No Honor Among Thieves

in #hive-199275last year

Francis slid down the ladder. Silent as a cat, dark as a shadow. His movements were -




"Pssst, hey! Why don't you wake up the entire neighborhood?" The trashcan hissed.

Sure enough, it was Ted. "Boss Man sent you to check on me?" Francis asked.

"Good thing too." Teddy gave his trademark sneer, then his trademark smirk. "That was unusual for you."

"Something's been off tonight..."

"Tell me later." Ted waved for Francis to follow.

The two stalked through the night like predators in a valley. The city was as quiet as a morgue and they were the dead walking. As the thieves moved, the wind followed - covering their tracks. Until a patrol of guards halted their advance. The two had to wait atop a nobleman's mansion until the coast cleared.

"So?" Teddy prodded. "The legendary White Shadow is slipping? Feeling his age?"

Francis smiled. "Maybe..." he then considered whether or not to tell Ted what he felt. "Tonight's job was... shameful."

Ted sighed. "That honor of yours will put you behind bars one day."

"It's not about honor. I couldn't help but think of my sister. Ted, what are -"

"Mark my words, Francis." Ted's stare was piercing. "You do the job and you shut up. You might be a legend, but you're still human."

The patrol moved and the brothers-in-crime slid, skid and passed. Francis noticed they were headed towards the second safehouse, which meant something had gone awry with the other heists.

Sure enough, they were greeted by scowls and frowns when they arrived at Kotor's Bar. The bartender, one Maria Malice, didn't utter word, just nodded towards the back. Behind the backdoor was another door. Behind which, if you knew the correct series of knocks, were the top earning thieves of the city.

Legends all, but none as legendary as the White Shadow.

Francis emptied his bag, a pristine doll of a lady in a pink dress. Made from the best craftsmen and meant for the elite of the elite. Francis felt sick as he placed it on the table.

"The White Shadow himself relegated to stealing dolls!" Kristan quipped and Nobody laughed. They all knew his jealousy ran deep.

"That doll, Kristan." The Boss Man didn't even look at him. "Is the linchpin to this entire operation." Kristan stayed quiet. He might've been petty, but he was no fool. "Now, is everything in order?"

"Yes, Boss Man." Several exclaimed in unison.

"The authorities?"

"Paid off and handled." Teddy nodded. "I spoke to the last constable earlier tonight. He will keep his mouth shut."

"Good." Boss Man stood up. "Francis, the hideout was raided while you were out on duty. We're afraid our plans have been compromised. Once you rest, talk to Ted for further instructions." Boss Man made for the door. "We move tomorrow."

The den of thieves adjourned. Each headed for their bunk bed to sleep. Francis and Ted head in the same direction.

"You didn't say anything back there." Ted prodded.

"I figured the hideout got raided, why else are we here?"

"Yes..." Ted narrowed his eyes. "Francis, you aren't thinking of doing something stupid are you?"

"She was crying, Ted."


"The nobleman's daughter. No older than my sister when Boss Man took us in... She... she was pretending to sleep. Once I grabbed the doll she shrieked. I... I had to knock her out with sleep dust."

"Part of the job, you know that -"

"How many childhoods will we ruin for our goal?"


"Goodnight, Teddy."

Sleep was an unforgiving mistress, especially to the nervous and anxious. But sleep or no, the hours past. And as the sun dawned, so did the beginning of another operation for the infamous Thieves Guild.

"Ted boy." Boss Man clapped Teddy on the shoulder. "Big day today, you're ready."

"I... am..."

"What's wrong?" Boss Man had a knack of seeing through things.

"It's Francis, Boss Man... I went to check on him just now... he's gone."

"He is doing reconnaissance?"

"My thoughts as well, but..."

Boss Man's arm was no longer on Ted's shoulder. "Speak."

"The doll is missing as well..."

"Goddamn it, Francis."

Francis, the White Shadow of Cragsmaw, made his way through the rooftops of the waking city. Dawn was a fresh memory, so most were still waking from their slumber. Knowing this, Francis emphasized speed over stealth. A mistake, he knew. But he also didn't care.

He became a part of the Thieves Guild to help heal this city. Not to ruin little kids' lives. There were things bigger than him, bigger than the guild. Maybe if he was as clear headed as he was now his sister might still be alive...

Except, he doubted he was thinking clearly. In this instance however, the heart overrode the head.

Soon enough, Francis arrived at the mansion from earlier that night. He saw the bottle he kicked against the trashcan, and felt old. He would never have slipped that disgracefully when he was younger. Then again, what was he doing now? Slipping still?

Francis climbed the ladder, silent as a cat.

The nobleman's daughter was still out cold from the White Shadow's powder. Francis wiped the drool from her face and placed the doll in her hands. He stood there for a while, reminiscing of times long passed. He then placed a leaf of Sanguine under the little girl's nose - to help her ease the nausea that the sleeping powder caused. With all luck she would barely feel a thing.

He sighed. it was time to go back and face the wrath of his crew.

He slid down the ladder, silent as a -

Something hard hit his face. Francis fell on the ground, pain streaming through his body. What was -

"Well, well, well. If it ain't the White Shadow himself."

Francis groaned when he saw the constable and most of the city's policeforce, standing like vultures above him.

This is the first draft of the story. Written by Jovan Gjorgjiev, ©️ 2023.

Obligatory shout-out to the 🍕PIZZA🍕 gang, 🤙 gang. 🤙

I love these "honor among thieves" stories. This particular one just came to me. Again,. like most of these, I feel like there's a real good story here if I had a chance to expand on every character's motivations. But there's only so much you can do in about a thousand words. 😅

Hope you enjoyed!

👊 Follow me on my HIVE blog 👊

Cover image source.

Have a great day! 🙌


Great story; I would not have guessed it was a first draft. If you do expand it, along with the character's motivations, I'd like to know more about the operation and how the thieves are saving the city. ... I love the metaphor when he wonders if he is 'slipping still' when returning the doll.

Thank you so much for reading! Really appreciate it. 🤗

I keep thinking I should take these first drafts, edit them, and release an anthology or something. Just might do that. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. 🍻
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Oh! I loved this story!
Read the first few lines and was HOOKED!
With good reason - you write really well!
And it's a perfect short story. You don't need to expand on anyone's motivations in such a short format.

Awwww, thank youuuu~ ❤️🤗 Really appreciate you reading.