The weather is crazier than ever (they say).

in #hive-1962333 months ago

This publication was also writen in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

This phrase, which serves as the title of my text, is something that I tend to hear a lot from people in different places (including on television programs). In general, people blame the weather as if it were the fault of nature itself, alternating between high and low temperatures, as if there were no direct interventions by human beings on this natural scenario of immeasurable proportions (even for those who are dedicated to studying it and understanding what happens).

Speaking specifically about the situation in Brazil (in general, since I can't speak for all regions in specific ways), the weather really is “very crazy”. However, we all know that we are largely to blame for this scenario. We are currently in winter (at least officially), but temperatures remain very high (in some regions of the country, reaching 35 degrees throughout the day... decreasing only at night).

There is no way to predict the meteorological future. Although there is equipment and climate studies, things can change without prior notice (even with all the technology that is available). Here in Brazil, there was recently a major flood that flooded the southern region of the country, and caused damage of extremely high proportions. The process of recovering the affected areas will take years, and it will take a lot of money and public policies to rebuild them.

Yes, the weather is “pretty crazy” and getting worse and worse. However, it is necessary to understand that without major changes (both in the thoughts of people and companies, in the most diverse sectors), none of this will change, or rather, it will change into something even worse). Year after year, thermal indices show us this. Promises are made to try to change this current scenario, countries “commit” to changes in behavior, but do nothing.

We are the results of our own thoughts and especially our own actions. The climate situation is no exception. Whether here in Brazil or in any other country, global warming is an increasingly latent reality (although many people still don't believe in it... or simply ignore it by choice), and sometimes I think that only episodes happening each increasingly drastic so that there is a real and very collective change.

El clima está más loco que nunca (ellos dicen).

Esta frase, que sirve de título a mi texto, es algo que suelo escuchar mucho de personas en diferentes lugares (incluso en programas de televisión). Em geral, as pessoas culpam o tempo como se fosse culpa da própria natureza alternar entre temperaturas altas e baixas como se não houvessem intervenções diretas dos seres humanos sobre esse cenário natural de proporções imensuráveis (até mesmo para quem se dedica a estuda-lo e entender qué pasa).

Hablando específicamente de la situación en Brasil (en general, ya que no puedo hablar de todas las regiones de manera específica), el clima realmente es “muy loco”. Sin embargo, todos sabemos que en gran medida tenemos la culpa de este escenario. Actualmente estamos en invierno (al menos oficialmente), pero las temperaturas siguen siendo muy altas (en algunas regiones del país, llegando a los 35 grados durante todo el día... descendiendo sólo por la noche).

No hay forma de predecir el futuro meteorológico. Aunque existen equipos y estudios climáticos, las cosas pueden cambiar sin previo aviso (incluso con toda la tecnología que hay disponible). Aquí en Brasil hubo recientemente una gran inundación que inundó la región sur del país y causó daños de proporciones altísimas. El proceso de recuperación de las zonas afectadas llevará años y hará falta mucho dinero y políticas públicas para reconstruirlas.

Sí, el clima está “bastante loco” y empeora cada vez más. Sin embargo, es necesario entender que sin grandes cambios (tanto en el pensamiento de las personas como de las empresas, en los más diversos sectores), nada de esto cambiará, o mejor dicho, se convertirá en algo aún peor). Año tras año, los índices térmicos así lo demuestran. Se hacen promesas para intentar cambiar este escenario actual, los países se “comprometen” con cambios de comportamiento, pero no hacen nada.

Somos el resultado de nuestros propios pensamientos y especialmente de nuestras propias acciones. La situación climática no es una excepción. Ya sea aquí en Brasil o en cualquier otro país, el calentamiento global es una realidad cada vez más latente (aunque mucha gente todavía no cree en ella... o simplemente la ignora por elección propia), y a veces pienso que sólo se suceden episodios cada vez más drásticos para que haya un cambio real y muy colectivo.

O clima está mais louco do que nunca (eles dizem).

Essa frase que funciona como título do meu texto, é algo que eu costumo ouvir muito de pessoas em diferentes lugares (inclusive em programas de televisão). Em geral, as pessoas culpam o tempo como se fosse culpa da própria natureza alternar entre temperaturas altas e baixas como se não houvessem intervenções diretas dos seres humanos sobre esse cenário natural de proporções imensuráveis (até mesmo para quem se dedica a estuda-lo e entender o que acontece).

