The Lake just after dark

in #hive-1967082 years ago

A walk at dusk

I brought our dog Coco for a walk yesterday evening just before dusk. It's a nice way to finish the day and to process what has happened at work and at home. It's just me and my trusty little canine friend, who bless her little heart is always happy and almost smiles at you with her cute little bottom teeth showing.


That's her above living her best life on the way to the beach for a walk last week. She likes her food, but her absolute favourite is walks, as soon as she sees me taking down her leash her tail starts going at 90Mph! She knows what's coming, it's walkies time!! Those smiley bottom teeth of hers show as her little mind races to all the smells and sights off the walk and getting let off the leash down at the lake for a swim.

The lake after dark

The lake was as beautiful as ever last night when we got there. The evening was clinging onto the last bit of daylight and the rain clouds from earlier in the day had dissipated. My phone is not great at picking up this kind of low light, but I still gave it a go with this series of photos.









To be fair to my trusty Samsung phone, it did allow me to capture these shots a few months back that I really liked.





Coco Closeups

I'll finish up with a few close ups of the youngest in our family and very much a part of our family. If you look really closely you can see she's trying to say..... Master..... Master.... Is it time for a walk yet?!!




Thanks as always for stopping by everyone.

Peace Out



Oh I love these shots🥺 Seems like the beach was empty as at this time. It's too dark too, how did you even stay till this time🤭 just kidding😂 I'm not a fan of the dark. Anyway, beautiful pictures. I should save these in my gallery @ablaze

I'm not a fan of the dark

Ha ha, ya the dark doesn't bother me 😊

Oh I love these shots

Thanks a million, very nice of you to say and there is no beach here, as it is a lake, not the sea or ocean.

Oh yeah, a lake. Beautiful ❤️


Thanks @music-nature and judging by your name you might like #threetunetuesday, just check out any of my tuesday posts to see what it's all about..

Ahh, thanks a lot! 👍😊🙏