Text Adventure - Crawdads and Cryptids.

in #hive-1992752 years ago

The following prompt IS THE LAST OF THE TEXT ADVENTURES that I launched before s&s tokens were live. The whole story so far was written by @dibblers.dabs, @cryptoniusrex and I [they are placed at 33.33% bene each]. I thought it would be a good story to relaunch with more users. I changed some of the story so the prompt isn't a straight up copy/paste.

COMMENT BELOW TO PARTICIPATE. Vote for entries that you like. At any point you can reply to a comment and start a new thread/storyline. No word count limit or requirement. I will curate all comments within reason.

P.S obviously anyone should add artwork if they want to!

P.P.S This story is in THIRD person. The man walked down the opening. Cryptonius opened the jar etc. It is also in the PRESENT tense. The man runs etc.

P.P.P.S This story is of an ADULT nature and recommended for a +18 audience. If you do not enjoy comedy writing turn back now.



Cryptoniusrex and Taco-pizza are driving down a dusty dirt road between thick rows of pine trees. They were bouncing up and down from the rough uneven patches in the gravel as they drove quickly. The scenery was zooming by in a blur. "We really need to get rid of the Crawdad logo on our Van," says Taco-pizza. "We got some really weird looks from the locals back in town." All of a sudden, the van hit a big hole in the ground. A tackle box flies into Taco-pizza's lap. "Fuck!" He yells loudly. "We need to clean up this damned van."

The Van is full of fishing line, tackle boxes, big nets, industrial rope, pullies, floating buoys, several large fish tanks, food wrappers, crushed soda bottles and several orange safety cones.

"Stop the car!" Yells Taco-pizza. Cryptonius slams on the breaks and the car swerves around randomly before coming to a halt in front of a large tree on the side of the road. "Look!" says Taco, pointing out the side window of the van. There was a small log cabin ten feet from the road built into the side of the hill. A large sign says "Cheap Firewood: Knock on Door." There was no fencing or property line and no grass lawn in front of the Cabin.

Taco knocks hard on the door of the log cabin.

A man wearing strange animal fir clothing and jean shorts hobbled out of the door. He is leaning on a wooden cane and clutching a Budweiser can in his left hand. He smelled of cheap hand rolled cigarettes and incense. "What do you want," the old man says with an angry frown. He looks over at the van with a Crawdad logo on it. "We are here to buy some firewood," said Taco-pizza firmly. "No you aint!" Says the old man. "You boys have out of state license plates and it's the middle of summer!"

"We are looking for Lake Infinity," Crytonius blurts out.

The old man pauses for a moment and thought. "You boys are catching Crawdads?" The old man asks, gesturing to the van. "There's loads of Crawdads in Lake Infinity." The man coughs and then spits onto the ground. "You boys better clear out before nighttime though. This whole area is haunted. Lots of paranormal activity. People go missing." The man sighs. "Why haven't you gone missing," says Cryptonius with a skeptical tone. "My people have a belief," says the old man gesturing to his log cabin on the side of the hill. " If you go underneath the earth during the nighttime, you will not be harmed by evil spirits." The man turns around and starts to close the door. "Good luck," he yells.

The old man had also given the directions to Lake Infinity. "Drive slowly forward until you see a sideways trail veering left into the tree line." They would have missed the trail on their own for sure. They had to drive slowly now: The van was inches from a rows of trees. They could hear pine needles and branches hitting the outside of the vehicle. "Do me a favor," says Taco. "Don't get bit by a rattle snake out here or anything. This is the most remote area I've ever seen. Good thing we brought extra gas!" All of a sudden Cryptonius hit the brakes and the van came to a screeching halt. It turns out they almost drove the van right into the lake!

The lake was small. They set up some fishing lines on one side and then start moving rocks around to look for crawdads. "Do you believe that old guy?" Says Cryptonius. He takes a step into the water with his leather boots. There was a splash of muddied water. "The drunk superstitious guy?" Says Taco smiling. "Did you see his cabin? It looks like a gorilla built it." They scoop Crawdads into nets and then plop= them into buckets of water at the edge of the lake. By the time they filled up all their buckets, it was already dark.

They pack everything into the back of the van and then hop in and put their seatbelts on. "Let's get the fuck out of here," says Taco. "Hold on." Cryptonius took out the keys and put them into the ignition. He turns the keys, but nothing happens. "Shit!" He turns it over and over and nothing happens. The electronics were completely dead. "We are screwed now," said Cryptonius. He sighs. "We can just sleep in the van tonight," Says Taco. "In the morning we can try and get it started". Cryptonius looks shocked. "No fucking way am I sleeping here tonight." He shifts his hands around. "We could get eaten by bigfoot, abducted by aliens, raped by wolfman, haunted by ghouls, screeched at by banshees ... Taco-pizza looks impatient. "Okay I get it!" He took out a quarter from his pocket. "Here," he says. "We will flip for it. Heads says we sleep in the van. Tails says we walk a few miles to that crazy guys hut and YOU can ask him to sleep over."

