A Man's Bestfriend

in #hive-1967082 years ago

A photo shot by me and were edited using Canva

I was deleting unnecessary files on my laptop as preparation for this academic year when I stumbled into a folder named "Photography Memories". Reading the folder name, I remembered that I made a compilation of my mobile photographs that I took two years ago. Excitedly, I doubled clicked the folder and saw a bunch of random pictures. There are a lot of pictures of the sky, sunsets, plants, insects, and trees. I can't help but laugh at myself because some of the photos are not at a perfect angle, you can eventually see how noob I am in taking pictures. The subject is not aligned in the frame and some are completely blurred.

If I'm going to compare my photographs before and now I'm glad that I can see an improvement. That's an achievement for me! I continued scrolling down the cursor when I saw the images of our dogs. The smile on my face slowly vanished and the memories of myself with them started to play on my mind like a flashback.


Meet Abby, our buddy that is full of sweetness and gentleness. She is the type of dog that loves to cuddle. Wherever I go she will follow. She is like our tail oftentimes at our home. She has bright pair of hazel eyes, it's not noticeable in the picture but it's hazel. She has a combination of white and orange furs that she probably inherited on her father's side. Her eyes are what I love the most because it's like I'm looking at a descending sunset.

I remember this time when I'm taking pictures in our garden, she and our other dog Tobert accompanied me. They are like bodyguards that are ready to defend me. They are just there scattered all around, sometimes they are playing, and sometimes just laying. They are waiting for me to finish and get down. Since I took a lot of pictures of plants and sunsets already, an idea suddenly popped up in my mind. What if I made them my model? They are an interesting subject! Which I did.


I waited for them to stay in place before I tried to shoot my shot. I first go to Abby, she is silently laying on the ground while her eyes are closed. Without warning, I started scratching the top of her head. She suddenly opened her eyes, look up at me, feel my hands, closed her eyes again, and then flashed her beautiful smile showing her canines and tongue. She is enjoying every bit of it! Look at the picture! She is silently telling me not to stop. I don't know how many minutes I scratched her head but I soon stop when I take a good shot already.
Do your dogs or other pets like being scratched too?


The sky turned orange meaning the sun is starting to set. I noticed Abby sitting while looking at her playmate. A good opportunity to capture a candid shot. I used a knotted rope as props and then point out my camera in the middle. When the focus is already settled, I pressed the shutter button. Here's the result! I love this photo but my only concern is the background is too noticeable. Just don't mind the clothes hung in the rearview, just focus your eyes on the beautiful model in front of you.


This is Tobert. I know that the name is pretty unique and funny but blame my father for that. I want to name him Choco or Brownies but my father said that's too common so he decided to call him Tobert. He named him after his close friend named Berto, he just rearranged the name, and then voila! Tobert has black pair of eyes, and a black snout, his fur is quite thin and his color is brown. He is the total opposite of Abby, he is sometimes aggressive but he is playful and naughty. He likes climbing and eating something unusual like flowers.

As you can see in the picture, he is a certified model. From his post, he seems like on the beach waiting for some chicks to pass by.



What I love most about him is his fur, I love stroking and rubbing his body tickling him around. I tried doing the same head scratch that I did to Abby but they don't have the same reaction. He is just poker face while looking at me. He is sometimes playful but he is quiet and alert all the time. If he sees a rat or a cat, he will eventually try to catch them back.

I remember him eating some pink daisies which I eventually stop. He is the primary suspect when our garden especially the flowers got destroyed. But even though he is like that we still love him very much. We stayed in the garden until the sky turned dark, they stayed at my side and never leave me behind. They participated in my trips, become my model for a day, and I also manage to talk to them. They are great listeners though, they just sit there and listen without judgment.

It's fun to reminisce about my memories with them back then. It's just sad to know that they are both in paradise right now. But that's okay because I'm sure that wherever they are right now, there will be no pain again for them. These photos just reminded me how I long for their presence and how I miss them. I'm glad that I was able to take a lot of photos and make memories of them together. I will forever treasure it and will never forget that they are once became a part of my life.

Indeed, they are man's best friend. My best buddies.

All images used in this blog are ALL MINE and were edited using the Lightroom Application


Uyy wow your model knows how to pose hehe. I loved dog I have four matured one as the moment, some of the puppies already been in new home. One of the dog I owned loved to be always in my side, quite bit worried for what if I don't know he followed and went missing huhu.

Yeah not just a man bestfriend but a man's soulmate...

Yes, they do know how to pose like a professional 😂 my camera loves them so much. They always brighten up our moods and assure us that they are always at our side no matter what happens. They are soulmates that we will treasure forever.

