Weekly Science And Technology Reports - October 1, 2023

in #hive-196387last year


Happy new month guys and happy independence day to my fellow Nigerians, even though deep down I still feel the claimed independence is an illusion. What do I actually know? 🤷

Ok, away from that and back to the main topic of today, our weekly report. I hope you enjoy yourselves or rather, be ready to get your ribs cracked. 😎

Earth's Hidden Eighth Continent Is No Longer Lost

Long ago, most the continents today lived happily as one continent - a supercontinent, until some geological catastrophe happened and a split happened. These brothers (splitted continents) were tasked with saving humanity by housing the different human races of today but when they needed each other the most, one of them vanished. 😂

Jokes apart, most of us believe that there are 7 major continents but the truth is that it should have been 8. In this report one of the brothers who vanished has been fully mapped. It appears he didn't vanish completely, New Zealand should be very grateful. 🤫

Feeding the World: Earthworms Contribute to 6.5% of Global Grain Production

When you look at an earthworm, what do you see ?

A small legless and hopeless creature?

For some, it could be an annoying legless creature when found in places other than the soil.

For another some, a very small legless but scary creature or perhaps the little brother of snakes and the next action is to terminate it.

But here's what you don't know terminator, they also contribute to your continued existence and I believe this report could enlighten you, and bring down your terminating spirit or change how you view them.

It's Looking Increasingly Likely India's Historic Lunar Lander Is Dead For Good

In one of our previous reports we discussed about how the space race has been rekindled but in this case was about reaching the southern pole of the moon and involving many countries. In the report one country - India, seemed to be leading in the race, as they were able to launch a lander (unmanned spacecraft) close to the southern pole of the moon - last month. Well, it looks like something tragic may have happened to the lander, just few days after it's landing on the moon.......keep reading. Looks like the moon no longer needs visitors - invasion of private property, earthlings have crossed the line. 😹

Antimatter: we cracked how gravity affects it – here’s what it means for our understanding of the universe

Some of us may be unfamiliar with the concept of antimatter, this should not be confused with dark matter. Antimatter is another kind of matter with some properties (mostly charge) being the opposite of that of normal matter. For example an electron has a negative charge but an anti-electron (called a positron) is an electron with positive charge. According to the current theory of our universe's origin, particles and antiparticles are believed to have been created in equal amounts in the early stages of our universe's existence and somehow are supposed to get in contact with each other and get annihilated, meaning our universe as it is today shouldn't exist. But here we are today and it raises very important questions like for example, what happened to most of the antiparticles ? - matter of today are made up of mostly normal particles. From the perspective of gravity which sounds logically plausible, antiparticles/antimatter should respond negatively to gravity, that is instead of getting attracted to a gravitational body like normal matter do, they are repelled by gravity. What this means is that at the beginning normal particles repelled most of the antiparticles (gravitationally) and those antiparticles may have gone somewhere else to form their own universe (anti-universe), there could possibly be an anti-you there. Mind you, antiparticles have been discovered here in our universe, for example during beta decay (radioactivity), so it's not just a made up stuff. However, to confirm the hypothesis of antimatter being repelled by gravity, scientists just recently carried out the experiment and it's result is presented in this report. Can somebody please tell me this is a joke ?
So, what happens to my Superman dreams ? 😭

Study removes human bias from debate over dinosaurs' demise

There's this popular belief that dinosaurs were killed by a big stone from the sky - asteroid, or rather, the fall of the asteroid laid ground for their later extinction but it seems like it's more complicated than that. There seems to be another candidate theory and this seems to be causing dispute amongst scientists. One thing about facts from humans is that it could be subjected to bias, nobody was actually there during the time of this event and so certain theories can't be confirmed with great accuracy. Although there could be traces of some evidence, it's worth noting that bias could be added to make the theory look more convincing. However, to eliminate bias and thus settling the dispute, another kind of individual has been tasked to analyse the situation based on available evidences and you won't believe who this individual is.....keep reading to find out. Moral lesson, never trust your fellow man.
But I wonder, how are we even sure this other individual isn't also biased ? - trust me, I'm not looking for trouble. 😂


Looks like we may have entered another regime of scientific controversies and disputes but guess what?

It's not totally bad, excess chaos yields a new kind of order. 😉
In other words, new breakthroughs are about to be made. This report presents us with a recent controversy regarding the intelligence of plants. 😳

We may not be the only intelligent beings. Moreover, we still don't know what intelligence actually is, forget what you think you know. These kinds of controversial topics could push us a step further, including pinning down what consciousness also is.....keep reading to find out more. Wait, are some of them saying plants too can solve problems?
This is so unreal. 😂

Alright guys I guess we would stop here. See you again next week.

It is here we conclude today's report, have a thoughtful day and till i come your way again next week.

Thank you all once again for stopping by to read my jargons and also thank you @stemng, @lemouth and the @Steemstem team for your valuable supports.


Lastly, please don't forget to do the needful
If you enjoyed my jargons.

Background image source by @doze


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We conclude that the dynamic behaviour of antihydrogen atoms is consistent with the existence of an attractive gravitational force between these atoms and the Earth. ... Consequently, we can rule out the existence of repulsive gravity of magnitude 1g between the Earth and antimatter.

Anderson, E.K., Baker, C.J., Bertsche, W. et al. Observation of the effect of gravity on the motion of antimatter. Nature 621, 716–722 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-023-06527-1

It was not surprising, as one would have anticipated. The strange thing would have been if they fell upwards.🤣

It was not surprising, as one would have anticipated.

Yup, but the experiment was necessary. Nature can be very tricky at times.

The strange thing would have been if they fell upwards.🤣

But we got the unstrange thing, it rose downwards. 😉


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