The Case For The Existence of Superluminal Particles - Tachyons

in #hive-1963873 months ago


The speed of light has been pursued by man since antiquity but a significant breakthrough began in the 19th century which of course, it was discovered that light (visible) was among the spectrum of what is now known as the "electromagnetic waves". However, it didn't end there, thanks to the works of great minds such as Einstein, the speed of light became more than just a speed, it laid the ground work for modern physics. One of the principles of modern physics (Einsteinian relativity to be precise) is that nothing can move faster than the vacuum speed of light that really true?

Could there be some yet to be discovered entities/particles that can actually break this cosmic speed limit?

There have been predictions that such particles might exist, have you come across the name "Tachyons" before?

These hypothetical particles are believed to travel faster than light, with the implications that they challenge our understanding of the universe and open doors to realms where conventional laws of physics might not apply. Let's embark on a journey to explore what tachyons are, their theoretical implications, and the ongoing quest to detect these elusive entities.

What are Tachyons?

Tachyons, first proposed by physicist Gerald Feinberg in 1967, belong to a class of particles that hypothetically travel faster than the speed of light. Unlike ordinary matter, which must decelerate to subluminal speeds to exist stably, tachyons are postulated to always move faster than light. This peculiar characteristic arises from their hypothetical imaginary mass, which implies they gain energy as they lose speed or loose energy as they gain speed which is quite the actual opposite for our everyday subluminal experiences.

Theoretical Implications

Causality and Time Travel

One of the most profound implications of tachyons is their potential to violate causality. Since effect can precede the cause and would also imply that they could travel backward in time, tachyons challenge the conventional understanding of cause and effect. This property has led to debates and hypotheses about the possibility of time travel and the nature of causative relationships in the universe.

Relativity and Faster-than-Light Travel

Einstein's theory of relativity posits that nothing can travel faster than light. However, tachyons, if proven to exist, would necessitate a re-evaluation of these fundamental principles. Their existence could reshape our understanding of space-time and the limits imposed by the speed of light.

Quantum Field Theory and Tachyonic Fields

In quantum field theory, tachyonic fields are fields whose quanta are tachyons. These fields have been explored in various contexts, including the study of spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism. Theoretical frameworks like string theory and some interpretations of quantum gravity also incorporate tachyons in their models, suggesting their potential relevance in understanding the fundamental forces of nature.

Detection and Experimental Challenges

Despite their theoretical appeal, tachyons have eluded direct detection. Several experiments have attempted to indirectly infer their existence or detect their effects, but conclusive evidence remains elusive. The challenges are however manifold, some of which are discussed below

Superluminal Constraints

Observational constraints derived from astrophysical phenomena and particle accelerators suggest that if tachyons exist, their interactions with ordinary matter are exceedingly rare or non-existent.

Theoretical Consistency

Tachyons pose challenges to theoretical consistency in physics. Their hypothetical properties necessitate modifications to existing theories, which must withstand rigorous experimental scrutiny and observational constraints.

The search still Continues

The search for tachyons continues to drive scientific inquiry at the forefront of theoretical and experimental physics. From astrophysical observations to particle accelerator experiments, scientists are exploring avenues to either confirm or disprove their existence.

Cosmic Rays and High-Energy Phenomena

Some cosmological theories suggest that tachyons could be produced in high-energy environments such as supernovae or active galactic nuclei. Detection through cosmic ray experiments or astronomical observations remains a possibility.

Potential candidate for dark matter

If you are conversant with current cosmology, you should be aware that galaxies (especially spiral galaxies) seem to behave differently from what Newton and Einstein's theory of gravity tells us (rotational speed) to resolve the anomaly it has been suggested that some kind of invisible matter exists within and beyond (up to a limit) the galaxies - in fact, this the consensus. Unfortunately, such matter has yet to detected, it seems not to interact directly with ordinary matter. It's existence is inferred from it's gravitational influence on the galaxy. Since tachyons are believed to have little or no interactions with ordinary matter (if they would exist), then they serve as potential dark matter candidates.

Experimental Innovations

Advancements in particle physics and quantum field theory may pave the way for novel experimental techniques capable of detecting or inferring the existence of tachyons indirectly.


While their existence remains theoretical and speculative, the implications of tachyons extend far beyond their hypothetical nature. They challenge the very fabric of our understanding of space, time, and the fundamental forces governing our universe. Whether they exist or not, the pursuit of tachyons continues to push the boundaries of scientific inquiry and inspire new generations of physicists to explore the unknown.

I guess this is where we bid ourselves goodbye and till I come your way again soon. 😉

For further reading


Tachyons: Facts about these faster-than-light particles

Physicists suggest tachyons can be reconciled with the special theory of relativity

The universe may be dominated by particles that break causality and move faster than light, new paper suggests

Speed of light

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Background image source by @doze


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