Desde el día de su nacimiento, Martín había sido un niño con complicaciones de salud. Su primer año de vida transcurrió más en el hospital, que en la habitación que su madre había decorado con tanto amor para él.
Sin embargo, sus padres estaban felices de tenerlo, y disfrutaban de él cada segundo, pues era un milagro que estuviera entre ellos, luego de varios embarazos fallidos.
Martín era el "bebé arcoiris" que sanaba las heridas emocionales de su madre ante tantas pérdidas involuntarias.
Jenna Norman - Unsplash
Luego de superado el primer año, todo parecía que empezaba a normalizarse con Martín. Salvo las atenciones hacia su alimentación, no había nada que complicara su día a día. Angélica afirmaba siempre que su hijo era un niño "feliz".
Sin embargo, una tarde de octubre, cuando estaban en casa de los abuelos, Martín empezó a sentirse mareado. Su piel palideció en un segundo, y Angélica a duras penas logró tomarlo en sus brazos cuando se desmayó sin motivo aparente.
Llegaron al hospital en su auto. No había tiempo para esperar por la ambulancia. Y como ya era conocido su caso, entró de inmediato a la sala de emergencias, sin necesidad del papeleo previo.
Luego de unas horas, el diagnóstico no era muy alentador, aunque se encontraba estable. Martín tenía una afección en el corazón, que era de cuidado.
Salieron del alta, con muchos nervios, pues cualquier cosa podía afectar a su hijo, aunque él pedía ser un niño regular y que lo trataran normalmente. Uno de sus sueños era poder ir a la escuela y tener amigos, como veía en los dibujos animados.
Aunque sus padres eran partidarios de la educación en casa, el pediatra les aconsejó que inscribieran a Martín en la escuela, pues era importante que se acostumbrara al roce social, pero también a controlar sus emociones por su afección del corazón, y sus impulsos con respecto a aquello que le apeteciera y no debía comer.
Optaron por una escuela pequeña cerca de casa, y que además tenía pocos niños, pensando que con eso, la atención de la maestra hacia Martín pudiera ser más cuidadosa.
Sus rutinas cambiaron, y el niño se adaptó fácilmente a todo lo nuevo, aunque sus padres siempre lo dejaban con cierto temor, que se disipaba a la hora de buscarlo, llegando siempre de primeros a la hora de salida.
La rebeldía de Martín empezaba a florecer. Él no quería ser el niño de la burbuja invisible impuesta por el "no debes" que siempre le recalcaban sus padres, aunque al final terminaba cediendo, muy a su pesar.
Al año siguiente, en su escuela organizaron una fiesta de disfraces alusivos a Halloween. Martín quería ir, pues nunca había sido invitado a una fiesta, o por lo menos, eso era lo que él creía.
Su madre le puso condiciones, y aunque escuchaba con cara de pocos amigos, aceptó todo con tal de poder asistir.
Ross Sneddon - Unsplash
Quería ir vestido de Batman, su personaje favorito. Para él, el caballero de la noche era el traje perfecto para un día de brujas, porque además, era un murciélago!
La noche previa, su emoción era demasiada. Angélica tuvo que darle un poco más del sedante que tenía prescrito, de acuerdo con las indicaciones del médico, y solo así logró que durmiera.
Quería usar su traje desde el día anterior, y luego de una ligera discusión, su padre convenció a mamá para que lo dejara.
Angélica, replicó Manuel... Por un día que duerma con la ropa de salir no pasará nada!
Se cepilló los dientes, para luego vestirse como Batman. Su madre logró tomarle una fotografía en la que salió con una sonrisa que iluminaba todo el cuarto. Luego de rezar y el beso de buenas noches, Martín se durmió feliz.
Al día siguiente, cuando Angélica lo fue a despertar para que tomara el desayuno antes de ir a su fiesta, descubrió el cuerpo de Martín sin vida, envuelto en sus sábanas.
Su corazón no resistió la emoción a pesar del sedante... Mientras dormía, decidió que ya era hora de dejar de latir.
Since the day he was born, Martin had been a sickly child. His first year of life was spent more in the hospital than in the room his mother had lovingly decorated for him.
However, his parents were happy to have him, and enjoyed every second of him, for he was a miracle that he was among them, after several failed pregnancies.
Martin was the "rainbow baby" that healed his mother's emotional wounds from so many involuntary losses.
Jenna Norman - Unsplash
After the first year was over, everything seemed to be normalizing with Martin. Except for the attention to his diet, there was nothing that complicated his day-to-day. Angélica always claimed that her son was a "happy" child.
However, one afternoon in October, when they were at the grandparents' house, Martin began to feel dizzy. His skin pale in a second, and Angélica barely managed to take him in her arms when he fainted for no apparent reason.
They arrived at the hospital in their car. There was no time to wait for an ambulance. And as his case was already known, he immediately entered the emergency room, without the need for previous paperwork.
After a few hours, the diagnosis was not very encouraging, although he was stable. Martin had a heart condition that was worrying.
They left the hospital, very nervous, because anything could affect their son, although he asked to be a regular child and be treated normally. One of his dreams was to be able to go to school and have friends, as he saw in cartoons.
Although his parents were in favor of home schooling, the pediatrician advised them to enroll Martin in school, because it was important that he get used to social interaction, but also to control his emotions due to his heart condition, and his impulses with respect to what he felt like and should not eat.
They chose a small school near home, and which also had few children, thinking that with that, the teacher's attention to Martin could be more careful.
Their routines changed, and the child adapted easily to everything new, although his parents always left him with some fear, which dissipated when they went to pick him up, always arriving first at the time of departure.
Martin's rebelliousness was beginning to flourish. He did not want to be the child of the invisible bubble imposed by the "you should not" that his parents always emphasized to him, although in the end he always gave in, much to his regret.
The following year, at his school they organized a costume party related to Halloween. Martin wanted to go, because he had never been invited to a party, or at least that's what he thought.
His mother put conditions on him, and although he listened with a few friends face, he accepted everything in order to be able to attend.
Ross Sneddon - Unsplash
He wanted to go dressed as Batman, his favorite character. For him, the knight of the night was the perfect costume for a day of witches, because in addition, he was a bat!
The night before, his excitement was too much. Angélica had to give him a little more of the sedative he had prescribed, according to the doctor's instructions, and only then did he manage to sleep.
He wanted to use his costume from the day before, and after a slight discussion, his father convinced mom to let him.
Angélica replied Manuel ... For one day that you sleep with the clothes to go out it will not happen anything!
He brushed his teeth, then dressed as Batman. His mother managed to take a photograph of him in which he came out with a smile that illuminated the whole room. After praying and the goodnight kiss, Martin fell asleep happy.
The next day, when Angélica went to wake him up to have breakfast before going to his party, she discovered Martin's lifeless body, wrapped in his sheets.
His heart could not resist the emotion despite the sedative ... While he was sleeping he decided that it was time to stop beating.
Foto/Photo by: Annie Spratt, Ross Sneeddon and Jenna Norman (All from Unsplash)
Edición/Edited by @mamaemigrante using canva
Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.