Can read the first here
-Rubens, are you there?
The swollen eyelids from more than two days in front of his computer, and without sleep, did not stop worrying Arthur, who for so long had been working on that project that would end the nightmares he dreamed about every night.
-Arthur, is that you? Do you see what time it is? Let me guess? Are you having those nightmares again? Or are you just excited about all this?
-Rub, yes, I suppose so - His nervous voice on the phone, that repetitive movement in his left leg and his eye were not signs of joy, but of fear - But, I wish we could have a little chat, but not over here, I'd like you to help me sort out a few little things, in person.
- At this hour Arthur! If Marghe knows I went out at this hour she won't think I came to talk to you. -He said as he whispered.
-Rubens, I don't know how to tell you this, but, I don't know, I think there are people who are trying to do something different from what we want, and, it's probably....
-Who are you talking to Rubens? It's time to rest- Marghe shouted from his room.
-Yes yes, I'm coming. It's just Arthur, who is still afraid of the dark and wants me to tell him that old story I used to tell him when we were little," she said as she smiled.
Since they were little, both had suffered the consequences of the abuse of power. Living in dozens of orphanages had made them not only companions, but also brothers and friends.
Their bond of friendship, and their fervent desire to help those who were still in the same situations as they were, had driven them to create hundreds of formulas to end the evil that for years was causing the ruin of hundreds of innocents.
-Rubs, please, let's talk now, I don't know if tomorrow we will have this same opportunity to talk about this.
-All right, but, you will be the one who will have to explain to Marghe where we were and what the hell we are going to do.
Years of experiments, single-handedly and with a lot of dedication, had made the two of them pioneers in this new formula, which, without any cost, would eradicate without delay the damage that the disease was causing.
The clock struck 1 am. Arthur anxiously awaited his partner at home. Both legs were twitching at the thought that his phone was being tapped and that either of them could be harmed.
Rubens' Ranger Rover was intercepted a few meters from Arthur's house. 2 detonations were enough to leave the message:
"Wherever you want to go Arthur, we will come after you. Just deliver your work, otherwise, your end won't be much different."
-Ru.. rubens, estás alli?
Los parpados hinchados de estar mas de 2 días frente a su computador, y sin dormir, no dejaban de inquietar a Arthur, que por tanto tiempo había trabajado en aquel proyecto que acabaría con las pesadillas con las soñaba cada noche.
-Arthur eres tú? Ves la hora que es? Déjame adivinar? Has vuelto a tener aquellas pesadillas? O es simplemente estas emocionado por todo esto?
-Rub, si, eso supongo- Su voz nerviosa al telefono, aquel movimiento repetitivo en pierna izquierda y su ojo no eran signos de alegría, sino de temor- Pero, me gustaría que pudieramos conversar un poco, pero no por aquí, me gustaría que me ayudaras a resolver unas pequeñas cosas, en persona.
- A esta hora Arthur! Si Marghe sabe que salí a esta hora no pensará que fui a hablar contigo. -Dijo mientas susurraba.
-Rubens, mm no se como decirtelo, pero, no sé, creo que hay personas que intentan hacer algo diferente de lo que queremos, y, es probable que...
-Con quien hablas Rubens? Ya es hora de descansar- Gritó Marghe desde su habitación.
-Si si, ya voy. Solo es Arthur, que aún le tiene miedo a la oscuridad y quiere que le cuente aquel viejo cuento que solía contarle cuando eramos pequeños- Dijo mientras sonreia.
Desde pequeños, ambos habían sufrido las consecuencia del abuso del poder. Vivir en decenas de orfanatos los había convertido no en solo compañeros, sino también en hermanos y amigos.
Su vinculo de amistad, y su deseo ferviente de ayudar a aquellos que aún estaban en las mismas situaciones que ellos, los había impulsado para crear cientos de formulas para acabar con el mal que por años estaba causando la ruina de cientos de inocentes.
-Rubs, por favor, hablemos ahora, no sé si mañana tengamos esta misma oportunidad de conversar esto.
-Esta bien, pero, serás tú quién deba darles explicaciones a Marghe sobre dónde estuvimos y qué rayos vamos hacer.
Años de experimentos, sin ayuda y con mucha dedicación, habían hecho que los dos se conviertieran en los pioneros en esta nueva formula, y que, sin costo alguno, erradicaria sin demora los daños que aquella enfermedad estaba causando.
El reloj marcó 1 am. Arthur esperaba ansiosamente a su compeñero en casa. Ambas piernas se movían con fuerza al pensar que su telefono estuviese siendo intervenido y que pudieran hacerle daño a cualquiera de los 2.
La Ranger Rover de Rubens fue interceptada a pocos metros de la casa de Arthur. 2 detonaciones fueron suficientes para dejar el mensaje:
"Adónde quieras que vayas Arthur, iremos tras de ti. Solo entrega tu trabajo, sino, tu fin no será muy diferente"
Ismael D. Rodríguez
Discord ismaelrd04#9345