Hello everyone, how are we not doing?
When all hope seems lost, just remember that.........we are still at the beginning of the year. Sorry, if that wasn't what you were expecting. 😂
Many good things to come, provided you're still alive. I hope we all remain alive to witness all the goodness this year has to offer but I must also warn you that....... nothing lasts forever.
Ok guys, time to wrap things up. Hold on a minute, seems like we may be forgetting something. What could that be ? 🤔
Ah yes, this 👇
If it doesn't make you feel better, then........ it's not my fault 🤷 . Sorry if that appeared mean but it's the truth. 😁
I hope you enjoy.
Bizarre Fossils Are Neither Plant Nor Animal, But a 'Weird Fusion' of Life
Virtually all living things seem to fall under specific groups, technically this is under taxonomy in biology. But........there seems to be an exception, there's an organism that doesn't seem to fit in any of the established groups and no, it's not the virus. It seems to be some kind of hybrid of different groups. 😳
But ......keep reading to find out more. I wonder if they are responsible for us having fingerprints. 🤭
Life on Earth uses water as a solvent. What are some other options for life as we don't know it?
It's common knowledge that life here on earth requires liquid water for it's existence, especially because of it's unique properties, like being a universal solvent. Virtually everything we consume contains water which happens to contain dissolved chemicals necessary for our survival. The cell itself is made up of mostly water but this is life on "earth". Could there possibly exist other solvents that can be as important to life on a distant world/planet as water is here on earth ?
Interesting question 🤔 and there seems to be interesting candidates but I would leave you to continue the journey here. You know, there's this saying, one planet's poison is another planet's meat. Sorry if that's not what you were expecting. 😉
Nature’s Marvel: Scientists Observe Tiny Pseudoscorpion Riding on a Scorpion for the First Time
We all are familiar with scorpions but what about pseudoscorpions ?
Believe me, I have not heard of such before until this report and what's even funny is that they both seem to be in good terms. Oh sorry, I mean.....keep reading. I think this should be included as one of the wonders of the world.
Rare decay of the Higgs boson may point to physics beyond the Standard Model
In our last post we discussed about elementary particles, including going as far as briefly discussing certain theories beyond the standard model. Here's a report based on a recent experiment suggesting there could exist physics beyond the standard model......keep reading to find out more. I wonder if there's a standard model beyond physics. 🤭
Revolution in AI: New Brain-Like Transistor Mimics Human Intelligence
The brain of modern computers is believed to be it's CPU, a chip made up of millions to billions of transistors. These transistors form a special and complex kind of circuitry for the computers to behave the way they behave. We still try to use this kind of hardware architecture to make computers behave like us (Artificial intelligence) only for our brains to still be better. In this report there seems to be a breakthrough in the hardware architecture of computers, a transistor that can perform complex cognitive functions like the brain has been developed but that's not all.......keep reading to find out more. So are they saying billions of this new kind of transistor is potentially an electronic brain ? 🤔
I guess we would have to wait to find out.
The Future of Sustainable Energy? Scientists Create First-Ever Battery Using Hemoglobin
Breaking news !!!
A battery that utilizes hemoglobin has been invented but hold on a minute, that word "hemoglobin" sounds familiar and I wonder where ? 🤔
Ah yes, your blood, that oxygen carrying substance and it appears this may be the future of batteries, as it comes with a lot of advantages.......continue reading to find out more. I hope this wouldn't lead to the kidnapping of people for their hemoglobin. 😬
It is here we conclude today's report, have a thoughtful day and till i come your way again next week.
Thank you all once again for stopping by to read my jargons and also thank you @stemng, @lemouth and the @Steemstem team for your valuable supports.
Lastly, please don't forget to do the needful
If you enjoyed my jargons.