[ESP/ENG] "Pesadilla en el Monte Maldito”: El Terror de La Sayona"

in #hive-19927511 months ago


Hace muchos años, en las tierras de Lara-Zulia, Venezuela, mi padre Eduardo, conocido cariñosamente como "El Negro," vivió una experiencia en Semana Santa, que lo atormentó de por vida. Fue un relato que solo compartía en voz baja y aterrado en las noches de tormenta, cuando la oscuridad y el viento parecían traer de vuelta los recuerdos de aquella tarde.

Era una tarde soleada y calurosa en la región de Lara-Zulia, una tierra de montañas majestuosas y bosques exuberantes. Eduardo, un hombre de carácter fuerte y un cazador experimentado, decidió embarcarse en una expedición de caza en el vasto monte de la región. El sol brillaba en lo alto, y el sonido de la naturaleza llenaba el aire mientras caminaba con su escopeta al hombro, buscando una presa digna. Su objetivo era encontrar un majestuoso venado para llevar a casa y compartir la carne con su familia.

Imagen de la Lara-Zulia en Google

Sin embargo, a medida que avanzaba más profundamente en el bosque, el sol comenzó a ocultarse detrás de las montañas y la sombra se apoderó de la espesura del bosque. Eduardo, inmerso en la caza, no notó cómo la tarde se desvanecía en la noche. Cuando finalmente se dio cuenta de la oscuridad que lo rodeaba, la inquietud comenzó a apoderarse de él. Trató de orientarse, pero la densa vegetación y la ausencia de senderos claros lo confundieron.

Pasaron horas y luego días. Eduardo se encontró perdido en medio de un monte oscuro, sin una brújula o señales para guiarlo de regreso. A medida que avanzaba, se dio cuenta de lo insondable que era la oscuridad de la noche en el bosque. La lluvia constante añadía una capa de miseria a su ya difícil situación. Se alimentaba de lo que podía encontrar y trataba de mantenerse a salvo de los peligros naturales que lo rodeaban, como culebras venenosas y trampas naturales.

Con el tiempo, la desesperación se apoderó de Eduardo. Aislado en medio de la nada, comenzó a escuchar voces susurrantes en la oscuridad. Estos murmullos parecían dirigirse a él en un idioma desconocido, y a medida que se repetían, la sensación de que algo lo observaba lo atormentaba. Durante el día, podía ver sombras fantasmales, hombres ahorcados como espíritus atormentados que habían perdido su camino en el monte.

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Imagen de Pinterest

Pero las noches eran las peores. El monte cobraba vida con misteriosos sonidos y susurros que parecían llenar la noche. Eduardo comenzó a sentir que no estaba solo en ese oscuro y lúgubre lugar. Veía sombras moviéndose entre los árboles, oía risas crueles y murmullos que lo atormentaban en su insomnio. Las pesadillas se volvieron su única compañía, y la idea de escapar del monte parecía cada vez más lejana.

Fue en una de esas noches interminables cuando escuchó un lamento distante. Era un llanto que resonaba en el silencio del monte, un sonido que le erizó la piel y le congeló el corazón. No podía distinguir de dónde provenía, pero lo atrajo como una sirena maldita. Siguió el sonido, sin saber que se dirigía hacia su peor pesadilla.

Mientras avanzaba entre los árboles, vio una figura emergiendo de las sombras. Era una mujer, vestida de blanco, con el cabello oscuro empapado por la lluvia. Sin embargo logro ver su rostro, estaba desfigurado y lleno de cicatrices. Era la misteriosa figura de La Sayona. Gritó en terror, ella lo miraba con una mirada llena de furia y desesperación. La Sayona se acercó lentamente, sus ojos inyectados en sangre fija en Eduardo. No pronunció palabra, pero su presencia era suficiente para llenar a Eduardo de un temor indescriptible.

Imagen de Pinterest

La figura de La Sayona se desvaneció de repente, dejándolo solo y desorientado en medio del monte. Aterrorizado, corrió en todas direcciones, tratando desesperadamente de encontrar su camino de regreso a la civilización. Pero el monte parecía conspirar contra él, cambiando su forma y distorsionando los sonidos, convirtiéndolo en un laberinto oscuro y desconcertante.

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Imagen de Pinterest

Finalmente, después de días de deambular en la oscuridad y la desesperación, los familiares y las autoridades locales se unieron para buscar a Eduardo. Lo encontraron en estado de shock, desnutrido y con la mirada vacía. Había sobrevivido a una pesadilla en el monte de Lara-Zulia.

La experiencia del "El Negro" se convirtió en una historia que se transmitió de generación en generación en la región. Los lugareños la contaban como una advertencia sobre los peligros de perderse en el monte y las pesadillas que podrían acechar en la oscuridad. Aquella noche en el monte se convirtió en una leyenda que dejó huella en la memoria de todos, recordando a todos que en la naturaleza, lo desconocido a menudo se cruza en el camino de los valientes. Las montañas de Lara-Zulia guardaban sus secretos, y Eduardo había sobrevivido para contarlo, pero su alma nunca encontraría la paz después de esa experiencia aterradora.

