in #2 years ago

Happy belated Birthday. It's so amazing how much your posts always move me whenever I read them. As if I can relate to them on a really profound level. This is something I am building and it's been helping me to align things in my activities.

2023-06-05 01.48.05.jpg

I changed cardinal directions of some of the objects a few months ago, so this is an older version. It looks a bit messy.


This looks fantastic! What an energetic shrine to have in your home! Thank you for the inspiration brother. It seems to me, looking at this, that I would like something similar and will endeavour to create a dedicated space.

Have been reading The Mahabharata recently so the images resonate with me deeply. A "golden pyramid" was even mentioned in one of the stories. Super grateful to @thecogent for giving me the book and also for his daily routine of yoga and mediation which did not go unnoticed. I've not picked up the yoga yet (perhaps I do a form of yoga in my garden every day?) but I am now meditating for 30mins each morning with my Wands of Horus in each hand. Once I return from sungazing. Which begins in 10mins!

Always wonderful to hear from you :)


I have just finished my 30mins in lotus and you popped into my mind a few times. Electroculture has taught me much over the last six months and I realise now that we are antenna, especially when seated in lotus. When the hands are resting on the knees, the body retains the same shape as the Nubian pyramid, with its 51° angle at the apex. (Vimana also appear to take advantage of this shape). I face north just like a pyramid or a Lakovsky coil which has its opening facing north, so that I may catch magnetic energy at the same time as cosmic energy. During the last ten mins of my meditation I imagine myself in a giant golden pyramid, suspended inside it near the apex where the energy concentrates. I imagine a huge cluster of quartz crystals above my head, all of them growing out of the apex. When I do this I can feel my body tingle sometimes. Today I could feel a buzzing sensation at the back of my head. Felt great! Have seen enough now to know that we don't need large physical devices when we understand the power of our mind/visualisations. In the last month, since I started doing this, so much has changed. An investor has appeared who wants to support me, so now I have new land and new dreams of an infinity spiral garden, powered by every electroculture device I can think of. She also wants to finance my cloudbuster project, so now I am free to make the best machine I can without any financial blocks. I even have an income suddenly, selling salad and bread to a local restaurant, because they kept demanding it ;)

My intention is to create a little shrine like yours and sit in front of it while I meditate. Do you have a recommendation for where to buy the golden pyramid set?