The Misunderstood part 2 (Eleonor's dark and perverse secret) / El Incomprendido parte 2 (El oscuro y perverso secreto de Eleonor)
The last two days have passed with total normality in the Abott family home, Jared has attended classes and has returned in time for dinner, Eleonor has taken advantage of her husband Steven's absence to get closer to the boy who has begun to empathize with her so they get along better and Jared begins to be more affectionate. Dad has kept his promises and every time he calls he asks to talk to his son and the little boy is happy when he notices that his father takes him into account. It's Thursday and the clock strikes 7:35 am, Jarde doesn't have classes until 1 pm and since he has done all his homework he still doesn't get up but Eleonor tells him that breakfast is served and as if to save his life he jumps out of bed, goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth, comb his hair, change his pajamas and goes down to the kitchen to enjoy some delicious pancakes that Eleonor has prepared: your father will call at 11 o'clock when he does, I'll let you know so you can talk to him, the boy's eyes light up and with a big smile he nods his head.
Los últimos dos días han transcurrido con total normalidad en la casa de la familia Abott, Jared ha asistido a clases y ha regresado a tiempo para la cena, Eleonor ha aprovechado la ausencia de su esposo Steven para lograr acercarse al niño quien ha empezado a empatizar con ella por lo que se la llevan mejor y Jared comienza a mostrarse mas afectuoso. Papá por su parte ha cumplido con lo prometido y cada vez que llama solicita hablar con su hijo y el pequeño se alegra cuando nota que su padre lo toma en cuenta. Es jueves y el reloj marca las 7:35 am, Jarde no tiene clases sino hasta la 1 pm y ya que hizo todas sus tareas aún no se levanta pero Eleonor le avisa que el desayuno está servido y como si de salvar su vida se tratara sale de su cama de un salto, entra al baño para cepillarse los dientes, peinarse, cambiarse la pijama y baja hasta la cocina para disfrutar de unos deliciosos panqueques que ha preparado Eleonor: tu padre llamará a las 11 en punto cuando lo haga te aviso para que hables con él, los ojos del niño se iluminan y con una gran sonrisa asiente con su cabeza
Jared is locked in his room playing a video game when he hears Eleonor's voice: Jared, it's your father hurry up! the boy quickly goes to his father's room to talk to him on the phone and when he opens the door he finds Eleonor sitting in the middle of the bed covered only with her bath towel, Jared is surprised but paralyzed; go ahead Jared, come closer, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you! Without knowing what is happening Jared approaches Eleonor who extends her right hand for him to come closer to her, Jared obeys and when he has the boy's hand he proceeds to place it on top of her right breast forcing Jared to squeeze and massage it immediately the boy feels his throat dry and fear begins to take over his body; shhhhh! calm down little boy, it's all right! Not knowing what to do and being a prey of nerves Jared just wants to run away but his muscles don't respond, his heart is racing and when he thinks it will be over soon Eleonor who now looks at him with perverse eyes, takes Jared's other hand to place it on his crotch and spreads his legs further apart until the boy's hand touches his private parts, She grabs the index, middle and ring fingers and proceeds to introduce them into her vagina making a back and forth movement repeatedly which makes her back stretch, her head goes backwards, her face is looking at the ceiling and her mouth opens and she starts moaning with pleasure.
Jared esta encerrado en su habitación entretenido con un videojuego cuando escucha la voz de Eleonor: Jared, es tu padre apresúrate! el niño rápidamente se dirige a la habitación de su padre para hablar con el por teléfono y al abrir la puerta encuentra a Eleonor sentada en en centro de la cama cubierta solo con su toalla de baño, Jared se sorprende pero está paralizado; adelante Jared, acércate, no tengas miedo, no te haré daño! sin saber que sucede Jared se acerca hasta Eleonor quien le extiende su mano derecha para que se acerque mas a ella, Jared obedece y cuando tiene la mano del niño procede a colocarla encima de su seno derecho obligando a Jared a que apriete a masajee inmediatamente el niño siente como su garganta se seca y el miedo comienza a apoderarse de su cuerpo; shhhhh! cálmate pequeño, todo está bien! sin saber que hacer y presa de los nervios Jared solo quiere salir corriendo pero sus músculos no responden, su corazón está acelerado y cuando cree que todo acabara pronto Eleonor que ahora lo mira con ojos de perversión, toma la otra mano de Jared para colocarla en su entrepierna y separa mas sus piernas hasta que la mano del niño toca sus partes intimas, agarra los dedos índice, medio y anular y procede a introducirlos en su vagina haciendo un movimiento de atrás hacia adelante repetitivamente lo que hace que su espalda se estire, su cabeza vaya hacia atrás, su cara quede viendo al techo y su boca se abra comenzando a emitir gemidos
