Small Roman villa🧠🚩 / Pequeña villa romana 🙇‍♂️ (En-Es)

in #hive-196387last year
Hello friends, today I bring a very curious post about a Roman villa that in Portugal was forgotten and archaeologists never invested time in studying this jewel of Roman history that apparently the evidence indicates that it is a transit village that served as a stopover for the Romans. who traveled as much as to trade or for high-ranking military officials who marched in the territory. Let's see what we can learn from the city!🧠👨‍🏫🙇‍♂️

Hola amigos, hoy traigo un post muy curioso de una villa romana que en Portugal fue olvidada y mas nunca los arqueologos inviertieron tiempo en estudiar esta joya de historia romanica que aparentemente las evidencias indican que es una aldea de paso que sirvio como parada a los romanos que viajaban tanto como para comercializar o para funcionarios militares de alto rango que marchaban en el territorio. Veamos que podemos aprender de la ciudad!👨‍💻🧭

Roman Villa of Santa Catarina🙇‍♂️🚩/ Villa Romana de Santa Catarina🧠🏰

Today I played detective while taking measurements on the geomorphic data of the terrain. We get an idea of the size of the Roman village that was here and that despite only having 5600 square meters of occupation between houses and villas, the dirt roads that were used are preserved. by the Romans both traveling "on foot or in horse carts" while I use my drone to photograph the terrain we can make more exact measurements and see what the houses looked like from another angle! At the moment the exact area inhabited by the Romans was: 5607mts/2🧭🚩👨‍💻
Hoy jugue a ser detective mientras tomaba medidas sobre los datos geomorficos del terreno hacemos una idea del tamaño de la aldea romana que estaba aqui y que se apesar de solo haber 5600metros cuadrados de ocupacion entre casas y villas se conservan los caminos de tierra que fueorn usados por los romanos tanto transitando "caminando o en carrosas de caballo" mientras utilizo mi drone para fotografiar el terreno podemos hacer mediciones mas exactas y ver como era las casas en otro angulo! de momento la superficie exacta habitada por los romanos era: 5607mts/2👨‍🏫🧠

I searched the internet for references to the map of the roads that the Romans had built in Portugal for hundreds of years and managed to obtain the map of Santa Catarina, the Romans had two names for their streets: (cardo maximus and decumanus maximus) these names are already a Little more technical, however, of these streets, one ran south-north in Portugal, the other secondary east-west, practically going from several Portuguese cities to Spain.🚩👨‍💻🏰
Busque en internet referencias del mapa de los caminos que los romanos habian construido en Portugal durante centenares de años y logre conseguir el mapa de Santa Catarina, los Romanos tenian dos nombres para sus calles: (cardo maximus y decumanus maximus) estas denominaciones ya son un poco mas tecnicas sin embargo de estas calles una iba sentido sur-norte portugal la otra secundaria este-oeste, practicamente iban desde varias ciudades portuguesas hasta España.🙇‍♂️💂‍♂️

Villa Characteristics🙇‍♂️🚩/ Caracteristica de la villa🧠🏰

The discovery was carried out in 1977 and later in 2006 and 2007 archaeological excavations were carried out, to date it is a mystery and there are very few scientific investigations of what was here, however due to the photos and the characteristics of the structure is due to a pool with hot springs, the room next door could be a private bathroom where they were preparing to get dressed and enter the water, it is all theories since there is little information about this villa! What is known is that Santa de Catarina was from the century (1st BC) and continued the inhabited area until the centuries: (5th-6th), Portuguese historians believe that at the end of the 6th century the city that was Islamic land It continued like this until it was medieval when it would be conquered in 1215.🏰🚩👨‍💻
El descubrimiento se llevo a cabo en 1977 y posteriormente en los años 2006 y 2007 se realizaron las excavaciones arqueologicas, hasta la fecha es todo un misterio y existen muy pocas investigaciones cientificas de lo que habia aca sin embargo por las fotos y las caracteristica de la estructa se debe a una piscina con aguas termales, la habitacion al lado podria ser un baño privativo donde se preparaban para vestirse y entrar al agua, todo son teorias ya que existe poca informacion de esta villa! lo que si se sabe es que Santa de Catarina fue desde el siglo (I antes de cristo) y continuo la zona habitada hasta los siglos: (V-VI), los historiadores Portugueses creen que a finales del VI la ciudad que era tierra islamica continuo asi hasta le era medieval cuando seria conquistada en 1215. 👨‍🏫🧠👨‍🏫

I had already read many articles about the importance of swimming pools for the Roman civilization. They were the pioneers in using the combination of hot and cold water to recover from exhaustion in the body and heal wounds. Hot water relaxes the body and releases stress, so They were common in communal areas, obviously for the rich-middle class Roman, the poor did not have the right to swimming pools, there are records of houses of rich Roman politicians or soldiers who had their private pool! The best time to socialize and talk about business was always in the bathroom or pool area! Therefore they were symbols of power because it was normally the men who frequented them!🙇‍♂️💂‍♂️🧔👳‍♂️
Ya habia leido muchos articulos sobre la importancia de las piscinas para la civilizacion romana fueron los pioneros en utilizar la combinacion de agua caliente y fria para recuperar el agotamiento en el cuerpo y sanar heridas, el agua caliente relaja el cuerpo y libera estress por lo que eran comunes en zonas comunitarias obviamente para el romano de clase media-rica, los pobres no tenian derecho a piscinas, hay registros de casas de romanos ricos politicos o militares que tenian su piscina privada! el mejor momento para socializar y hablar de negocios siempre era en la zona del baño o las piscinas! por tanto eran simboles de poder porque normalmente eran los hombres en frecuentarlas!👨‍💻🧠👨‍🏫

Many Roman objects and relics were found throughout the area of Roman occupation in the town of Santa Catarina, I read that the municipal chamber wants to create a museum to exhibit all the history collected so far of the civilizations that occupied these lands, it is believed that since The Iron Age there were already occupants in this area because there is a "sado" river that surrounds the village and provided resources for ancient civilizations, from agriculture to river and sea fishing, the Romans survived for hundreds of years Portugal!🙇‍♂️👨‍🏫🧠
Se encontraron muchos objetos y reliquias romanas en toda el area de ocupacion romanica en el pueblo de Santa Catarina, lei que la camara municipal quiere crear un museo para exhibir toda la historia recolectada hasta ahora de las civilizaciones que ocuparon estos terrenos, se cree que desde la edad de hierro ya habian ocupantes en esta area pues hay un rio "sado" que rodea la aldea y proporcionaba recursos para las antiguas civilizaciones, desde la agricultura hasta la pesca de rio y mar los romanos sobrevivieron durante cientos de años Portugal!🚩🧭🏰


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¿Que quieres decir con un río "sado"?

hola amigo, el rio sado es uno de los principales rios de Portugal junto con el tejo! un abrazo!

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