Journey Begins | TWIN: Bloodless Trek

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I just finished stacking my books when a couple of scoundrels came bursting through my door. They were armed with the desirable weaponry known to mankind: questioning and pestering.

"Sir Librarian, Sir Librarian!" They yelled in annoying unison. "We came like you said!"

"I said no such thing boy!" I snapped, but as always they merely laughed at my outrage. Oh, what a curse to be old and wise, always interrupted, always bothered. Besides, I did tell them to come today because I wanted them to leave yesterday.

"Tell us another! Tell us another!"

"Fine!" I made sure to sound very intimidating. "One story! And then you leave!"


The two devils ran over to sit by the fireplace, expressions, and postures expectant. I, of course, sighed and walked over as slowly as possible.

"What do you wish to hear this time?" I asked, sitting down.

"The Ice Troll!"

That story was long and arduous. If I released it in full detail the two knuckleheads would stay here a week. But I did promise them I would tell them any story they wished... and if I am anything, I am a man of my word.

I cleared my throat and began...

* * *

Sylla, the warrior, and Serje, the scholar, traveled the treacherous Aldo mountains in search of the mythical -

"Also mountains? Where's that?" The blonde boy piped in.

"No interruptions while I'm telling the story!"


Now, where was I, ah yes. The Aldo mountains were home to the infamous Ice Trolls. Creatures so prized and rare that many thought them merely myth. But Serje knew, oh that boy always knew. And he was sure the Ice Trolls were still alive, and Sylla was sure she could slay one. That's all the pair required.

The mountains were perilous, to say the least. The harsh environment was part of the reason the Ice Trolls were mythicized so. Some were afraid of the weather, some were afraid of their apparent strength, and others just refused to believe Ice Trolls were more valuable than regular trolls.

"Why were they so valuable?"

Well, their teeth were made of a unique material. It was so cold, so bitter to the touch, and so beautiful, that master craftsmen paid exorbitant amounts for the slightest bit that they could use in their sculpting.

So there they were, huddled in a cave that Sylla dug during a windy storm. Serje warned that said storm was only a precursor to a much greater beast of nature. Thus, he huddled in the ground while Sylla worked to make them shelter. Once the small cave was finished, Sylla put up some branches that Serje bound together to form a barrier against the storm.

The warrior and the scholar slept in their cave, when a troll burst through the barrier, arms flailing with a mouth impossibly wide. Sylla, half awake as is, blocked his attempted slam with her shield. She nudged Serje awake as she braced for the beast's attack. How could he be sleeping? Still?

Serje awoke, yelped. Yelped again. Then through some powder from one of his many pouches at the troll's feet. The powder stung the beast, giving Sylla enough relief to slice with her sword. She hit its chest, once, twice. The beast flailed, knocking Sylla down and jumping on the helpless Serje.

Or so you would think, despite his inclinations, when his life was on the line Serje was rarely a coward. Rarely. He through another powder this time aimed at the troll's chest. The powder embedded itself into its flesh, making it scream and fall back. It looked at the chard marks, confused. Then, as it began to rage, Sylla removed its head with one clean swipe of her blade.

"That was good!" She said, grinning and covered in purple blood.

"Good? We did it, Syl! We didn't even have to find it, it found us!"

Sylla tsked. "Don't be so naive." She kicked the beast's corpse over. "Although, I initially thought the same. This ain't no Ice Troll. Look!" She pointed at the beast's sternum. "That's just Ice." She hit it with her sword. "Hard ice from years living in these conditions. It's not Crystal, love."

Serje let out a long exhale. "How will we distinguish between these beasts, then?" He felt like ripping out his hair.

Sylla chuckled. "You thought it this easy, didn't you? I mean, I get it. If I had Sylla as my woman, I'd feel invincible as well."

"Shut up," Serje said behind his palms. "Plus you do have you."

"I suppose." Sylla shrugged. "The storm has passed, love. We should move before others arrive."

"Why didn't they eat the troll?"

"You can't eat a troll, dummy!"

"Yes you can! My mom said -"

Alright, that's enough!

* * *

"Go home, now!" I stood from my chair to the sound of crying children. "Silence!" I yelled. And by the Gods, it worked.

For about three seconds.

"Did they find the Ice Trolls?" One asked.

"Can't people eat trolls?" The other tried.

The tale was their most famous adventure, and if I do not meet my promise I will not only betray my word but break their hearts. But some ground rules must be set, this cannot happen every day. I need my peace!

"You shall arrive the day after tomorrow -"

"Whaaaatt, but that's too looonnnggg."

"Why not tomorrow?"

"- at noon," I said. If your parents allow it, we will spend most of the day talking about Serje and Sylla's adventure." I leaned over conspiratorially. "There might even be muffins."

They looked at me as if I was their God. Which, to be frank, they weren't far off. They screamed, they hugged me, and before I could utter another word they ran out of my study. They at least gave me the courtesy of shutting my front door as they left.

I slumped into my chair, suddenly aware of my own mortality. And every bad decision I had made throughout my life. They all swirled before me, dooming me to a life of misery and regret. Was I insane?

What had I just done?


🔴 Read the TWIN Anthology; a collection of unrelated stories with the same cast of characters.

🔵 Obligatory shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

Cover image source.

Quick shoutout to the wonderful @dreemsteem, who inspired me to write a more serious story about Serje and Sylla. Lily! This is gonna be a rather long-form story, and I know you wanted me to notify you if I ever did something like this! So, consider yourself notified, missy!

I hope you are having a fantastic day! And if not, don't threat! The sun always rises. 🙌


Interrogation of a librarian is something new in the history of literature :)

Most definitely. :)
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At least he's patient about it? 😅

😅 Yeah, he's a pretty interesting character that I want to keep exploring.