Hello, hello my dear pet-loving friends, I wish you a wonderful start of the week full of infinite positive energies.
Hola, hola mis queridos amigos amantes de las mascotas les deseo un maravilloso inicio de semana cargado de infinitas energías positivas.
Today I come to introduce you to Lucien, he is a very beautiful and dear gift that my daughter gave me.
Hoy les vengo a presentar a Lucien, es un regalo muy hermoso y querido que me hizo mi hija.
I love our cute little furries very much but I have no luck with them as my previous pets have passed away, and I had refused to get another one as I have been so hurt by their loss.
Yo amo mucho a nuestros lindos peluditos pero no tengo suerte con ellos ya que mis anteriores mascota han fallecido, y me había negado a tener otra ya que me ha dolió mucho sus perdida.
My daughter is studying in another city at the university and she told me mommy I have to travel to bring you a nice gift, and what would be my surprise that she appeared with this beautiful creature, I did not know what to tell her I just opened my heart and I received it with love, I just told her that I would be her grandmother and she would be her mom.
Mi hija esta estudiando en otra ciudad en la universidad y me dijo mami tengo que viajar a llevarte un lindo regalo, y cuál sería mi sorpresa que se apareció con esta linda criatura, no supe que decirle solo le abrí mi corazón y lo recibí con mucho amor, solo le dije que yo seria su abuela y ella su mamá.
He is a very well-behaved child with a lot of education but very curious.
El es un niño muy bien portado con mucha educación pero muy curioso.
Here I show you his first day at home, snooping and sniffing everything, I would say marking his territory hahaha.
What I love most about him is that he doesn't like the food I prepare at home, he only eats his cat and does his business in his crate.
Aquí les muestro su primer día en casa, curioseando y olfateando todo, yo diría marcando su territorio jajaja.
Lo más que amo de el es que no le gusta la comida que preparo en casa solo come su gatarina y hace sus necesidades en su caja.
At the moment he doesn't like the pictures, he always turns his face away from me, but he will get used to it, I assure you.
Por los momentos no le gustan las fotos siempre me voltea la carita, pero ya se irá acostumbrando eso se los aseguro.
In this mischief he took the cover off the furniture and tucked himself in with it, covering his face as if to say don't bother me, I'm sleeping hahaha, how not to love him if he is a little tenderness.
En esta travesura le quitó el cobertor a el mueble y se arropo con el tapándose su carita como diciendo no me molesten estoy durmiendo jajaja, como no amarlo si en una ternurita.
Thanks for stopping by to give some love to my post and meet the new member of my family, 🐾Lucien.
Remember leave your mark with your comment, hugs and be happy smile to life.
Gracias por detenerte a darle un poco de amor a mi post y conocer a el nuevo integrante de mi familia, recuerda deja tu huella con tu comentario, abrazos y se feliz sonríele a la vida.
Banner realizado en Meitu
Traductor Deepl.
Photos of my property taken with Xiaomi redmi note 8 phone.
Banner made in Meitu
Translator Deepl.
8 phone.
Banner made in Meitu
Translator Deepl.