What do you need in a New House ? Visits to some of Paris's famous Markets

in #hive-1963082 years ago

I don't want to exacerbate our capacity to accumulate things, any more than I want to flatter our materialistic impulses, but whether we like it or not, the history of the human species is linked to objects that, in the end, made us as much as we made them.

Indeed, where would we be without the first hewn stone, without the first piece of rope to build a tent, light a fire or assemble a basket. I sometimes miss the days when everything was more direct, simple and primitive in the good sense of the word, but it's not possible to turn back the clock completely... And is it even completely desirable ?

Although I'll be expounding some of my ideas for a few more paragraphs, this article is indeed a contribution to #MarketFriday, the community initiated by @dswigle, whom I'd like to thank again for this great idea !

In principle, I'm in favor of going back to the roots of our primary needs and pure desires, but that requires a lot of putting things into perspective and that takes time and willpower. To give a simple example, my partner wouldn't necessarily want me to cook everything on the stove, and in the end, neither would I, if I'm being honest. The same goes for the bed, since we know how to make latex mattresses, why go to sleep on straw that scratches your back ? I'm exaggerating a bit because I've spent some of my best nights sleeping on dry grass ^^.

But you get the idea, and in this article, more than just showing you some of the items I bought to furnish and gradually install our new home, I'd like to share with you the reasoning that accompanied me throughout all these reflections.

The typical day

That's my guiding principle. What you have to say to yourself is: "I arrive in an empty house. What am I going to need ?" That's why I've adopted the format of a typical day...

In the morning I get up and have a bowl of fruit and a hot drink. Just for that, I need a saucepan, a bowl, cutlery, something to heat it up, tea and a few other things.

Then I'm off to work in the garden. I need tools, a hat and water.

Then comes lunch, again: saucepan, hob, plate, cutlery and so on.

And so on until the evening and night, when I need a bed, clean sheets and a warm blanket.

These are the principles of primary needs that I wanted to adopt because, personally, I can't do a good job if I can't eat and sleep well.


Mais passons tout de même à la visite en accéléré des différents endroits où j'ai trouver ces éléments indispensables à l'installation.


The first is "Le Bon Marché", that big chic store in the Sèvres-Babylone district on the Left Bank of Paris. It's bourgeois, chic and expensive, but if you identify your needs and want quality, it's just perfect !



Here we are in the adjoining square and it was the circus that got me into the idea of endless cycles of needs and desires, or rather of one being mistaken for the other ;-)


This is the former barracks, which I believe has now been converted into housing. If you want to know the level of affluence of a district in Paris and in France in general, look at the width of the streets and avenues. This will give you an immediate indication, which you can also couple with the number of people per square meter compared with a more popular district.



Here's the shop in question and the van you'll find just inside the entrance. This is the food section, but in fact I mainly go upstairs to find covers for the items I bought the day before in another shop, which I'm going to tell you about just below...



Here are our first saucepans, a set of three that will suffice for simple cooking. However, I'd like to dwell for a moment on one thing I mentioned earlier, and that's quality. Knowing and buying quality is not necessarily reserved for the rich. Let me give you an example. I've always seen my mother with some really beautiful cashmere jumpers, some of them over thirty years old. Why do they last so long ? Because she's bought quality. Of course it's expensive, but at the same time, it's much more durable and even if one of these jumpers costs 10 times as much as 10 of poor quality, in the long term, she wins.

The same goes for casseroles. I'd rather have little to start with, but quality.


Another example I came across was this steam cooker. I eat a lot of steamed foods and vegetables and this one is just the best. It's extremely expensive, but rather than getting one for a quarter of the price, I'm going to wait for this one because it's simple, it's lifetime guaranteed ! Which would certainly not be the case with another of lesser quality.

Now, I know that price doesn't necessarily mean quality, but sometimes you have to pay the price to get something that will last over time !



So for the moment, I've only invested in this electric hob, our only means of heating water or our dishes, and in this little steam basket that will allow me to cook food the way I like it.



The same goes for the bed. I opted for military camp beds rather than jumping at the first mattress and box spring. At the moment, I'm doing some research to find out what would suit us best, but I've already got my own idea !

In the same way as for the kitchen, how can we be efficient if we don't sleep well ? How can the next day pay off in terms of effort and pleasure ?



