Hello Hivers, this is a nice end of the week for me because I have lots of experience and joyful moments with my friends and former teachers that we have spent the day together. What I actually can't forget is our experience with this cute, odd-eyed cat that has been with us throughout our bonding moments together. I rarely see this kind of cat with different eye colors. It really looks amazing and shocking, because how could an animal have these kinds of beautiful eyes? I have researched these kinds of animals with odd-eyed cats, and apparently, those animals with these kinds of eyes are called heterochromia. It's a condition where the eye of an animal is different from the other, and it's quite rare for an animal to have these kinds of eyes. Although dogs and humans can have this condition too, it is really quite rare to see this.
This blue eye is something like the sea that is refreshing to the eyes. It froze like water and is likely to be a sky that is clear blue. It is accompanied by the red side that serves as the fire side that can flame whenever it wants to. Those two eyes, for me, show freshness and fire that balances the good and bad within that animal.
Thank you for viewing my post. Have a nice weekend!!