A lot of women at some point have experienced some form of boil around the vagina region, it could be a harmless situation or a sign of an urgent medical requirement. When talking about the vagina, we mean both the internal organ and the external genitalia (vulva). The vulva encompasses the clitoris, labia minora, clitoral hood, labia major.
The labia major is the outer lips of the vulva, and the outer part of the labia major is where there is a growth of public hair. The hairless part of the inner fold is more smooth, and it contains oil glands known as sebaceous glands.
Labia minora is seen when the labia major is pulled apart, this will expose the inner lips of the thin skin that surrounds the opening to the vagina.
Skene's glands are glands that produce mucus and other lubricants, they are located on the labia minora, which is also dotted with oil glands.
Now, that we have the description of what the vagina looks like, let's talk about the possible reason behind vaginal lumps and bumps.
Fordyce spots: Fordyce spots are small white or yellow-white bumps that exist inside the vulva. The spots can be found both on the lips and the cheeks. The first sign usually shows up during puberty, and then more of it happens when there is an advancement in age. The spots are generally not harmful, and they are painless.
Vulvar cysts: Cysts vary in size, they are almost not painful unless there is an infection. There is a variation in the sizes of cysts, but feel like small hard lumps.
Normally, the vulva contains quite a number of glands which includes oil glands, Skene's glands, and Bartholin's glands, when clogging happens, it could result in the formation of cyst.
Without any treatment, cysts can go away on their own, If it however gets to a point where there is an infection of the cyst, the doctors could drain it, and they could as well prescribe antibiotics that will help with the infections.
Ingrown Hair: The process of waxing, shaving, or plucking public hair increases the chances of ingrown hair, and this ingrown hair could cause a little, round, and sometimes painful or itchy bump to form. These bumps could be filled with pus, and the skin that is around the bump may also be darker.
Making an attempt to take out this ingrown hair on your own could lead to an infection. Most times, the ingrown hair would get resolved on its own, but there is still a serious need to visit the hospital whenever inflammation develops, it could be a sign of infection that requires treatment.
Genital Herpes: An infection that is caused by the herpes simplex virus. Herpes is transmitted through vaginal, oral, or anal sex. During an outbreak, it comes with symptoms like; fever, swollen glands, blistery sores, pain, itching, or tingling.
The symptoms of herpes would usually clear and then come back again. After some time, most people would experience a less severe outbreak. There is no cure for genital herpes, but the severity of the condition can be managed as well. In the case of visible herpes sores, sex needs to be avoided, although the use of protection could limit the chances of getting herpes.
Genital herpes could as well affect a baby during the vaginal if the mother has active outbreaks, but the help of constant prenatal care can help limit the chances of transmission to the baby.
Vaginal Skin Tags: Polyps or skin tags are little but protruding flaps of extra skin, they often wouldn't cause harm or any type of discomfort except they rub or come in contact with something and become irritated. If these skin tags are worrisome, then a visit to the hospital to have them removed surgically or with a laser would suffice.
Lichen Sclerosus: This usually happens after menopause, and it is a common condition of the skin. Mostly seen on the vulva and around the anus too with symptoms like; white spots, serious itch, skin that could tear easily, pain during sex or while urinating, and then bleeding or bruising.
Vaginal cysts: Vaginal cysts are of different types, they are firm lumps that appear on the wall of the vagina, often the size of a pea or a smaller type. Vaginal inclusion cysts are however the most common type of vaginal cyst that exist, they usually develop after childbirth or when there is a vaginal injury.
Vaginal cysts are not usually painful, and are not a cause for concern too, except they create discomfort during sex. On very rare occasions, the cyst will be drained or surgically taken out.
Varicosities: They are swollen veins that happen around the vulva. They have the form of bluish raised bumps or round swollen veins around the labia minora and majora, there may not be pain, but there could be severe itching, heavy feeling or even bleeding.
If it happens during pregnancy, no treatment is needed as varicosities would reduce 6 weeks after childbirth, and there is a recurrence with subsequent pregnancies. For women who aren't pregnant on the other hand, it could cause serious discomfort during sex or after standing for a long time. A medical expert who is specialized in vein surgery will be able to treat the condition.
Cancer: Cancers of the vulva are rare, but it is for real and can also create lumps around the vagina. It comes with symptoms like; painful sex, abnormal bleeding, and unusual discharge.
Genital Warts: Genital warts are caused by an infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). They are transferred through anal and virginal sex. The thing is, so many people even have genital warts without even knowing it, and on rare occasions, they are transmitted through oral sex. Giving symptoms like; rough patches, and clusters of small colored bumps.
There are several reasons why a woman would experience a boil around her vagina, since we do not know what the problem could be and the reason why the boil is there, paying a visit to the medical center as soon as one is noticed is very important.
For some cases we mentioned above, it is clear that some cases would not require treatment, and if treatment will be required it will mostly be attached to the treatment of the underlying causes. A doctor may recommend certain lifestyle changes and home treatments to help relieve the condition.
Recommendations like; sitz bath, over-the-counter relief pills, completely avoiding tight clothes, avoiding sex and tampons, and wearing panties that are made of cotton have proven to be helpful and healthy.
Hi, I am Tobi a writer, speaker, relationship blogger, and lover of good music. I love making friends and learning from people. Want to hear me speak on relationships and general life issues, you can find my youtube channel where you can listen and watch any episode for free, please do not forget to subscribe, friends. I sincerely appreciate every love I get from here, Kindly do well to keep them coming.