Well, these are some of the items I've come across on my walks and which I think I'll need for future DIY projects indoors or in the garden. But there's no hurry and we'll see as time goes by...!




We'll finish by buying a few maps of the region and other places I often go. I've always preferred the safe option of a paper map, rather than a phone where you don't know whether it will be connected to the network 500 meters away and whether it will still have battery power in two hours' time...

The shop is called "Le Vieux Campeur" and there are a few in Paris that sell everything you need for outdoor experiences !

That's it for this story and these walks over the last few days :) I hope you enjoyed this article and I'll be interested to hear your feedback in the comments. Thank you for your time !

Have a good weekend and take good care, see you soon,



This article is produced without AI and all the images are my own.

Je ne veux pas exacerber notre capacité à accumuler des choses, pas plus que flatter nos élans matérialistes, mais qu'on le veuille ou non, l'histoire de l'espèce humaine est liée aux objets qui finalement, nous ont autant faits que nous les avons faits.

En effet, où serions-nous sans la première pierre taillée, sans le premier bout de corde pour construire un tente, allumer un feu ou assembler un panier. Il m'arrive parfois de regretter ce temps où tout était plus direct, simple et primitif dans le bon sens du terme, mais il n'est pas possible de revenir totalement en arrière... Et est-ce même complètement souhaitable ?

Bien que je vais encore exposé certaines de mes idées pendant quelques paragraphes encore, cet article est bien une contribution au #MarketFriday, la communauté initiée par @dswigle que je remercie encore pour cette bonne idée !

Dans l'idée, je suis pour un retour aux sources de nos besoins premiers et de nos désirs purs, mais cela passe par beaucoup de remises en perspective et cela prend du temps et de la volonté. Pour citer un exemple simple, ma compagne ne voudrait pas forcément que je cuise tout au feu et au final, moi non plus si je veux être honnête. Pareil pour le lit, depuis que l'on sait faire des matelas en latex, pourquoi aller dormir sur de la paille qui vous gratte le dos. J'exagère un peu car j'ai passé mes meilleures nuits à dormir sur de l'herbe sèche ^^

Mais vous comprenez l'idée et dans cet article, plus que de seulement vous montrer quelques éléments achetés pour meubler et installer petit à petit notre nouvelle maison, j'aimerai partager avec vous le raisonnement qui m'a accompagné durant toutes ces réflexions.

La journée type

Voilà mon principe directeur. Ce qu'il faut se dire c'est : "J'arrive dans une maison vide. De quoi vais-je avoir besoin ?" C'est pour cela que j'ai adopté le format d'une journée type...

Le matin je me lève et déjeune d'un bol de fruits et bois un boisson chaude. Rien que pour cela, j'ai besoin d'une casserole, d'un bol, de couverts, de quoi faire chauffer, de thé en de quelques autres choses en plus.

Ensuite je vais travailler dans le jardin. J'ai besoin d'outils, d'un chapeau et d'eau.

Vient le repas de midi, de nouveau : casserole, plaque de cuisson, assiette, couverts, etc.

Et ainsi de suite jusqu'au soir et à la nuit où là j'ai besoin d'un lit et de draps propres ainsi que d'une chaude couverture.

Voilà les principes des besoins premiers que j'ai souhaité adopter car, personnellement, je ne fais pas de bon travail si je ne peux pas bien manger et bien dormir


Mais passons tout de même à la visite en accéléré des différents endroits où j'ai trouver ces éléments indispensables à l'installation.


Le premier c'est "Le Bon Marché" cette grande enseigne chic du quartier de Sèvres-Babylone sur la Rive Gauche de Paris. C'est bourgeois, chic et cher, mais si on identifie bien ses besoins et qu'on veut de la qualité, c'est juste parfait !



Nous voilà dans le square attenant et c'est justement le cirque qui m'a plongé dans l'idée de cycles sans fin de besoins et de désirs ou plutôt de l'un que l'on prenait pour l'autre ;-)


Voilà l'ancienne grande caserne qui est aujourd'hui réaffectée en logements si je ne me trompe pas. Petite technique en passant, si vous souhaitez connaître le degré de richesse d'un quartier à Paris et en France en général, regardez la largeur des rues et des avenues, cela vous donnera un indice immédiat que vous pouvez aussi coupler avec le peu de gens au mètre carré par rapport à un quartier plus populaire.



