in #hive-196708 โ€ข last year


Hello friends ๐Ÿ•

I hope you are very but very well, today in my city has been a rainy day, one of those days in which it provokes to be tucked in bed enjoying the weather, since these last months have been very sunny and therefore much ๐Ÿฅต. Today while I was taking a nap in the afternoon after lunch my dear kila wanted to join me. I love sleeping with her because she is always warm plus she enjoys being cuddled.

My boyfriend doesn't like it when she comes to visit us in bed because kila wants to take the bed all to herself hehehehehehe, but I do enjoy sleeping with her, she is very soft and warm, she is like a living stuffed animal.

The good thing is that I was able to capture this moment because I had my phone in the bed, so I didn't hesitate to take some pictures โ˜บ๏ธ kila wanted to sleep ๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค you can see how her eyes are more closed than open.

Kila was getting a little uncomfortable as I was moving my arm to take the pictures, I try not to make her uncomfortable so she doesn't want to go somewhere else, because I love having her on top of me.

I leave you these pictures so you can see my beautiful kila invading my space and I am delighted that she always wants to be close and glued to me.

Hola amigos ๐Ÿ•

Espero que se encuentren muy pero muy bien, hoy en mi ciudad ha sido un dia lluvioso, de esos dias en los que provoca estar metido en la cama disfrutando del clima, ya que estos รบltimos meses han sido de muyo sol y por ende mucha ๐Ÿฅต. Hoy mientras hacia una siesta en la tarde luego del almuerzo mi querida kila me quiso acompaรฑar. A mi me encanta dormir con ella porque siempre esta calentita ademรกs que ella disfruta de que le abrace.

A mi novio no le gusta cuando ella nos viene a visitar a la cama por kila quiere agarrar la cama para ella sola jejejeje por mi parte yo si diafruto de estar acostada con ella, es muy suavesita y calentita es como un peluche vivo.

Lo bueno de todo es que pude capturar este momento porque tenia mi telรฉfono en la cama, asi que no dude en tomarmos varias fotos โ˜บ๏ธ kila queria era dormir ๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค pueden ver como tiene los ojos mas cerrados que abierto.

Kila se iba incomodando un poco a medida que yo movia un el brazo para tomar las fotos, yo trato de no invomodarla para que no se quiera ir a otro lado, porque es que me encanta tenerla encima de mรญ.

Les dejo estas imรกgenes para que vean a mi hermosa kila invadiendo mi espacio y yo encantada de que ella quiera estar siempre cerquita y pegadita a mรญ.

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