Imagen de Google: (cuentos y leyendas Venezolanas)



"Nightmare on the Cursed Mountain”: The Terror of La Sayona"

Many years ago, in the lands of Lara-Zulia, Venezuela, my father Eduardo, affectionately known as "El Negro," lived an experience during Holy Week that tormented him for life. It was a story that she only shared in a low, terrified voice on stormy nights, when the darkness and the wind seemed to bring back the memories of that afternoon.

It was a sunny and hot afternoon in the Lara-Zulia region, a land of majestic mountains and lush forests. Eduardo, a man of strong character and an experienced hunter, decided to embark on a hunting expedition in the vast mountains of the region. The sun was shining overhead, and the sound of nature filled the air as he walked with his shotgun over his shoulder, searching for worthy prey. His goal was to find a majestic deer to take home and share the meat with his family.

However, as he moved deeper into the forest, the sun began to set behind the mountains and shadow took over the thick forest. Eduardo, immersed in the hunt, did not notice how the afternoon faded into the night. When he finally became aware of the darkness around him, unease began to take over him. He tried to get his bearings, but the dense vegetation and lack of clear paths confused him.

Hours and then days passed. Eduardo found himself lost in the middle of a dark mountain, without a compass or signs to guide him back. As he moved forward, he realized how unfathomable the darkness of the night was in the forest. The constant rain added a layer of misery to their already difficult situation. He fed on what he could find and tried to stay safe from the natural dangers around him, such as poisonous snakes and natural traps.

Over time, despair took over Eduardo. Isolated in the middle of nowhere, he began to hear whispering voices in the darkness. These murmurs seemed to be addressed to him in an unknown language, and as they were repeated, the feeling that something was watching him tormented him. During the day, he could see ghostly shadows, hanged men like tormented spirits who had lost their way in the bush.

But the nights were the worst. The mountain came to life with mysterious sounds and whispers that seemed to fill the night. Eduardo began to feel that he was not alone in that dark and gloomy place. He saw shadows moving between the trees, heard cruel laughter and murmurs that tormented him in his insomnia. Nightmares became his only company, and the idea of ​​escaping the mountain seemed increasingly distant.

It was on one of those endless nights when he heard a distant cry. It was a cry that echoed in the silence of the mountain, a sound that made his skin crawl and froze his heart. He couldn't tell where it was coming from, but it drew him in like a damn siren. He followed the sound, not knowing that he was heading towards his worst nightmare.

As he moved through the trees, he saw a figure emerging from the shadows. It was a woman, dressed in white, with dark hair soaked from the rain. However, he managed to see his face, it was disfigured and full of scars. It was the mysterious figure of La Sayona. He screamed in terror, she looked at him with a look full of fury and despair. Sayona approached slowly, her bloodshot eyes fixed on Eduardo. He didn't say a word, but his presence was enough to fill Eduardo with indescribable fear.

La Sayona's figure suddenly vanished, leaving him alone and disoriented in the middle of the mountain. Terrified, he ran in all directions, desperately trying to find his way back to civilization. But the mountain seemed to conspire against him, changing its shape and distorting sounds, turning it into a dark and disconcerting labyrinth.

Finally, after days of wandering in darkness and despair, family members and local authorities came together to search for Eduardo. They found him in a state of shock, malnourished and with empty eyes. He had survived a nightmare in the mountains of Lara-Zulia.

The experience of "El Negro" became a story that was transmitted from generation to generation in the region. Locals told it as a warning about the dangers of getting lost in the mountains and the nightmares that could lurk in the dark. That night in the mountains became a legend that left its mark on everyone's memory, reminding everyone that in nature, the unknown often crosses the path of the brave. The mountains of Lara-Zulia kept their secrets, and Eduardo had survived to tell the tale, but his soul would never find peace after that terrifying experience.



$PIZZA slices delivered:
@kemmyb(2/5) tipped @leydeatraccionkm

An interesting myth that you share with us, I love these stories because they remind me of past childhood times where ghosts and mystical creatures were the protagonists of terrifying nights.

Thanks for sharing.
Good day.

Thank you for reading, a fascinating real-life story... while I was writing it I could feel the terror that my dad lived through. Today it is a story that has become a tradition at this time of year. My daughter loves it. 🙂

What a terrifying experience for Eduardo, to look into the bloodshot eyes of the vengeful ghost, La Sayona! I don't think anyone would be okay after such a nightmare. Interesting!

Thanks so much for participating in the Scholar N Scribe Invitational. Good luck. 😊 !PIZZA

@kemmyb Totally terrifying, at 79 years old, every time he tells it, his expressions are incredible, he always says that he is alive thanks to a miracle from heaven.