I'm trying to lose weight by regularly lifting weights to get an ideal body weight with little fat composition and lean muscle mass, but I realize that achieving lean muscle mass and low body fat levels is difficult. Even though you have sports discipline. Losing body fat healthily and safely will not work without a calorie deficit and adequate protein intake so that muscle mass is maintained during the diet. One of the ways that I am currently doing to stay in a calorie deficit is by implementing Intermittent Fasting (IF) so that fewer calories enter the body so that the body experiences a calorie deficit.
In this post, I will share information about Intermittent Fasting, its benefits for the body, and its effects on human health. This blog is only intended to share information that may be useful for all of us, there is no invitation or recommendation to use substances or anything that can endanger our health.
Intermittent Fasting simply means setting eating times and non-eating times to limit calorie intake and has many benefits for the health of the human body. The eating hours available in Intermittent Fasting are very varied but the point is not to eat anything that contains calories for more than 12 hours so that the benefits can be felt by the body. Some ways to do this IF are called 16/8, 20/4, OMAD (One Meal A Day), and other types.
16/8 can be explained as 16 hours we have to fast and only 8 hours to eat. 20/4 means 4 hours to eat and 20 hours we have to fast, at 20/4 we are in the ketosis phase where the body uses energy from fat reserves in the body, this can help someone who is on a diet program, as well as reduce fat levels healthily and safely. Currently I am actively running Intermittent Fasting using the 20/4 method 2x a week, sometimes I use 16/8 to be more flexible, the reason is so that I don't feel that IF is a torturous diet so as much as possible when implementing IF as a lifestyle, not just moment.
Intermittent Fasting has many benefits for our body's health, especially for those who are obese or overweight, some of the benefits of running IF include:
IF can reduce blood sugar levels in the body, this is one way for diabetes patient to control their blood sugar.
Maintain heart health and reduce cholesterol, because when doing IF we will be able to control calorie intake and our body will also detoxify as long as we do IF safely.
IF can reduce addiction or dependence on sugar, often it is difficult for us to avoid foods that contain it, and by regularly doing IF we can get rid of the addiction to foods that contain sugar naturally without making the body feel hungry.
I have experienced some of the benefits of Intermittent Fasting that I explained previously myself, actually, there are many more advantages of doing Intermittent Fasting, you can look for articles or blogs that discuss IF in detail or look for scientific journals that explain the benefits of IF scientifically.