Hoy, les traigo la tercera parte del tema y esta vez continuaremos hablando sobre lo mismo, pero nos enfocaremos más en los vistos en películas como Guerra Mundial Z o 28 días después. Espero les guste el contenido.
Hello everyone! In the second part of this topic I told you about those "zombies" that appear in The Last Of Us that would be caused by fungus contagion and I explained the reasons why it would be IMPOSSIBLE for them to exist.
Today, I bring you the third part of the topic and this time we will continue talking about the same, but we will focus more on those seen in movies like World War Z or 28 Days Later. I hope you like the content.
In World War Z and 28 Days Later, the zombie apocalypse is caused by a virus and the contagion is immediate, because in just seconds anyone has become a zombie. This is impossible in real life, because when a virus enters your body (whatever it is), it will take hours, or even days or years, before it attaches itself to your cells, inserts its genetic material and uses the mechanisms of your cells for whatever the virus wants to do, so it is impossible for the virus to attach itself to your cell and produce whatever the virus wants in seconds.
Otra cosa por mencionar, es que, en estas dos películas, los zombies no están intentando comer, solamente quieren esparcir el virus. Estamos hablando de personas, que se la pasan corriendo todo el día, sin hidratarse ni alimentarse, lo cual sería bastante ilógico porque el ser humano no podría demorar mas de dos días sin tomar agua por lo menos.
In real life there are several viruses that could be similar to these zombie attacks, but focusing on these movies, if there was a zombie attack by virus, people would start to show symptoms before developing the urge to bite and there would be precautionary measures, that is, they could quarantine people, not that immediately everyone will become zombies, that is not possible.
Another thing to mention is that, in these two movies, the zombies are not trying to eat, they just want to spread the virus. We are talking about people, who are running around all day, without hydration or food, which would be quite illogical because a human being could not go more than two days without drinking water at least.
- La rabia: El virus de la rabia es muy particular porque cómo en muchos casos de los zombies, se transmite a través de la mordida y así es como el virus llega al cuerpo y se empieza a reproducir lentamente en los músculos y en la piel, pero cuando llega al sistema nervioso es cuando empieza a reproducirse muy rápido e intenta llegar al cerebro. El virus se puede tratar antes de que logre llegar al cerebro, pero una vez que llegue ahí, es prácticamente imposible que te recuperes.
Este virus ocasiona que los mamíferos se vuelvan agresivos, activa los instintos mas violentos del animal y es por esto que los perros cuando tienen rabia, muerden. El virus se propaga a través de la saliva, por ello no es tan efectivo en el ser humano, porque éste no acostumbra a morder.
Los pacientes que tiene rabia normalmente si son agresivos, pero son agresivos como cualquier ser humano (o sea, golpean, patean, etc), por eso es muy raro que muerdan, porque en nuestra naturaleza no solemos atacar con la cara.
Con respecto al tiempo para empezar a ver los síntomas, éste varía demasiado, pues esto depende del tiempo en que tardó el virus en llegar al cerebro, puede demorar incluso años. Un dato importante aquí es que, luego de que se empiecen a mostrar los síntomas, la persona que la padece, tiene de 2 a 10 días de vida.
Now, what virus, parasites or bacteria could really affect the human being to have these strange zombie-like behaviors, well, there are several options but they would not become zombies at all, they would only have some characteristics; these could be the following:
- Rabies: The rabies virus is very particular because as in many cases of zombies, it is transmitted through the bite and that is how the virus reaches the body and begins to reproduce slowly in the muscles and skin, but when it reaches the nervous system is when it begins to reproduce very fast and tries to reach the brain. The virus can be treated before it reaches the brain, but once it gets there, it is virtually impossible for you to recover.
This virus causes mammals to become aggressive, it activates the animal's most violent instincts and that is why dogs bite when they have rabies. The virus is spread through saliva, which is why it is not as effective in humans, because they are not used to bite.
Rabies patients are usually aggressive, but they are aggressive like any human being (i.e., they hit, kick, etc.), that is why it is very rare that they bite, because in our nature we do not usually attack with our face.
Regarding the time to start seeing symptoms, this varies too much, because it depends on the time it took for the virus to reach the brain, it can take even years. An important fact here is that, after the symptoms begin to show, the person who suffers from it has 2 to 10 days to live.
Este parasito afecta a los ratones, haciéndolos moverse de maneras extrañas, haciendo que se acerquen a los gatos, tengan menos miedo, etc.
Pero bueno, si eso pasa en los ratones, ¿Qué pasa con los seres humanos? como sabemos, los seres humanos somos primates y hay varios gatos grandes que comen primates, como por ejemplo los leopardos, que es muy común que coman chimpancés.
Los chimpancés que han sido afectados por este parasito, también han tenido una alteración en su comportamiento, corren mas riesgos y les atrae un poco más el olor de la orina del leopardo. En los seres humanos que somos primates también, hay varios estudios que parecen demostrar que los seres humanos que tienen este parasito están mas implicados en accidentes automovilísticos y aparentemente si tienes este parasito es mas probable que desarrolles esquizofrenia, aunque aun falta mucho que analizar sobre esto.
- Toxoplasma: Another parasite that can affect human beings and our behavior is this one, because its environment to reproduce is the feline intestine, therefore it affects its prey, causing that once these are infected, it approaches the feline to eat it. In this way, the parasite can reach the feline's intestine, quietly.
This parasite affects the mice, making them move in strange ways, making them get closer to the cats, making them less afraid, etc.
But well, if that happens in mice, what about humans? As we know, humans are primates and there are several big cats that eat primates, such as leopards, which are very common to eat chimpanzees.
Chimpanzees that have been affected by this parasite, have also had an alteration in their behavior, they run more risks and they are more attracted to the smell of leopard urine. In humans who are primates as well, there are several studies that seem to show that humans who have this parasite are more involved in car accidents and apparently if you have this parasite is more likely to develop schizophrenia, although there is still much to analyze about this.
- Leprosy: Finally, regarding the appearance of zombies, this disease, which is produced by a bacterium, seems to be quite similar. There is a specific type of leprosy that causes you to have a truly zombie-like appearance, the skin looks rotten, fingers start to fall off, and there are even cases where you lose your nose or eyes.
Hasta aquí todo esto, muchas gracias por leer y observar a los que se tomaron el tiempo. Espero les haya gustado mucho.
Si desean ir a checar las dos primera partes, se las dejo acá: ⬇️
- https://peakd.com/hive-196387/@gltorres12/hablemos-de-zombies-lets-talk-about-zombies
- https://peakd.com/hive-196387/@gltorres12/hablemos-de-zombies-lets-talk-about-zombies
In conclusion, yes there are certain viruses, parasites and bacteria that make zombies look like zombies in certain aspects, but it would not be possible a kind of zombie apocalypse like the ones we see in movies or video games, especially because of the time it takes for parasites, viruses and bacteria to really affect the behavior of the human being and cause different symptoms.
So far all this, thank you very much for reading and watching to those who took the time. I hope you liked it a lot.
If you want to check out the first two parts, I leave them here: ⬇️
- https://peakd.com/hive-196387/@gltorres12/hablemos-de-zombies-lets-talk-about-zombies
- https://peakd.com/hive-196387/@gltorres12/hablemos-de-zombies-lets-talk-about-zombies