These are some beautiful horses from Scottish stables that my daughter goes to ride and she just loves horses! And all other animals.
This is my first post in @hivepets so I’ll start with a little jokey mock interview with some of the resident horses with sone of the recent photos I have of these amazing creatures!!
Hey there 👋 How’s it going? what is it like to live here in Scotland ?
(Horses Voice) “Neighhh” bad thank you!! Here in Scotland us Horses are well loved and cared for by our people.”
But “there’s always one” who’s a little bit unsure though…?
(Horses Voice) “Yeah he’s always like that, ignore him... aye, but it’s great here, we have plenty hay and things, yeah it’s good here, I can just shit on the floor and the people come and clean it up for me, I don’t have to do anything except let them ride on my back and dress me up in leather n stuff and run about in the fields ‘n’ that, but yeah it’s cool here, yeah “neighhh” bad..”
“Chews in face Loudly”
These stunning prehistoric-looking creatures are beautiful, majestic and mighty!
Huge respect for this animal.
(Horses Sassy Voice) “Did you just call me prehistoric?? I’m not that old Honey!!? Quit horsin’ around ‘n’ give me some hay**
(Party Horses voice) “Let’s keep horsing around, it’s party time baby!!!”
How do horses party then?
(horses voice) “we go haaaaayyyyyyy and dance the canter”
(cat voice) “terrible joke… ugh.. why do I still live here? Ugh.. (sigh)
Ah well.. back to licking my ass for another 25 minutes then off to sleep”
Goodbye from the Stables here in Scotland! :)
Many thanks
Danaidh B
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