Voilà le magasin en question et la camionnette que l'on trouve juste à l'entrée, ici c'est la partie réservé à l'alimentation, mais en fait, je me rends surtout à l'étage, trouver des couvercles pour les éléments que j'ai acheté la veille, dans un autre magasin et dont je vais vous parler juste en dessous...



Voilà nos premières casseroles, un set de trois qui nous suffira pour faire de la cuisine simple. Pour autant, j'aimerai m'arrêter quelques instant sur une chose d'ont j'ai parlé plus tôt, c'est la qualité. Connaître et acheter de la qualité, ce n'est pas forcément réservé aux personnes riches. Je vais vous citer un exemple. J'ai toujours vu ma mère avec de très beaux pulls en cachemire, certains ont plus de trente ans. La raison de leur longévité ? C'est qu'elle a pris de la qualité. Forcément cela coûte cher, mais en même temps, c'est bien plus durable et même si un de ces pulls coûte 10x le prix de 10 de mauvaise qualité, dans le long terme, elle est gagnante.

Pour les casserole, c'est pareil. Je préfère avoir peu pour commencer, mais avoir de la qualité.


Pour vous citer un autre exemple que j'ai croisé, c'est ce cuit-vapeur. Je mange beaucoup d'aliments et de légumes cuits à la vapeur et celui-ci, c'est juste le top. En effet, il coûte extrêmement cher, mais plutôt que d'en prendre un au quart du prix, je vais attendre pour celui-là car c'est tout simple, c'est garanti à vie ! Ce qui ne serai sûrement pas le cas d'un autre de moins bonne qualité.

Après, je sais bien que prix ne rime pas forcément avec qualité, mais parfois, on est un peu obligé d'y mettre le prix pour obtenir des choses durables dans le temps !



Donc pour le moment, j'ai seulement investi dans cette plaque électrique, notre seul moyen de faire chauffer de l'eau ou nos plats et dans ce petit panier vapeur qui me permettra de déjà cuire les aliments comme je les aimes.



Pour le lit, c'est pareil. J'ai préféré sélectionner des lits de camps militaires plutôt que de sauter sur le premier matelas et sommier. En ce moment, je fais justement des recherches pour trouver ce qui nous irait le mieux, mais j'ai déjà ma petite idée !

Dans la même idée que pour la cuisine, comment être efficace si on ne dort pas bien. Comment la journée du lendemain pourrait-elle rentable en terme d'efforts et de plaisirs ?



Bon, là ce sont certains éléments que j'ai croisés dans mes balades et dont je pense avoir besoin dans mes futures opérations de bricolage à l'intérieur ou bien dans le jardin. Mais là, rien ne presse et on verra cela avec le temps..!




Nous terminerons pas l'achat de quelques cartes de la région et d'autres endroits où je vais souvent. En effet, j'ai toujours préféré avoir l'option sûre d'une carte en papier, plutôt qu'un téléphone dont on sait pas s'il sera connecté au réseau 500 mètres plus loin et s'il aura encore de la batterie dans deux heures...

Le magasin s'appelle le Vieux Campeur et on en trouve quelques uns dans paris qui vendent tout ce qu'il faut pour les expériences en extérieur !

Voilà, c'est tout pour ce récit et ces balades des quelques derniers jours :) J'espère que vous aurez apprécié cet article et je serai curieux d'avoir vos retours et impressions dans les commentaires. Merci pour le temps de votre visite !

Bon weekend en avance et prenez bien soin de vous, à très bientôt,



Cet article est réalisé sans AI et toutes les images qui le composent sont les miennes.


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Thanks @plantpoweronhive 😉

in the end, made us as much as we made them.

This is certainly true. We cant live without many of our inventions. I guess that's why we made them in the first place 😅

I agree with you when it comes to buying quality. I've seen some machines my mom bought a very long time ago that are still functioning properly. I would go for quality any time of the day.

@tipu curate

Thank you 😉

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Very smart! You are doing your house almost exactly as I did/doing mine! When you have two houses to work with, it makes life so much easier, doesn't it? If I run out of money, I can afford to wait.

