Recently I was looking a bit into the number of posts and comments on Hive. I have done this regularly in the past, but its been a while.
Obviously the numbers for posts has been going down in 2022 - 2023, as expected, and as it usually happens.
These are posts per month. Even with the drop here, it is not as significant as the price drop.
But then when we look at the number of comments per month we get this.
The number here are almost constant during the whole 2022. There are some drops in November - December, but for just a bit.
At the end when we plot the comments to posts ratio on a monthly basis we get this.
Comments per Posts
We can clearly see the up trend here. From 5 at the beginning of 2022, to 7.5 now, or an increase of 50% in the ratio.
Some might think that the apps like the new leothreads are making this change, but that is still a new thing, and compared to the whole Hive ecosystem the share of leo posts/comments is still small. This is a sign for the overall ecosystem that it is getting more engaged and commenting.
Its interesting to see the social dynamic taking over, even though as we know, comments are not rewarded as posts, but obviously they are growing :).