An affectionate greeting to this animal loving community, I want to tell you that today I went to the super market with my mom, and at the entrance of the parking lot, next to the garden I found a tender scene, two kittens, a mother nursing her puppy.
Ella es una gata preciosa, grande con una combinación de colores claros en su pelaje muy muy bonitos, el cachorro, de colores más oscuros pero igual muy lindos, y allí estaban en la sombra de una pared junto al jardín, el cachorro pegado a la madre alimentándose, permanecí allí unos cuantos minutos y él no se aparto de la madre por un segundo 💗😻 solo se acomodaba y seguí mandando.
She is a beautiful cat, big with a combination of light colors in her coat very very very nice, the kitten, darker colors but still very cute, and there they were in the shade of a wall next to the garden, the kitten stuck to the mother feeding, I stayed there a few minutes and he did not move away from the mother for a second 💗😻 he just settled in and I kept on commanding.
Qué naturaleza tan perfecta la de los animales, la relación de las madres e hijos, la gata muy tranquila casi dormida y su cachorro a su lado, lo más natural del mundo.
What a perfect nature of animals, the relationship of mothers and children, the cat very calm almost asleep and her puppy by her side, the most natural thing in the world.
Esta linda escena me conmovió mucho, observe alrededor y no vi otro cachorro, cosa que me pareció extraña. Al salir del super mercado ya no estaban y quería verlos de nuevo. Estaré muy pendiente cuando regrese allí para ver si los veo de nuevo.
I was very moved by this cute scene, I looked around and did not see another puppy, which seemed strange to me. When I left the super market they were gone and I wanted to see them again. I will be very attentive when I go back there to see if I see them again.
Thanks for reading my blog, see you next time 🤗.