Cryptonius had no hope of course. Taco-pizza always carries a trick quarter with him for just such occasions. So the coin toss inevitably came up heads, dooming the two to a long evening of listening to bigfoot's sweet nothings through the thin walls of the van while the aliens and wolfmen patiently awaited their turn.

Purely by chance, the van they had purchased for the trip had been sold to them by a local that had moved away from the area. The crawdad logo was painted over an ancient charm that helped ward off bad luck, and unbeknownst to Cryptonius and Taco, the roof of the van had been filled with earth. This combined with the hidden charm, offered some measure of safety through the harrowing night- as long as they were within the van they were "beneath the earth", as the old man had said.

Neither one of the two got any sleep as they watched the parade of horrors through the windows and windshield. Bigfoot, it seemed, had taken quite a shine to Taco and kept walking down his side of the van; grunting and winking lewdly. Cryptonius had other things to worry about. The aliens were attempting to communicate with him with some sort of telepathy.

Come outside under the night sky. We have so much to teach you. We just want to meet you!

The wolfman just howled.

The crawdads in their bucket by the lake were able to make their escape back to the water as their bucket was knocked over by a passing ghoul.

There were still 7 hours until dawn broke...

Cryptonius tries to shake Taco-pizza awake. "Listen ... I don't give a shit if it's wintertime!" Said Taco with his eyes closed. "I'm not paying $800 for a pound of this crap!" He rolled over in his sleeping bag. "Why wake him up from such a good dream," Cryptonius whispers to himself and chuckles.

Cryptonius opens the van door very slowly and slips his shoes on. "Close the damn door!" Taco yells in a sleepy tone.

Cryptonius slips quietly away from the white van. The moon was full and shining down on Lake Infinity. The night was bright. Cryptonius can see all around the pine tree forest. The air is still, but the night was brisk and fresh. And quiet ... too quiet. Cryptonius looks up and saw a satellite slowly traveling across the sky. "What a beautiful night," he whispers to himself. Cryptonius stretchs his arms and yawns. "All of a sudden a hypnotic voice in his head whispers "Keep walking forward." Cryptonius starts to take a few steps away from the van and the lake.

Cryptonius steps on a large branch on the ground that broke into two pieces with a loud SNAP. He suddenly snaps out of his trance. "Taco!" He yells with an upset tone. "Get out here NOW!" Taco-pizza fell out of the Van. He was wearing a tee shirt and boxer shorts. He had one black sock on. "I had the weirdest dream," says Taco in a tired voice. "I was Obama's drug dealer" Taco smiles. "He was very strict but the money was great." Taco starts scratching his belly button. "Then Michelle brought me into the broom closet and started ..." Cryptonius interrupts him. "Listen! We need to get the fuck out of here NOW." Taco looks concerned. "Where are we going?" "The old mans house," said Cryptonius grabbing onto Taco-pizza and dragging him down the road away from the van.

"But" said Taco-pizza. "Uuuaahhp, not hearing it" interrupts Cryptonius. "We're going to the cabin, something's after us" he pants. They sprint through the forest until Taco-pizza stopped and Cryptonius stopped in turn. "Wait... What the fuck are you on about?" replies Taco as he wrestles free from Cryptonius' grip. "I'm talking about whatever the fuck that thing is following us" Says Cryptonius as he points. Taco turns around to see it: He cannot believe his eyes.

[Remember this story is in the PRESENT tense. He "looks" NOT he "looked" etc. I have had to do TONS of editing on each text adventure so far because of this. If you quote someone in this story it is: "He yells" NOT "He yelled" etc. I might not curate people if they fuck this up in the future. 🤣 PLEASE edit your comments. Make sure it is in PRESENT tense and THIRD person for this story.]


Standing in front of them, about 20 meters away, is Obama. Or something like that. The light of the waning moon does not allow them to appreciate the details, but what they can see leaves them terrified. He is wearing a very low-cut T-shirt and has huge breasts with animal, wolf-like hair coming out of them. Her legs are very short, like crocodile legs. "Hey, guys, how are you?" the thing says. Its voice sounds like Tom Waits. "I'm looking for my little dog that got lost in the woods."
Cryptonius and Taco step back cautiously, as whatever is talking to them approaches showing them a photocopy with a picture of a little dog. "I give reward in dogecoin," it says. They look at each other briefly and somehow decide to run off at the same time. (How wonderful how terror connects people, don't you think). They run for a few minutes and stop to rest in a tree. They look back. No one is coming.
"Taco," says Cryptonius, "did you dream that shit? I guess somehow your dream came true." "Don't mess with my dreams, dude." "Couldn't you have dreamed about a normal person, a beach paradise, a picnic in the park?" A rustling of dry leaves interrupts them. "Ok, what was the last thing you dreamt about?" asks Taco. "We'd better run, man."

Translated with DeepL

"What did you dream about," asks Taco again with an alarmed tone as they both run. "I dreamt about the book The Sphere," says Cryptonius. The book where everything you think about comes true. "Isn't there a giant Squid in that book?" asks Taco-pizza between breaths. "Maybe if we catch it, we could sell it to that hick indian. "Native American!" Cryptonius corrects Taco in a stern tone.