The bigger ticket items take time and money, but, its only time when you already have a roof over your head. There were a couple of things I bought and should have waited for, but, in the beginning, I was impatient to get started. It ended up being a waste and I replaced the items, so learn from my mistake. Hold out for the best you can afford.

I agree with your mom's way and the cashmere jumper.

I was lucky with the pans and held out for the best ones that I could afford. Eating is important and I want something that will truly last a lifetime. They truly do make a difference in cooking!

The bed is one of those also. I need to sleep well and I slept on a military cot, so that was one of the first things to go! :) I would rather sleep on the ground if I were being honest. LOL I think you are doing everything the right way and it will be so much easier to work on with fewer things in the house. It will be easier to clean for now too. I can tell you from my own experience that paper maps are the way to go. I have no proper cell phone service and I didn't hook up cable yet either. I don't care for now, although the service is spotty. Here today, gone tomorrow!~ I hope yours is better!

That section of town is graciously built, especially the fencing and the wide boulevards. What a difference a few meters make!

Thank you for taking us along on your adventure!

#MarketFriday began as a way to reach out across the globe and learn about different cultures through their markets, especially local markets and farmers' markets, and eventually branched out and evolved over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, and even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact that these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world.

Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday

Yes, I think sometimes it's better to wait... even if you'd like to push things a bit further and faster!

Two houses obviously helps, but I'm also trying to limit the number of duplicates in terms of items :) because as the idea is to bring everything together at one time, it's better to try and make complementary choices.

Definitely, for me, it's quality rather than quantity !

Yes, the bed normally comes next time, so we won't have slept long like adventurers or soldiers haha !

Thank you dear Denise, I hope you're doing well and I wish you a good weekend in advance :)

Hello, @anttn

First, nice to know you here on Hive. I'm suprised when people choosing to read maps. I think that's special people. As a driver, I use maps from just phone.

Thanks for sharing your market friday stories.

Greetings from Indonesia.

Hey there @sobatkelana ! Glad to meet you as well and thank you for visiting :D

I know this can be strange at the first glance, but as a compulsive reader, I really prefer the materiality of those objects, maps or books !

Have a good week ahead and sorry for taking so much time for answering 😅

Have a good week there.

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"Back to the roots of our primary needs", this part of your text has stuck in my mind. I think we attach less value to it than to anything material. The material is indispensable to live but we tend to forget what is really indispensable.

I really like the way you write your texts and the way you express yourself about life and nature (what I have read).

Very nice pictures and nice place @anttn my friend! Enjoy your weekend, kind regards to you ;)

!discovery 40

Hello @dimascastillo90, sorry for showing that late 😅 !

I tend to have the same views about the need for spirituality, spirit rather than materiality, it's the "opposition" between depth and superficiality...

Thank you for your kind words here and your supportive energy 😇

I wish you a lovely week ahead, hopping you had a good weekend ✌️

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One phrase I shall never forget

"Buy cheap. Buy twice"

Always worth a bigger initial outlay than trying to save a few pennies.

That is why I will never shop in Primark!

This is so true... I will not forget that 😅 !

Of course, it's not always possible to buy everything needed of quality so patience is required hehe

Have a good new week @grindle, sorry also for showing that late !

no problem ! have a good day

Thank you ✌️

May be the weekend all the same !


I'm with you regarding going back to the roots and trying to live as much as possible minimalistic... But, in the end, I would buy a new mobile phone, and hi-tech saucepans, and caught myself looking to buy a new (more modern) car... 😃

Thanks for sharing these great photos... From that "street view," I would never say that's Paris :)

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project which will be highlighted in the next post!

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I completely understand, sometime this is not easy to evolve according your motivations and desires, while not letting people and society in general behind you :)

Yeah, this part is a bit special indeed and I'm glad you enjoyed this article and adventure !

Have a good weekend in advance @ph1102 ✌️

Btw, what car's model are you looking for ?

Btw, what car's model are you looking for ?

I was dreaming about Mercedes CLA... Not that expensive car, but definitely not something that is very much needed... If we are speaking about minimalism... 😃

This for sure would be a nice car... But maybe it can be minimalistic if you live in it 😂 !

Sorry, I'm late to answer @ph1102, I hope you had a pleasant weekend ✌️

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