Do you like piano? I don't know if you like (or) not. But I like piano since childhood. I like the sound coming from piano and I like the shape and style of piano.
This time, the picture I will draw includes two digital pianos. I like to draw them. The name of the card I will draw is R518 Jeff. It has 135 fans, 90 skill, 3 luck and 3 im.
In this picture, drawing the person is not difficult because he is just standing, showing his back side. I don't need to draw his face details like other pictures. I just draw the clothes and his body.
I also need to draw the digital -piano in this picture. For the piano, I drew it in another layer. The digital-piano is not too difficult. But it need to drew many lines for the piano buttons. This time, I decided ,not to combine these two layers. So, you will see the body and piano.
But some parts of the piano is hidden by his body, so I painted the body first. I painted his shirt with dark brown colour, his shoes with light brown colour and his touser with blue colour. I painted his skin with fair skin colour and his hair with black colour. After painting his picture, the middle part of the piano is hidden by painting colours.
So, I only need paint the two sides of the piano. For the bottom digital- piano, I painted with red, black and white colours. For the upper digital-piano, I painted with black, white and grey colours. After adding some shadow in the picture, I finished R518 Jeff successfully.