This poem is essentially a journey into Man's political, social, spiritual and economic domains. It examines various issues of corruption, tribalism, religion and apathy. It questions attitudes of individuals, postures of companies, dispositions of communities and positions of government. It delves into the past , criticizes the present and forecast for the future.
Else stand divided
We cannot be both
United and divided
If in peace we divide we gain
If in peace we unite we gain
It is how we unite or divide
That matters
Spice of nature
And if we can nurture
Our idiosyncrasies
We can make a palm tree
That stands tall and strong
Against the wind
Diversity is strength
If cultivated in unity
Scatter that which
Already is gathered
And if each goes
Seperate ways
All will be separated
From the common
Goal and wear
Out of gold
But to divide us
Easier than to unite
The harder one
Is to unite
And it is the beautiful
One is it not?
Whether it is borne
Lies squarely
On our shoulders.
If not obtained foul
It can make novice
To know his onions
Through the necessity
To survive
For hiding under togetherness
Can pet and palter mediocrity
When the chicks leave
The nestle of the feathers
They conqure new territories
And build empires now their own
Of their own taste and design
Have you asked?
It was unity
Would offend Ja
If it would strangulate
The essence of creation
Multiply and fill the earth, man!
Occupy till I come, man!!
Dominate everywhere
Home and abroad
New territories, new cleavages
We would grow horizontal
And not vertical
Leaving the earth unconquered
In bid to conquer heaven in vain!
Whether to divide
Whether to unite
Peace, progress, and patience
Are the three that must unite...