It is particularly clear that this age and coming generation will be seriously impacted by Digital Technology. We have, individually, started seeing different emergent solutions to different problems facing humans and its conceived reality. What is more important now is big picture of Futurism! A philosophical movement about developing highly complex and deeply sophisticated systems that make possible unseen innovations and direct jab to human conceptions.
We tend to move rapidly to a moment in future where every thing that has physical value is being transformed to a digital asset.
True power of Digital Twin comes from possibilities of connectivities through Internet of Things, System Thinking and notion of optimised processes and reduction to costs of any form.
Our history has shown remarkably enlarged vision and notion of intelligential development through state-of-art knowledge and understanding of underlying models of physical existence and metamodel for every conceivable ideas.
Philosophically, human intelligence has no limit but reconnection to allow this unique characteristics has been so hard and seems impossible. This is what we know to be neural plasticity. It is understanding about our neuron connection and its framework in changing for improvement. Those that have enough prowess in changing the narratives have been using adequate contructions to aid innovation and creativity.
Enough of introduction, it is time to look through the inner workings of Digital Twin.
The basis of thinking here is that we exist. Yes, reality is affirmable and constructs through definitive terms make every idea but tangible and soft to be representable. We call this model. Model, has been introduced in our various understanding in life, is way of reasoning about any noun. Noun, is name-bearing entity, that assigns value to every idea.
Area of Applications in Digital Twin Technology
At first, I want to boldly say it pervades every facet of humanity. But, not to be too optimistic of the current state of applicability. I will selectively highlight few areas where this technology transforms.
Manufacturing Technology.
A technology, with great impacting tendency on other technology, is Digital Twin Technology. So, it is not a buzzword it is a mainstay.
In the parlance of manufacturing, modularity with every possible technique has been tested. This worked vehemently and turned out churning productivity in this arena.
USA Department of Defence with collaborative efforts from other established companies are entrenching and deepening this methodology in building complex systems and life-changing project.
I seriously do not want to raise your expectation and give false positivity, but by asking for proof-of-concept; we will give a narrowed focus and concentrated study in any field you are interested in.
Think about an aeroplane a system we intend to study. Component-based analysis gives us explicit breakdown of the system from analysts perspective. How does Digital Twin come into play?
Using Digital Twin explains to us, without confusion ans ambiguity of the system, the true usefulness and unfailing commitment derived from the usage by system analysts. These processes are indeed the most intensive and time-consuming part of the product lifecycle development, without adoption of the technology. Right from the ideation, for new product, to the release of the product to service and out-of-service phase; Digital Twin will seemlessly ensure smoothness and uninterrupted product developments, giving all parties win-win scenarios.
The text is summarised base on my knowledge on Digital Twin. To read further on Digital Twin, you can visit
@stemgeeks @stemsocial @proofofbrain