in #hive-19670811 days ago

Oh, ¡gracias por presentarnos a Pepo! Tiene cara de bueno, esos ojos cuando mira por la ventana me encantan. Normalmente los perros grandes de tamaño son más tranquilos, es una pena que se pelee con otros perros, será difícil para tus tíos poderle controlar en esos momentos. También suele pasar con los perros adoptados que han sufrido mucho y eso les hace estar más alertas ante lo que ellos entienden como amenazas, lo que hacen en realidad es intentar defenderse antes de que les hagan daño. Pero solo hay que ver su postura pidiendo mimos para saber que es un buen perro. Espero que forme parte de la familia por muchos años. 🤗

Oh, thank you for introducing us to Pepo! He has a good face, I love those eyes when he looks out the window. Normally large dogs are calmer, it is a shame that he fights with other dogs, it will be difficult for your uncles to control him in those moments. It also usually happens with adopted dogs that have suffered a lot and that makes them more alert to what they understand as threats, what they actually do is try to defend themselves before they hurt them. But you just have to see his posture asking for pampering to know that he is a good dog. I hope you are part of the family for many years. 🤗

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Pepo no tiene nada de tranquilo, es muy activo, en verano siempre está corriendo por la colina, solo en invierno está encerrado.
Su carácter es por lo general tranquilo, salvo cuando otros perros lo molestan mucho, los perros que los conocen no se meten col el, siempre son aquellos perros que no son del barrio los que se meten en problema
Con la familia es adorable, principalmente con mi prima que siempre se sube en su lomo como si fuera un caballo
Muchas gracias @palomap3

Pepo is not at all calm, he is very active, in summer he is always running around the hill, only in winter is he locked up.
His character is generally calm, except when other dogs bother him a lot, the dogs that know him do not mess with him, it is always those dogs that are not from the neighborhood that get into trouble.
With the family he is adorable, mainly with my cousin who always climbs on his back as if he were a horse.
Thank you very much @palomap3

😂 Cuando lo vi tan grande lo primero que pensé es que es como un caballo. ¡Tu prima tiene un amigo genial en casa! Me sorprende eso de que sea tan activo, será cosa de las diferentes razas.

When I saw it so big, the first thing I thought was that it was like a horse. Your cousin has a great friend at home! I'm surprised that it's so active, it will be a matter of different races.