Like the most commonly found Hibiscus plant, the Hibiscus tea plant is a family of hibiscus but with a little difference from the Hibiscus flowers.
Hibiscus tea plant has another purposes (uses) as to why people grow this plant, majorly because of its nutritional benefits in form of tea popularly called 'Zobo' or 'sobo'.
How well does hibiscus tea plant grow and in what season ?
Hibiscus tea plant, which could be considered as a shrub, a not so tall tree, grown mostly in the summer, when there is abundant rain, and can grow throughout the year (across the winter) when there is little or no rain because of its resilient nature.
Here, we are gradually moving away from the rainy season, the leafs are getting dried while the the flower is getting reddish.
This is the desired result we so want, the more the flower becomes red the more the juicy.
who is @olaunlimited
Poultry farmer
Small scale crop & livestock farmer
Hive Learner
And Owner of #hagro community
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