Ohh, cuties! 🥺 Hi, Abby and Tolbert! I am a dog lover too and I can feel the love for your dogs in this blog. Good thing that you cleaned up your laptop because you saw these nice pics! 😊

I'm glad I did. Looking at those pictures brings joyous moments of my life with them. Their pictures will always remind me that they became a part of us even just in a short time.

Awww baby doggos so kawaii, dogs is really a warm being that somwtimes act more humanely than the real human. Their sweetness talaga no and the loyalty. Nakaka sad lang na ang dali lng ng inilalagi nila aa earth 🥺

If I can just make one wish for them, I will wish that they will stay with us for a long time. Their loyalty is incomparable and their love is unconditional to the point that sometimes we didn't deserve them.

If only right, and if J can right I will build a home for them. Home na mauuwian ng mga inabandonang animals, aigooo

You took your time to really gave those dogs perfect shots and they all really looks amazing, yes you’re absolutely right there’re man best friends, they watch out for the safety of there owners, yes! There’re man bests buddies....

I took a while taking for a good shot but it's all worth it in the end. I love the result :) They are not just concerned about our safety but about our whole being as well. Such cute and amazing creatures, right?

True. :)) at home, we always have a dog. It feels like we're not in the complete in the family if we don't have one.

They add some spice, thrill, and love to our home. I feel like they are the youngest sibling in the family that oftentimes spoiled and scolded 😹

Me encantan tus mascotas y la verdad las fotos que tomaste están geniales muy buena publicación amigo.

I'm glad that you love it. It will be a memory that I don't want to forget that's why taking a photograph is a great solution to reminisce memories.

Así es la fotografía es guardar recuerdos maravillosos

Wow look at that photo so lovely. I am very a dog lover and actually my latest blog was also about pets. I also have shots with my dog and so far dogs are photogenic just like yours. Nice pose tobert.

Lovely photos of Abby and Tobert, they are really cute and seem like lovely pups. It's always nice to look back on our photographic journey to have those memories and also to see how our photos are improving.

Tobert sounds like a little rascal though eating the flowers 😁

I'm so sorry you lost them, it's never easy having to say good bye to an animal in the family.

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You've got intereeting model there khai and it seem they are good at modelin. Just look at those good shots you took. If I were that, my dogs would be hard to capture.

They are truly a mans bestfriend and I can really relate to that since I have a lot of dogs too. They are very playful and they like to be with me also especially when I go to the fied. They will never left my side until I will signal them that it's time to go home already.

Aww I became sad when I read the last part khai. Losing someone who contributed a lot of memories in your life is very hard and I've experienced it a lot already. I'm not ashamed to tell that I cried for them, I mourned for them. Because it's trully hurts. Anyway you've got great buddies @khairro .

Don't be ashamed and never be ashamed crying and mourning over them. They are part of the family we build, they are also the creatures we love. Losing them is like losing someone dearest to you too, it's painful and sad. The only thing that makes me comfortable is the thought that they are living now in peace.

Yes khai. They're already running free there at the paradise, looking at us, monitoring. Sometimes I got the thought of the possibility that they are reincarnated to be the dogs that with us now..

I feel you on this one, dog truly are a man's bestfriend, angels in a furry disguise.

Whether it be a stray dog from my area or one of my own, they bring me so much joy; just feeding them a biscuit and scratching their head alone is enough to win over their hearts. In return we are showered with their love and handed over the key to their trust. All they ask for is a bit of love and care; as you take care of them and provide them with the very common day to day things, they are then just ready to give their life for you in return. There's no other being as selfless as a dog.

We used to have a little puppy we got from the streets, back in around 2005. We took him in and trained him well for quite a while, named him with the very common name "Tommy" haha. He was a fast learner too and had the traits of a proper guard dog, but one day when we came downstairs to feed him, he was nowhere to be found. The locals say that he was taken away, stolen by someone; we tried our best to scour through the neighboring areas to find him, but we just couldn't track him down.

We were left heart broken and empty after that day, we never even thought about getting another dog after that incident. From then we just focused more on taking care of most of the street dogs in the neighborhood, feeding and providing them with shelter has been the ultimate goal since then.

I'm sorry to hear that 🥺 I can't imagine the pain that scenario has caused you, I know it's beyond unimaginable. Losing a loved one no matter if it's a human or a pet is unbearable that's why I understand what you felt at that moment. Wherever your dog might be, I know he will be in a better place without the cruelty of people.

He was one of the toughest and smartest dogs I've ever seen, I can bet that he's doing alright. Hopefully he's doing well. ❤️

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