The man who jumped the moon

in #hive-1992759 days ago

"No one has ever done it before."

"it is impossible."

"How are you even going to do it?"

Various people questioned Zack. Zack turned deaf ears to them. "I am going to jump the moon." He would say.

Everyone doubted him but he didn't listen to them. He would work day and night building his contraption that would give him the ability to jump the moon. He tested it multiple times but it kept failing massively.

"Come on man, give it a rest. You've been trying for so long, go do something better with your life."

He paid them deaf ears. At some point, he became a laughing stock.

"Oh, maybe one day he'll actually jump the moon, hahaha."

But all that negativity did not get to Zack, he just kept on doing his thing. Building, testing, more building and more testing. One day his contraption lept as high as a two storey building, and he smiled. That was a good improvement, but it was nowhere near the height of the moon. He continued building, making small improvements every day, and in a few months, the device could jump over the world's tallest building. People stopped making Jest of Zack and started to pay closer attention to him and his machine. Perhaps he would actually be able to do it. A lot of people still scoffed at the thought that he'll ever be able to do it.

"The distance between the world's tallest building and the moon is so far apart. There's no way he'd be able to do it. I mean it would take 10 times of this to even reach the world's tallest mountain, not to even talk of the moon."

But some people started believing in Zack and cheering him on.

"He's already done something no one could ever do, let's see how far he can go."


Day by day Zack's fan base grew. More and more people would gather around to cheer him on as he progressed. His family saw this opportunity as a chance to get some publicity and they built social media handles for him which generated income for him and helped speed up his work.

In a matter of months, his device had the ability to jump over the world's tallest mountain. More people came to see the spectacle he was creating.

"No way he was able to do this in such a short period of time. But even though, there's no way he can jump the moon. It would take 43,447 Mount Everest's to be able to even poke the moon. Even if he is able to do it, he'd be dead before he completes the device. "

News outlets came to interview Zack, and when they asked him his response to that statement he said.

"Well, a few years ago it was impossible to jump over Mount Everest, but here we are."

Zack kept building. His fanbase grew global and virtually everyone was rooting for him. Years passed and Zack kept on working, still, he had eyes on him. And finally, one day Zack exclaimed.

"It's time!!!"


It was like an international holiday. The whole world was still, waiting to watch the man who would jump over the moon. The presidents of different nations declared holidays and a lot of them came to watch Zack do the impossible. The entire block was isolated except for cameras, and a very high and distant stand where various world powers came to watch the show.

Zack took a very deep breath and strapped his suit, which was fitted with cameras, so everyone could see his point of view. He calibrated his device and as he prepared to make the jump. Tears streamed from his eyes. All the negative talk, the discouraging talk, the doubters, the struggles, the times he'd been mocked, but now here he was, about to achieve his dream. And everyone was going to watch him do it. He wiped his tears and wore his helmet.


A small run-up, and he lept. Higher than any two storey building, higher than the world's tallest building, higher than the world's tallest mountain, he kept going higher and higher, and right in front of him was the moon. He jumped above it, looking at it right underneath his feet.

"You've caused me a lot of trouble, my friend"

After crossing it, he clicked a button and he went back down in the other direction. He smiled a smile of accomplishment.


The rest of the day was a blur for Zack, the accolades, the awards, the rewards. His life after that was never the same. After all, he was the man who jumped the moon.



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A bedtime story to inspire kids into future innovators...

"Remember the man who jumped the moon, son?"

Yup, now that you mention it, it's perfect for that.

Achieved an impossible feat, there. My crazy ass mind would have made all his hard work come to naught as he tried leaping over that moon. But it's nice to see that he did.
What moon are you about to leap over, Sir?🙃

😂 😂 Who says I'm leaping over a moon?

What's with the moon sef? Mr. Gru wanted to steal the moon. Now Zack is jumping the moon. What next will they do to this moon? Maybe stab it or even go as far as riding it?😂
This was a beautiful story. I wasn't expecting it to end as smoothly as it did

😂 😂 😂, the moon has its way of charming our hearts. The next one could be, the man who lifted the moon 😂.

Thanks a lot, I'm glad you enjoyed the read.

A very interesting story to read. I really liked the theme of the narrative, the fantastic jump of man over the moon and the process to carry out his plan.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.

Thanks for the read. I am glad you enjoyed it.