Alternate reality

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"My holiday started in the between. A place where the cloud met with the ocean."

Seeing the excitement everyone is wearing and the eagerness to listen, Silas smiled, felt at ease and dived into his holiday experience.

"First, I got lost trying to figure out which way to follow. As I stood in the in-between, I saw a man half human and half horse herding some black woolysheep.

The fascinating thing about this herd was that, as the sheep crossed over the border between snow and sun, their wools brightened and becomes translucent.

While I tried to get directions from the man, I was completely ignored as he seemed more concern about his job.

In the in-between, while it might seem like you are walking, you are actually floating as I saw myself mid air. I even touched the clouds and got a chunk off it and it feels just like marshmallows in the mouth and a soft pillow once rested upon.

I was headed to the beach to get some Late summer vibes and while everything seemed to be in-between, somehow they never met.

As I navigate my way around, I got at a cross road. It was a roundabout, coal tarred with fresh green grasses by the sides and the herd of cattles were having a filled day snacking on the grasses.

I stood and watched them for a while then continued on my journey. Getting to a point, I realised I am in the mind zone, why do I need to search for something when I can just think it for manifestation?

As I questioned, I looked for a quiet corner, sat in a lotus position and created what I believed to be the perfect beach scenery. Tall coconuts, tropical juices and exotic fruits.

The moment I got done creating, I saw myself swinging between two tall coconuts, enjoying its liquid and snacking on its meat."

I had such an amazing time playing beach volleyball. I was team sun and my opponent was team rain. We teammates played volleyball between seasons and it was the most intriguing thing I have ever got to experience in my entire life.

As much as I enjoyed this world, like every good thing, the experience must come to an end."

As Silas wrapped up his Essay, their teacher and his co students, came to the realisation that it wasn't reality and Miss June flagged Silas Essay as fiction and not fit for submission.

"Technically Miss June, you weren't specific with locations and you can't flag my dreams as fiction because its my alternate reality". Silas spoke in his defence.

Where it all began

“Remember to document your experiences this coming holiday, children, also remember that the best Essay wins a prize. Any question or confusion?” Miss June inquired as she packed up her suitcase.

“Miss June?”

“Yes Alex?”

“What if my family and I have nowhere to go?”

“Then be ready to fail Alex.”

“Miss June, is there any specific location that qualifies as an entry or documentation?”

“No Silas, just document your experience.”

“Ok”, Silas responded with a mischievous smirk.

As class dismissed, everyone rushed to Silas, asking him what he had in mind for the holiday experience. You see, Silas might be less privileged, but he undeniably knows how to get on with life.

He is a good writer and if any of his classmates wants an A, they certainly would be needing his guidance, as Silas can make anything seem interesting with words.

“You can come with my family and me for the Holidays, Silas”

“Well, thank you, Timothy, but I have other plans.”

“Hmmmmm…. Like what? What could be more important than going to experience London?”

“You'll see, just wait until you hear all about it in class”.

“Hmmmm”. Timothy was short of words and as both boys walked home, there was an awkward silence.

Timothy could not help but wonder what Silas had in mind. For starters, Silas's father worked for Timothy's family as a Gardner.

Silas was fortunate to gain favor of being educated by Timothy's family. Like Silas, Timothy is an only child, and both boys grew up to be fond of each other. In fact, they could pass as siblings.

While it would have been something worth experiencing travelling with Timothy and his family, Silas thought about being a little different and extra with the assignment.

Later that night, after dinner, Silas got on with his research. With Timothy's laptop and their family Wi-Fi, he has been studying and researching on Metaphysics.

Being an avid reader, Silas researched and practiced everything, his recent obsession has been about the mind.

For the holiday experience, he has hoped to bring his mind to play and experiment on some Soul travelling. By his bed side are book and Biro, of which he would use in recording his experiences for the Essay.

The following week, Timothy, and his family left for London without Silas. Silas on his part has been indoors and unsuccessful with his soul travelling attempt.

He checked and saw that he has ticked all the requirements, a sound and clear mind, a healthy body and a relaxed environment.

Silas was troubled and wondered what he could be doing wrong. Suddenly, he couldn't help but wish he had taken Timothy up on his offer.

He looked at his calendar and saw that it's almost time for resumption as the summer holiday is about ending. Frustrated, he gave up on his quest and just stopped trying.

Silas accepted his fate of failing the Essay and got back to his normal routines.

Timothy, however, soon came back from his hols with a lot of Souvenir and stories for his friend Silas.

“So how about your holiday experience, Silas?” Timothy questioned with enthusiasm.

“Why don't you first tell me about yours?” Silas responded with a smile in a bid to dodge narrating his failed attempts to travel between worlds via dreaming.

As Timothy narrated all the fun places him and his family visited, Silas listened with wrapped attention. Timothy talked about the zoo and its exotic animals, some of which were near extinction and being preserved by the government. He talked about having different ice-cream flavours and trying out cuisines his taste buds never had.

Timothy was so vivid with his narration and this sparked something in Silas.

That night, as Silas laid his head and shut his eyes, he started relieving Timothy's experience but in a grand style.


Not me thinking about how grandeee Silas relived Timothy’s moments.
I can’t just imagine how he felt when it didn’t work.

That is the first thing you read now 😑

That’s the last thing
Abi he didn’t go with Timothy, and his own parallel universe vacation failed when he tried at first🥲

I will swear for you don't worry.... Be stressing me 😑

Whatttt seee the plot twist, the essay he wrote was his own parallel universe? Ahhh I didn’t get it😑


It’s okay na, don’t use side eye to kill me
