Another day, another experience of life is waiting for us to surprise us or to test. I hope you people are well. I pray so. Well, we all are having our particular life which varies person to person. Not to explain that we all are doing our duties and we all are good in our own business. Never feel ashamed of that. Anyway, I'm not here for a long speech of something. I'm here to show you my new world. A world where I keep myself better than any other places. A world which calms down me whenever I feel worried. This is where I feel my inner peace. This is my Pet World.
Well, before making the proper introduction with my pets, let me explain something. I am not a professional pet handler. It is one of my hobby. I do it by myself and I try my best to ensure their safety and proper care. But that doesn’t mean that you people can't say anything. Any types of suggestions are highly welcomed. Your words will help me a lot. So for now, let's begin the journey. Welcome to the party.
Meet my Quail world. Familiar to you people? It’s a tiny bird and the egg they lay are actually so small comparing a hen's one. But the nutrition ratio of the egg as well as the meat of this bird is so high. People love to have them and it is very to take care of them. I have more than 60 quail birds. Oh, I forgot to mention that I have the white one's. Another colour is brownish black. I ordered in a farm and they delivered the white one's. All of them. Mother of coincidence or what?
Anyway, they are easy to take care of. I have made a big cage for them. 3 cages for 60 quails. You know the equation. They remain jointly and that makes my work easier. I feed them 3 times a day and proper water supplies are added. They have started giving eggs. Funny one is when they start screaming. May be out of curiosity or hunger but whenever they see me, they remain silent. My presence is what they desire. I love to feed them with my hands.
Now, let me introduce to my Romeo & Juliet. Obviously, they are mad in love with each other. I have only a pair of them. Oh, I'm talking about my cute pigeons. Brown one is Juliet and another one is Romeo. I bought them from my cousin 8 months ago. When I bought them, they were two babies who could hardly eat their foods. My mom helped me a lot in their upbringing. Now they are matured enough. Recently they laid eggs and I am to much concerned about their care.
Juliet remains in her house maximum of the time and keeps warming her eggs. That's what mothers do. They protect their babies. Doesn’t matter it is born or unborn but the care remains same.
Romeo continues his journey in search of food and collecting leaves or twigs for the house. Although it is unnecessary as I have already made a better house for them but who stops Romeo to take care of his Juliet and upcoming babies? It is a natural habit. You can see him on the roof top while she remains in the coop.
Hen, hen, o hen. Oh, I'm not rhyming. I am just waiting for your attention. Time to show you my another pets. Charlie, Angela and their new babies as well as their old babies. No boundaries for them. They are totally free just like my pigeons. They move from here to there and explore their own world.
Like Romeo & Juliet, I have named them too. Charlie is the boss of our pet world. He not only protects his tribe but also put an eye on the pigeons too. No cat, no dog, no one is allowed to enter in his boundary. He screams at his peak which alerts my family too.
The new born babies whose pictures I had taken a few weeks earlier are now a little big and loves to remain with me. Angela never feels worried whenever she watches that I'm cuddling the babies. Besides, I have made a woody structure for them.
After having their foods, they climb on it, sit on it and remain lazy. They never feel bothered with my presence. I hand feed them. Maybe that's why the special bond is made. They trust me a lot.
So, that's all from my pet world. I have less animals to pet but I am so happy to take care of them properly. They are a part of my daily routine. It’s my duty to take care of them which also helps me increase my human moral values. Happy with my Pet World.
- All the pictures here belong to me.