When Emeralds Meet. Green European Lizard Encounter & Royal Python & Brownie.

in Hive Pets2 years ago

Magical Meeting

I was enjoying the atmosphere sitting on the stairs at the top where it goes to the backyard, every time I went up there, I would hear something running away, so this time I sat down there for a cigarette. My intuition was already drawn to a larger hole in the stones, so I kept looking into it to my right, after about 5minutes this guys head emerged visibly still in the hole though, beautiful ancient dinosaur in miniature, I spoke to him aloud once, letting him know he did not need to fear me & that it is a tremendous pleasure & honor to be in his presence, I then sat motionless just holding the vibration of awe, gratitude & appreciation my head turned to him but my eyes closed, 5minutes like that & I heard movement, I waited some more & again heard movement, then I slowly opened my eyes & saw him entirely emerged from his hole, sunbathing & displaying his beautiful yellow, green colored and black spotted body, staring me in the face. We just sat there together for 15minutes. I joyously drank in the experience, silently conversing with him, but also silently observing & just feeling his presence.


I also told him that me & KPHI were moving in here & that we respect his presence here & welcome him here & asked him if he could bless us with his approval of us staying in this place & to help guard this space from intruders & evil intentions. Dragon Guardian🐉

I slowly got up finally to get KPHI & the phone to try snapping a photo, we both very silently & slowly walked up the stairs to his location & he was still there. There are a lot of smaller lizards here, but this one is quite large compared to those, size of a medium rat. Magical Experience connecting with this fierce little Dragon.


Later I tried to find out which lizard it is, In german it is literally called "Smaragd-Eidechse" which means "Emerald Lizard" in English , how amazing to have him welcome us under our Banner of "Smaragdis Rubor." Which means "Blushing Emerald".

It felt like quite a good omen to encounter this beautiful synchronicity. As if God were welcoming us through this little guardian dragon.

Also we recently took out both of our ball pythons into the powerful sunshine here, so that they might catch some good natural light & get a change of scenery from the temporary box they share. We are currently moving after being kicked out of our old home in Luxembourg and find ourselves now staying at a property we are in the process of buying still. Once we have completed the paperworks we will be able to create a new proper housing for the snakes, if anyone feels inclined please consider supporting us through our Fundraiser, all proceeds are going to go into building our Bee Sanctuary, which will also be a shelter for the 2 royal pythons we have, it supports us to look after senior brownie our 15 year old labrador as well, who needs to be carried around now since he can't stand longer than 10 seconds on his own feet, and into renovating this place to expand it into a true oasis of life. Support is much appreciated since once we have completed the sale we are left with very little (enough to survive financially 2 months) & with no dependable income stream yet.

Here are Shiva(Right Side) & Shakti(Left, the one staring into camera)

Brownie shortly before leaving our old home we got kicked out of.

After 30+ Hours of a Drive, carrying him into the property in Croatia that we are in the process of buying.