Jared does not understand what is happening, he just wants to run and start crying, Eleonor seems possessed by an evil entity, with her eyes half closed she keeps moaning, her vagina is soaked and the spasms begin to make themselves felt in her, Jared can not believe that the woman who hours ago had managed to begin to gain his trust is this same woman; She, who seems to be about to burst, lets go of the boy's hand with which he gropes her breast and holds him by the chin to bring him closer to her and kiss him on the mouth introducing her tongue in his mouth, he struggles until he manages to get free and runs out of the room, his stepmother tries to stop him calling him with a trembling voice but Jared keeps running until he locks himself in his room. Frustrated at not being able to get the boy back, she turns to her nightstand and sees a deodorant roll on and proceeds to insert it into her vagina to finish her wicked deed. In his room Jared feels like a rabbit running away from a hungry wolf, his tears don't stop coming, he feels that his chest wants to burst and he is only aware of the fear he feels now, more than 2 hours have passed and the house is in total silence, the images of his stepmother using him to satiate her low instincts are repeated in his mind over and over again, his eyes hurt from crying so much and he is about to fall asleep when he is awakened by an impulse; he wants to go to Eleonor's room to see what is going on. Silently he leaves his room and crosses the corridor quickly, his stepmother's room has the door ajar, he stealthily opens it and his look turns incredulous to see that she is not in her bed, a juuu! surprises him and he turns quickly to realize that Eleonor is behind him, he tries to run but she holds him by both arms and forces him to be facing her, a long sigh comes from Eleonor who changes her face and asks him: did you like it, do you want more? Jared shakes his head but the perverse woman forces him back into her room.
Jared no comprende lo que pasa, solo quiere correr y comenzar a llorar, Eleonor parece poseída por un ente maligno, con los ojos entrecerrados no deja de emitir gemidos que hacen que el miedo en el niño siga acrecentándose, su vagina está empapada y los espasmos empiezan a hacerse sentir en ella, Jared no puede creer que la mujer que horas atrás había logrado comenzar a ganarse su confianza sea esta misma; ella quien pareciera estar a punto de reventar suelta la mano del niño con la que este le manosea el seno y lo sujeta por la barbilla para acercarlo mas a ella y besarlo en la boca introduciendo su lengua en la boca del niño, el forcejea hasta que logra zafarse y sale corriendo de la habitación, su madrastra intenta detenerlo llamándolo con voz temblorosa pero Jared sigue corriendo hasta encerrase en su cuarto. Frustrada por no poder conseguir que el niño regrese, voltea hacia su mesa de noche y ve un desodorante roll on y procede a introducirlo en su vagina para terminar su perverso cometido. En su habitación Jared se siente como un conejo que huye de un lobo hambriento, sus lagrimas no dejan de salir, siente que su pecho quiere reventar y solo es consiente del temor que siente ahora, han pasado mas de 2 horas y la casa se encuentra en total silencio, las imágenes de su madrastra utilizándolo para saciar sus bajos instintos se repiten en su mente una y otra vez, los ojos le duelen de tanto llorar y está a punto de quedarse dormido cuando lo despierta un impulso; quiere ir a la habitación de Eleonor a ver que sucede. En silencio sale de su cuarto y atraviesa el pasillo rápidamente, la habitación de su madrastra tiene la puerta entreabierta sigilosamente abre n sus mirada se torna incrédula a ver que esta no está en su cama, un juuu! lo sorprende y voltea rápidamente para percatrse que Eleonor atrás detrás de él, intenta correr pero ella lo sostiene por ambos brazos y lo obliga a estar de frente a ella, un largo suspiro sale de Eleonor quien cambia su semblante y le pregunta: te gustó?, quieres mas? Jared niega con su cabeza pero la perversa mujer lo obliga a entrar nuevamente a su cuarto
Eleonor is still dressed only in a bath towel and sits the boy on her bed to calm him down, Jared on the other hand does not stop crying, she tells him that everything is fine, that nothing is wrong and that if he collaborates it will be better for him, Tired of struggling Jared nods and she releases him to open the zipper of the boy's pants and proceeds to grope him, surprisingly Jared hits her and runs to his room, the enraged woman follows him through the hallway but the telephone bell that starts ringing makes him stop and he runs to answer the call. Steven my love, everything is fine, how is your work day going? we miss you very much! the father talks to his wife but he demands to talk to his son and she tells him that Jared is not at home, he has already left for school, Steven is convinced and is about to hang up when he hears from the other side of the phone the voice of his son shouting: DADDY, HELP! THIS WOMAN IS BAD, SHE'S BAD DADDY!!!!
So far this post, and soon we will continue discovering the outcome of this story... To be continued...
Hasta aquí este post, ya pronto seguiremos descubriendo el desenlace de esta historia... Continuará...