sections were easy to recover from, I have to tell you that the third one was a horror one though, lol. By that time I had more scar tissue and I couldn't walk up straight for 3 weeks as something snapped inside (which they could not find on the scan).
By the third, I finally knew what all the fuzz was about when most mothers speak with horror about the recover, lol.

Today I barely felt my pain, so that's great, but I slept through the day, once again. I hope this passes in a few days because I hate being not productive.


Days pain free are always the goal, I'm glad you're feeling better! Hopefully you stay away from the pills, but when you aren't 21 anymore it's hard to bounce back like you used to!

Yeah I don't know how long I have to wait for the MRI scan, I hope not too long and I secretly hope some physio may be beneficial to not be on these pills for too long. For now I definitely need them that's clear. My boyfriend told me to suck it up and deal with the sleepiness it is what it is. I tried halving it, didn't work, now just sit it out until next week and see what happens next. I assume I can attend physio sooner than the MRI so that should bring some relief or get stuff back into place if something moved as I have no clue right now.

I wish I could bounce back from everything as quickly as in my 20s my gosh, what a difference that is. But this is the same thing, can't do much about it, at least not while in this pain. I was thinking to see if I can do some deep tissue massage at some point as I feel blocked not only in my back, but I will first have to consult the doctor to make sure I'm not going to do any damage now that this issue appeared.

You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 10.000 PIMP, @thebighigg.
You earned 10.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 3/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Sciatica is definitely a difficult thing to deal with! I’ve seen many people with it and it’s challenging for sure. I know the doctors won’t recommend it but you should see if they have any acupuncture places near where you live! Acupuncture is a phenomenal treatment for these things and it’s not invasive like surgery. Many of the acupuncturists are well versed in people with back pain and sciatica and should easily be able to help. You should give it a look!

Hey thanks for that tip, I have reached out to acupuncture before in the past, a long time ago so I'm definitely going to remember it this time as well. I think it's smart to wait for the scan so I know it's this for sure though.

100% better option than surgery if it would ever come to that point, totally agree...

Will do some searching to see where I could go for this as I haven't seen it here until now.

My wife suffered from some pretty bad back pain (car accident) but she got acupuncture when she was in her early 20’s and she was able to get rid of it entirely in 6 months. Not saying that will happen for you but it’s possible!

Also - you should try some physical therapy. Stretching and doing calisthenics has some great improvements for opening up the narrowed areas!

I’m sure the MRI is going to say L4-5, L5-S1 disc space narrowing and possibly degenerative joint disease, folks with sciatica typically have those. It’s manageable though!

Oh that sucks a car accident, but good for her she got rid of it relatively quickly compared to most back issues.

When I fell down the stairs the first time we moved here about 6 years ago, I also went to physical therapy for a month, and it sure helped that's why I also asked for this myself this time but the traumatologist needs to prescribe it not the regular doc I saw.

I'll be happy when it's Wednesday as I suspect waiting for the scan appointment will probably be much longer and hopefully, some physical therapy can be done instantly, not sure if the doc will agree, but I hope so.


You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @cmplxty.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Oh, I'm so sorry and I do hope you get better. I should think that the hours of sleep will not only take away the pain but leave you refreshed, especially if you hadn't been sleeping well.
Otherwise, you're handling it quite remarkably and I hope you're completely rid of the pain.🤗

Thank you. Normally I'd say yes it leaves you refreshed but this is such a weird state of mind you get sucked into and it's actually only helping me not feel the pain because quite often did I feel so dizzy that I thought I was going to be sick from it.

This morning I took it at 10 AM (which was clearly a bit of a stretch as the pain came back eventually) but also ate something before taking the tablet. I hope it will be good enough with half the dose but otherwise, I will have to take the full tablet after all.

I'm not a fan of these heavy meds as you quickly need more to have the same result therefore I'm trying half the dose to see if it's enough so I can stay comfortable and not be heavily sedated all day.

Let's see how it goes..

Oh, it sounds like such a tricky experience. It's like an experiment to see what works for you. I do hope it turns out well so that you could be fully on your feet without traces of dreadful dizziness. All the best to you, dear. Hope you have a dizziness-free peaceful day.🤗🤗

Thanks, so far it's been ok. Have a great day! <3