Three life lessons

in #hive-1992754 months ago

Image is mine

Lesson One

My Friend Zenas once said to me, "whatever it is you are experiencing in life is as a result of your mindset, you know our mind is the programmer which determines how our life evolves."

He continued, "If you choose to dwell in positivity, your vibration will vibrate higher, to a higher frequency such that you experience more of life's goodies and few of Life's down turn."

He concluded: "But if you choose to dwell in negativity, only bad things will happen to you and you will always get attacks here and there."

He added, "Once you vibrate higher, every challenges that has to do with your lower state will automatically drop and will no longer have any impact in your life."

At my lowest moment, he said all these to me as he advised me to raise my frequency and vibrate higher.

Lesson Two

I had an on and off boyfriend, one minute he's here and whenever I need him the most, he disappears.

Then he comes back later on, after I had gone through the valley of the shadows of death alone, expecting us to kick off where he left off but without the responsibilities.

At first I was entertaining his toxic behavior because of past glory, as he use to be actively involved in my life.

Then he got transferred, and started bailing whenever the need for him to be responsible for me arises.

I would always complain bitterly to my friend Sharon and she would say to me in utmost disdain. "Babe do away with this man, can't you see he doesn't value or love you?"

She continued: "If you let the toxic ones remain in your life, how does the good ones come in?"

"You need to do away with what no longer serve babe, so that your heart's content can reach out and be a part of you."

Lesson Three

I use to have money problem and a disguised inferiority complex.

I would break my back, work so hard and then earn very little.

I will curse at myself for not doing enough to be like my friends living the life. I will beat myself up and then put in more efforts to work just so I could earn something to be able to finance my luxury by, but it's still the same.

Infact, it seemed like the more I work, the lesser I earn. I was frustrated, I was sad, I was angry and I was emotionally traumatized.

I would cry so much and then say to myself: "I am in so much pain, I am hurt, I hate my life, God please take this pain away." but the pain persisted, a pain I did carry around like a disease with no cure.

It was the third lesson from my friend Iyo that became my turning point and my cure, as he said to me: "You need to love yourself, appreciate yourself, sing and shower praises on yourself like you would a lover, only then will your life be better."

You know, everything Iyo had said to me did make sense, because I mean, if you want the best from someone, you have to be kind to that person and always motivate the person to do better with kind words.

"How do you expect your earnings to improve when you are not grateful for how far you have come?"

My friend Zenas said this to me when I had reached the wall thinking there is no way out.

It was at that point, I started drawing the lines and connecting the dot from all the lessons I had received from my friends.

In the middle of all the chaos and midlife crisis stood me, the author and finisher of my faith.

I realized this whole time I was sinking, was due to my own weight and mindset. I lightened myself and started letting go of what no longer serve.

I ended the toxic relationship, reprogrammed my mind and was heavy on gratitude.

When I did hit rock bottom again, I didn't feel unfortunate, I didn't get stuck in my predicament like I use to, I vibrated higher and I bounced back like a champ.

Indeed, my mindset was the disease and the cure in getting out of my dark night.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hello @bipolar95. Your mindset was indeed the disease harboring all then negative thoughts and the weight of an unhealthy relationship you were carrying alone. Your friends' advice was spot on for each situation. This advice was also the external cure you needed when you took that advice and looked inward to the causes.

One thing I want to point out. Whenever we chase dreams that are not ours, but others, we always end up miserable. What family, friends, and acquaintances have accumulated in their lives is THEIRS. Stop looking over the fence for greener grass. Be content with the color of your own or sow positive seeds to enrich your life while living within your means. This is advice my mom told me.

Lovely and thoughtful story of your ventures through life. Thanks for sharing. Take care.

Your mom sounds a lot like mine 🥰❤️. I appreciate you for coming through and thank you for your motivating words 😘🌹

There’s something I don’t joke with
Saying good things about my life no matter what’s happening

I don’t know but people take delight in saying so many bad things about themselves and be expecting something else.
Well I don’t even take bad jokes because I know how powerful words are


I was one of those people who didn’t know better. Right now even when it gets dark, I am still walking in Sunshine, Infact I am a sunshine baby😃🌞


The mind is a powerful thing but it is not as powerful as God. Turning to prayer was the perfect choice. He never promised to take away all of our pain, but He did promise not to leave us to go through it alone. Changing your mindset and your heart toward yourself comes with reflection and appreciation for what you already have in Him. I'm glad you are finding things easier these days when the tough times hit. Thank you for writing for dreem-wotw. It was a pleasure reading your post dreemer. !LUV !ALIVE !HUG

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Thank you 🥰

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