Falando especificamente sobre a situação do Brasil (de um modo geral, já que eu não posso falar por todas as regiões de maneiras específicas), o clima realmente está “muito louco”. No entanto, todos nós sabemos que temos uma grande parcela de culpa nesse cenário. Atualmente nós estamos no inverno (ao menos oficialmente), mas as temperaturas se mantêm muito altas (em algumas regiões do país, chegando aos 35 graus ao longo do dia... diminuindo apenas à noite).

Não há como prever o futuro meteorológico. Embora hajam equipamentos e estudos sobre o clima, as coisas podem mudar sem aviso prévio (mesmo com toda à tecnologia que está disponível). Aqui no Brasil, recentemente houve uma grande enchente que inundou a região do Sul do país, e causou estragos de altíssimas proporções. O processo para ter à recuperação dos locais atingidos levará anos, e será preciso bastante dinheiro e políticas públicas para reconstruí-los.

Sim, o clima está “muito louco” e está se tornando cada vez pior. No entanto, é preciso entender que sem haver grandes mudanças (tanto nos pensamentos das pessoas como das empresas, dos mais diversos setores), nada disso irá mudar, ou melhor, irá mudar para algo ainda pior). Ano após anos os índices térmicos nos mostram isso. Promessas são feitas para tentar mudar esse cenário atual, países se “comprometem” com alterações de comportamentos, mas nada fazem.

Nós somos resultados dos nossos próprios pensamentos e principalmente das nossas próprias ações. A situação sobre o clima não foge disso. Seja aqui no Brasil ou em qualquer outro país, o aquecimento global é uma realidade cada vez mais latente (embora muitas pessoas ainda não acreditem nele... ou simplesmente o ignorem por opção própria), e às vezes eu penso que só acontecendo episódios cada vez mais drásticos para que haja uma mudança real e bem coletiva.


You have to be very careful in reviewing things related to “climate change”. For example, the “temperature” numbers they purport are awful have several key details that fail to be mentioned.

We do NOT have large scale historical temperature data. Yes we do have ice core samples and those give us ideas of what a temperature range is for a given time period but they can’t go back to 1735 on may 3rd and see what the temperature was. The records simply don’t exist.

Secondly, with that in mind, any attempt to say “record temperatures have been reached!!!” Are largely a bunch of hysterics to garner public support for destructive changes. We realistically only have maybe 100 years of reliable temperature data, and another 50 years of sketchy data based on newspapers and things like that of the time. That’s not a lot of information when you consider that human beings have been on the planet for 200,000 years. That isn’t even .1% of the span of time for us.

Lastly to make this not an essay - where the governments and companies are installing the temperature sensors is CRUCIAL in this discussion.

You need to understand the “heat island” effect. The large swaths of cities with dark colored sidewalks, roads and buildings absorb a LOT of heat. The temperature sensors are located in these same areas and sadly also low to the ground where the heat is the worst. Yes we are located close to the ground as well but for determining temperature this is a poor method for sensors. Being a heat “island” that also means that outside of that island where there are trees, coverage, soil and the more natural and expected features the temperatures are far lower than they are in the mass of concrete and buildings. This is a crucial element to understand, because temperatures are not skyrocketing everywhere except for the cities which keep expanding.

I think one more point.. the expansion of cities and the destruction of waterways, ground formations and other natural features. If someone builds a town on the side of a mountain and cuts down the trees above the town, redirects the water to go in a different direction and completely alters the ecosystem, why would you get upset when it gets destroyed by a storm since the natural features that would have blocked things had it been built a few kilometers away, and try to blame the climate? That is negligence not the result of anything abnormal in terms of natural states.

Can and should we reduce pollution like fine particulate matter emitted by unfiltered coal plants? Yea absolutely! Should we blame everything on the boogeyman carbon dioxide? Absolutely not! You will be FAR more likely to die in a world of 100 less parts per million co2 in the atmosphere than you would be if it was 100 more. The less co2, the more plants need to expend energy to survive and build itself. Millions will starve and die if the end result of this carbon psychosis is achieved, and that’s exactly the desired solution, with an added benefit of billions more in poverty, and de-industrialization across the world for some fanatical zealots dream.

Great comment. Such a complex theme.

Yeah it is, and it's not easy to understand it with a few lines read in 5 minutes.